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USS Midway (NI6IW) Special Event; commemorating USS Midway’s arrival at San Diego’s Navy Pier

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by WA6LT, Jan 11, 2025.

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  1. WA6LT

    WA6LT Ham Member QRZ Page

    The USS Midway aircraft carrier (CV-41) museum ship (NI6IW) in San Diego CA will be conducting a Special Event this Saturday 11 January 2025 commemorating USS Midway’s arrival at San Diego’s Navy Pier on January 10, 2004 to begin final conversion to operate as a museum. We will be operating from 1700Z to 2400Z. We will be on 14.320 and 7.250 MHz SSB, and on various HF frequencies for PSK and CW. We will also be on D-STAR via various Papa system repeaters.

    For QSL card please send self-addressed stamped envelope to:
    USS Midway Museum Ship, COMEDTRA
    910 N Harbor Drive
    San Diego CA 92101
    KI4ZUQ likes this.

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