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The QRZ Jumpstart Program Gave Away 2000 Radios and We're Not Done Yet

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Nov 2, 2022.

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  1. AA7BQ

    AA7BQ QRZ Founder QRZ HQ Staff QRZ Page

    About 2 years ago, I had an idea; "What can QRZ do to help new hams get onboard and integrated into our community?" After considering many ideas and speaking with our premier sponsor,, we came up with a package that placed a brand new radio, RT Systems software, and a 30 day Premium QRZ subscription into the hands of any person who has been licensed within the past 30 days. To say that the program has been a success would be an understatement. Every single day since the program started, new hams have come to our site in droves. We've come to the end of the two month window that we planned and we've given away 2000 brand new handheld radios to newly licensed hams in the USA, at no charge. I can't think of any precedent for this. And, we're not done yet!

    With the help of our sponsors, we've been able to find a way to keep the program going, albeit with a small investment by the new ham. Going forward, the QRZ Jumpstart Package will still be available to new hams but expect to pay $21.99 at checkout. It's still a very, very good deal for just a few dollars. We sincerely hope that it will help nearly as many new hams as the original program did.

    Here are the details:

    QRZ, GigaParts and RT Systems have teamed up to offer another incredible package deal with subsidized prices only for new hams:

    Explorer QRZ-1 VHF/UHF Radio        $59.95

    Programming cable                  $14.99

    RT Systems Programming Software     $34.99


                                   $109.93 value

                                 Only $21.99 ** 80% OFF THE RETAIL PRICE! **

    With this new deal structure, we are able to expand the eligibility window to 6 months, and include the programming cable with every Jumpstart package. Each package also includes a welcome pack with additional discounts and helpful tips for new hams. And, participants will still receive the free 30 day Premium QRZ subscription.

    Purpose of the Jumpstart Program

    This program is designed to promote amateur radio to the masses, helping to eliminate a possible
    barrier to entry by providing new hams with a good quality first radio at a very affordable price. The Jumpstart program will provide the
    QRZ-1 radio to new hams who meet eligibility requirements.

    New hams who have obtained their first license from the FCC within the 6 month period before submitting an application are eligible.

    The eligible ham must have a QRZ user account and be able to log in and apply for the award. Certain types of identification, including a photo ID, may be required. This information is not shared or exchanged with any party and is used only to validate eligibility under this program. Additional shipping charges may apply.

    This program is available to amateur radio operators licensed in the USA and expires March 31, 2023, or while supplies last.

    How to participate:

    To participate, complete the application process at Jumpstart packages will be begin shipping the week of November 7, 2022.

    QRZ New Ham Jumpstart Program.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2022
    K8LJM, AA1AB, KC3VAA and 19 others like this.
  2. N4MTJ

    N4MTJ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I am 10 years old and just pass my test. I do not have a government ID, what can I do?
    KC3VAA, AC3PV, KI7YBU and 14 others like this.
  3. KF7WIS

    KF7WIS QRZ CEO QRZ HQ Staff Volunteer Moderator Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I've sent you a message with some information.
    Thanks for your interest in the program and congratulations on your new license!
    K0ACS, KC3VAA, AC3PV and 8 others like this.
  4. KI5VIG

    KI5VIG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    My son is in the same situation. He is 11 and just received his Technician callsign. He is KI5YQL
    I've been away from home for work but will be home tomorrow and will get him registered for a QRZ account.

    Thank you for implementing this great program!

    KC3VAA, AC3PV, K7LDD and 6 others like this.
  5. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Many old timers are gratified that younger, new Techs are coming on board! We welcome you and hope you explore 'beyond the stubbie whip' what ham radio has to offer you and the many great people in it.

    Chip W1YW
    AC3PV, N0JRK, KA5RAN and 3 others like this.
  6. W2JLD

    W2JLD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Once we get them on board, how long will they stay is the do we as a whole keep them around?
    K6PLR, KK3Q, K6CBK and 4 others like this.
  7. VE7VCK

    VE7VCK Ham Member QRZ Page

    What about us Canadian hams, can we get in on this?
  8. W2JLD

    W2JLD Ham Member QRZ Page

    to bad the rac does not do anything like this
  9. KI5YQL

    KI5YQL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm 11 and recently earned my Technician license. Could you please send me this information also? Thank you for your help.
    KC3VAA, AC3PV, KC5HWB and 2 others like this.
  10. KI5VIG

    KI5VIG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    KI5YQL placed his order this morning! Thank you so much for your help! 73!
    AC3PV, AJ4LN and KO4RUL like this.
  11. KC1RVK

    KC1RVK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very smart program. It was one of the things that pushed me over the edge to finally get my license (at almost 50 years old) and now I’m studying for my General. Great radio! I even added some accessories. Good job boosting this wonderful hobby QRZ and Gigaparts!
    KC3VAA, AC3PV and KI5VIG like this.
  12. KK7HDY

    KK7HDY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Would a School ID work as well? Or does it have to be government issued?
    AC3PV and KI5VIG like this.
  13. W2TI

    W2TI QRZ Lifetime Member #626 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    How do we contribute to this program to provide more radios?
    AC3PV, KK3Q, KI5RBT and 3 others like this.
  14. KF0IZU

    KF0IZU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you for extending the program.
    I was first licensed on 05/04/2022.
    I attempted to use the above Jumpstart link ( but the link page comes up and says only those licensed in last 30 days are eligible; your message above says last 6 months.
    Is there a different link to use to get the discounted jumpstart offer?
    Thank you.
    Annmarie KF0IZU
    KI5WKN and KA0USE like this.
  15. AJ4LN

    AJ4LN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Now to get them into HF. That's where the fun is (at least for me, opinions vary).
    AC3PV, W1YW, N2TPA and 1 other person like this.

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