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The new Buddistick Pro from Buddipole, Inc.

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W4FDT, Sep 4, 2021.

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  1. W4FDT

    W4FDT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Check out the new Buddistick Pro from Buddipole, Inc. It is being released this week, if its not on the site, you can email them to get it before it hits their site. Ive used this antenna since January with great results, getting my KILO award from POTA.

    MW7OFS, K4MID, K8CGS and 10 others like this.
  2. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Cost is a turn off for me. I am sure its great and their customer service was exceptional when I needed them but I can do more for a lot less including 80.
    MW7OFS, N6XJP, K9GLS and 4 others like this.
  3. AJ6KZ

    AJ6KZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I always thought the Buddipole systems looked pretty slick, but as a SOTA operator just a bit too involved for me.
    K1MDA, N6XJP and M1WML like this.
  4. WX4CAZ

    WX4CAZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nice and easy, just what I wanted. Thanks
    W4FDT and M1WML like this.
  5. K5QBF

    K5QBF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Awesome video, the antenna works very well. We got a ZL station from Monte Sano on CW.
    ZL4MB, KB0NMQ and M1WML like this.
  6. N3IOE

    N3IOE XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I already have a Buddistick. Outstanding portable antenna. Hope they also sell the collapsible tripod separate from the new Buddistick Pro. I think there would be a huge market for this. I'd be interested in purchasing the tripod.
    N5EVV, KA4VNM, KA0USE and 1 other person like this.
  7. N6XJP

    N6XJP Ham Member QRZ Page

    I’ve had a Buddistick for many years. Way too fiddly. Way too unstable in my desert winds. The first time it topples everything breaks. I no longer use it for portable.
    W3KW, N1KDO, W4FDT and 1 other person like this.
  8. UT7UX

    UT7UX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Chinese replicas there are. I don't think they would be interesting for US hams as they aren't noticeable cheaper than the original (I can say nothing towards quality as I never evaluated them). Meanwhile for overseas customers delivery fee from the US will be huge so Chinese 'free shipping' makes the replica's price much more affordable.
  9. W5MIL

    W5MIL Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've never used a "portable" antenna but I ordered a Chameleon MPAS 2.0 on July 8 and it still hasn't shipped. If Chameleon doesn't get it to me by 2027, I might have to go for this Buddistick.
    NR2O, KD2DJM and KA0USE like this.
  10. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    I would not hold it against them. Supply chain is broken and they can't plan for a new youtube vids creating a mass of sales. But to be honest If I was going to spend big bucks on one I would go with buddipole. Like I said above they always were quick on the phone and quick to resolve any issue.
    W5MIL likes this.
  11. N3IOE

    N3IOE XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Don't know how much creditably to give it, but the Buddistick is rated higher than the Buddipole on
    Buddistick 4.7 Stars 62 Reviews
    Buddipole 4.5 Stars 210 Reviews
  12. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    These antenna seems to be outstanding.A portable nice and easy to install Groundplane with a special massive separate earthing. Cant get better for portable needs when doing POTA or SOTA.
  13. AJ6KZ

    AJ6KZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I do a lot of SOTA and I prefer to take my extremely light weight linked EFHW, which sets up very quickly. I'd say you can do better for SOTA. Having said that, I have always thought the Buddipole system looked neat, but why not just go for a linked dipole at a fraction of the cost?
    N6XJP, KC7JNJ and HB9EAJ like this.
  14. KA1YBS

    KA1YBS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    The Buddistick is suitable for a SOTA expedition in my opinion, though I personally get away with lighter stuff, like wire. For a rocky summit, I use the diminutive, albeit limited (20/17m resonant) Elecraft AX-1 vertical and a counterpoise wire or two.

    The Buddi-systems are a good product. The folks that run the company are very helpful. I've chatted with them at Dayton. The Wolf River Coils won me over as a cheaper alternative, however. For POTA, I have used the WRC in a dipole and vertical configuration. Had a ton of fun with both!

    Both are very flexible designs, however, both can be fiddly to band-change with. The tuning almost always requires some kind of SWR analyzer to speed up the process, especially when running a dual-coil dipole configuration (Buddipole or Wolf River "Otophone Dipole"). You can tune "by ear" if you practice enough with the coil(s), however, the length of the whips are tricky without prior markings or help using a VNA. The Buddipole/stick does have some helpful tuning instructions that you can read before purchase.

    The Buddi-system gives you most of the goodies in a bag, where Wolf River, you have to really order a couple different systems to match. Make sure to guy these things. I couldn't recommend one over the other. Superb portable stuff!
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2021
    N6XJP and W4FDT like this.
  15. W4FDT

    W4FDT Ham Member QRZ Page

    sometimes when you have to make it light for portable use, well.. its light so any type of abuse from wind or conditions will affect the antenna. I dont work for Buddipole but ive used their products for years. Ive had to purchase an extra whip myself one time but it was my mistake, I didnt guy the antenna like I knew i should and it fell over and the whip broke.
    N6XJP likes this.

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