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The ARRL Letter, September 2, 2021

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WW1ME, Sep 2, 2021.

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  1. WW1ME

    WW1ME Ham Member QRZ Page

    The ARRL Letter
    September 2, 2021

    Rick Lindquist, WW1ME, Editor

    [Note: Clicking on the story links below will take you to the news article as it appears in The ARRL Letter on the ARRL website.]
    Hurricane Watch Net, VoIP Hurricane Net Reports Valuable to Forecasters During Ida

    The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) and the VoIP Hurricane Net (VoIP WX) were busy gathering ground-truth weather observations from radio amateurs as Hurricane Ida slammed into the Louisiana Gulf Coast on August 29 as a powerful Category 4 storm. ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) teams in Mississippi activated. Ida wrought extensive damage, especially in Louisiana and Mississippi, and left some 1 million customers in New Orleans and elsewhere without power — and some communities without water. Downgraded to a tropical depression, Ida continued its path up the eastern seaboard, causing further flash flooding and damage and even spawning a few tornadoes in the mid-Atlantic states. The storm shut down New York City’s subways as well as rail and air traffic in New Jersey before moving into New England. At least 10 people died in the region as a result of the storm.

    For the HWN, it was all hands on deck on Sunday, August 29, as the net resumed operation on both 14.325 MHz and 7.268 MHz. “We had a great number of reporting stations throughout the day and well into the evening,” HWN Manager Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, said. “Unfortunately, there were times in which propagation completely disappeared.”

    All told, the HWN was activated for 26 hours over the weekend, fielding reports ranging from mild winds to very high winds and torrential rainfall.

    The VoIP Hurricane Net activation for Hurricane Ida wrapped up on Monday, August 30 after handling dozens of reports from stations in the affected area of Hurricane Ida that were sent to WX4NHC, the National Hurricane Center Amateur Radio Station.

    VoIP Hurricane Net Manager Rob Macedo, KD1CY, said radio amateurs on the N5OZG repeater system “provided constant ground truth from areas in and around New Orleans,” with N5OZG relaying numerous reports of damage to trees, power poles, and structures, as well as flooding. “Many other amateurs on the N5OZG repeater system provided ground truth into the VoIP Hurricane Net despite dealing with direct and significant impacts to their communities and property,” Macedo said. “All of these reports were also sent to WX4NHC, the amateur radio station at the National Hurricane Center, as well.” Net control stations across the US also assisted with reporting and monitoring.

    The Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) in Mississippi activated on August 29 with several nets. Southeast Mississippi District Emergency Coordinator Justin Gleason, KF7DLW, was contacted by WDAM-TV in Moselle, Mississippi, to set up a station that would be available to help keep WDAM personnel updated on Ida’s progress through HWN and VoIP traffic, state traffic, and digital nets in the event of a power or internet outage at WDAM.

    On Sunday, August 29, VHF ARES nets were activated around the state for the purpose of passing weather reports, health-and-welfare traffic, and damage reports as needed.

    Both the Mississippi ARES Emergency Net and the Mississippi Winlink Net activated on August 29. The Winlink Net operated until 1800 on August 30, passing 80 messages, which were copied to KM5EMA, the Winlink station at the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency.

    “While Mississippi avoided major catastrophe, the ARES teams were well equipped and prepared to provide the communication support that we count on them for,” Mississippi Public Information Coordinator Caleb Rich, K5RFL, said. Read an expanded version.

    FEMA Announces HF Interoperability Activity on 60-Meter Channels 1 and 2

    Channels 1 and 2 on 60 meters will be available starting on August 30 for interoperability between US government and US amateur radio

    stations involved in Hurricane Ida emergency communications. This situation will remain in place until the storm has passed and the need for these channels no longer exists, or on September 6, whichever comes first.

    These frequencies will be used: Channel 1 Primary voice traffic 5332 kHz channel center, 5330.5 kHz USB voice; and Channel 2 digital traffic 5348 kHz channel center, 5346.5 kHz USB with 1.5 kHz offset to center of digital waveform.

    Stations on 60 meters are asked to yield to operational traffic related to Hurricane Ida. The federal government is primary on 60 meters, and amateur radio is secondary, on a non-interference basis.

    FCC Grants 60-Day Waiver of Part 97 Data Rate Rules for Hurricane Relief Traffic

    In an August 30 Order, the FCC granted a temporary waiver sought by ARRL to facilitate relief communications related to Hurricane Ida. The waiver also applies to relief communications directly related to any future hurricane within the next 60 days. The waiver permits radio amateurs handling hurricane relief communications on HF to use any protocol that would comply with the FCC’s rules but for the symbol rate limits.

    In its request, ARRL said that Section 97.307(f) of the FCC’s Amateur Service rules prevents the use on HF of certain protocols capable of higher data rate emissions that many amateur stations are capable of using while active in emergency communications preparedness. ARRL asserted that higher data rates can be critical to timely transmission of relief communications, such as lists of needed and distributed supplies. ARRL noted that radio amateurs are working with federal, state, and local emergency management officials to assist in the communications efforts.

    On August 28, the FCC orally granted ARRL’s request to immediately facilitate relief communications related to Hurricane Ida. The FCC has granted temporary waivers in the past to allow faster protocols to be used for disaster relief communications, including Hurricane Laura, Hurricane Maria, typhoon relief communications in Hawaii, and Hurricane Dorian.

    The Commission noted that the waivers are necessary because Section 97.307(f) limits the symbol rate at which the carrier waveform amplitude, frequency, and/or phase is varied to transmit information for HF amateur radioteletype (RTTY)/data transmissions to 300 baud for frequencies below 28 MHz (except on 60 meters), and 1,200 baud on 10 meters: “The digital code used to encode the signal being transmitted must be one of the codes specified in section 97.309(a) of the FCC’s rules, but an amateur station transmitting a RTTY or data emission using one of the specified digital codes may use any technique whose technical characteristics have been publicly documented, such as CLOVER, G-TOR, or PACTOR.”

    “We conclude that granting the requested waiver is in the public interest,” the FCC said. “Hurricane Ida has caused significant damage, including disruption to electricity and communications services. Thus, to accommodate amateur radio operators assisting in the recovery efforts, we grant ARRL’s waiver request for the period of 60 days from the date of this Order. The waiver is limited to amateur radio operators in the US and its territories using publicly documented data protocols that are compatible with FCC rules, with the exception of the data rate limit waived here, for those directly involved with HF hurricane relief communications.”

    ARRL Podcasts Schedule

    The latest episode of the On the Air podcast (Episode 20) features a discussion with Oliver Dully, K6OLI, who describes how amateurs use the Winlink network for various public service applications. He also discusses the equipment and software necessary to access Winlink.

    The latest edition of Eclectic Tech (Episode 41) features a conversation with Lin Holcomb, NI4Y, about experiments he is conducting on 8 meters with his recently issued FCC Part 5 Experimental license, WL2XUP, from Georgia.

    The On the Air and Eclectic Tech podcasts are sponsored by Icom. Both podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android) as well as on Blubrry — On the Air | Eclectic Tech.

    Katherine Forson, KT5KMF, Receives the 2021 ARRL Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award

    Increasing the interest and participation in amateur radio of those younger than 21 remains a primary effort of ARRL. Underscoring that focus is ARRL’s annual bestowing of its premier award, the Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award, on a young member whose contributions to both amateur radio and her local community embody the ideals of the Amateur Radio Service.

    The recipient of the 2021 Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award is Katherine M. Forson, KT5KMF, of Plano, Texas. A Technician in 2013 at the age of 9, a General in 2017, and an Amateur Extra in 2018, Katherine’s enthusiasm resulted in her appointment as the North Texas Section Youth Coordinator in 2019.

    She is an active member of the Plano Amateur Radio Klub and Collin County RACES, and a trained National Weather Service SKYWARN Storm Spotter; she has been profiled as a QST “Member Spotlight,” participates as an amateur radio operator in public service events, such as the Plano Balloon Festival, and is currently working with several other female members of the ARRL North Texas Section to help build a female-friendly area of the ARRL NTX Section website.

    When not on the radio, Katherine is active in her school and community. A senior at Plano West Senior High School, she carries a 4.46 grade-point average and is a member of the National Honor Society, the Spanish Honor Society, and her high school band. She won second place in the Dallas Regional Science and Engineering Fair, and placed second in the physics and astronomy category at the Texas State Science and Engineering Fair. She serves as a children’s lector at her church, and is a Dallas Meals on Wheels volunteer.

    The Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award consists of a $1,500 cash award and an engraved plaque. West Gulf Division Director John Robert Stratton, N5AUS, and North Texas Section Manager Steven Smith, KG5VK, will present Katherine with her award at the September 20, 2021 meeting of the Plano Amateur Radio Klub.

    ARRL Board Establishes Program to Cover Initial FCC License Fee for Young Applicants

    The ARRL Board of Directors has formally endorsed a proposed program calling on ARRL to cover the $35 application fee for license candidates younger than 18 years old. The FCC is not expected to implement the $35 application fee schedule until sometime in 2022. The Board approved the “Youth Licensing Grant Program” at its July meeting in Windsor, Connecticut. The program concept, first raised at the Board’s annual meeting in January, was reviewed by an ad-hoc committee, which expanded the scope of the original motion by ARRL Southeastern Division Director Mickey Baker, N4MB.

    Goals of the program include expanding the reservoir of trained operators, technicians, and electronics experts within the amateur radio community, and removing a financial obstacle to young people who wish to acquire an amateur radio license, as a means of encouraging potential careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

    Under the program, ARRL would cover a one-time $35 application fee for each qualified candidate who passes one or more amateur radio exams taken on the same day at a single examination session. Tests would have to be administered by a Volunteer Examiner (VE) team working under the auspices of the ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC). Qualified candidates would also pay a reduced exam session fee of $5 to the ARRL VEC.

    The new program would also “enhance ARRL’s position as the leader in volunteer testing,” the Board motion said. “The Board believes that the recruitment and training of young amateur radio operators is a necessary mission of ARRL, and that subsidization of the $35 fee will reduce the number of new amateurs that otherwise would be lost from these groups,” the Board said.

    The Board said ARRL Headquarters staff would determine the method of qualifying applicants and instruct VE teams, giving the teams flexibility to determine that a candidate is eligible for reimbursement in the absence of documented proof. The Board envisioned that the VEC would pay the FCC directly. The new program would initially serve up to 1,000 new license applicants younger than 18 years old.

    The motion gave ARRL staff “complete latitude” to determine how payment is delivered to the FCC or to reimburse eligible applicants. This program length is indefinite; it may be renewed or terminated by the Administration and Finance Committee or by the Board of Directors. The motion carried with applause from Board members.

    Three-Way Races for Director Set in New England and Roanoke Divisions

    ARRL members in the New England and Roanoke Divisions will choose among three candidates running for Director in each Division. The candidates include two incumbents. Those are the only contested races in this year’s election cycle for Director and Vice Director.

    In the New England Division, the candidates for Director are the incumbent, Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, of Lincoln, Massachusetts; Tom Frenaye, K1KI, of West Suffield, Connecticut, and Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, of Hollis, New Hampshire.

    New England Vice Director Phil Temples, K9HI, of Watertown, Massachusetts, was uncontested and has been declared elected.

    In the Roanoke Division, the candidates for Director are the incumbent, George “Bud” Hippisley, W2RU, of Penhook, Virginia, and challengers Dr. James Boehner, N2ZZ, of Aiken, South Carolina, and Marvin Hoffman, WA4NC, of Boone, North Carolina.

    No one challenged Roanoke Division Vice Director Bill Morine, N2COP, of Wilmington, North Carolina, and he has been declared elected for a new term.

    Incumbent Directors and Vice Directors in the ARRL Central, Hudson, and Northwestern Divisions also had no challengers and have been declared elected. In the Central Division, Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Vice Director Brent Walls, N9BA, of Greenfield, Indiana, will continue in their respective posts.

    In the Hudson Division, Director Ria Jairam, N2RJ, of Sussex, New Jersey, and Vice Director Bill Hudzik, W2UDT, of Gillette, New Jersey, are unchallenged in this election cycle and have been declared elected. In the Northwestern Division, Director Mike Ritz, W7VO, of Scappoose, Oregon, and Vice Director Mark Tharp, KB7HDX, of Yakima, Washington, also faced no challengers in their re-election bids.

    Full ARRL members of the New England and Roanoke Divisions who are in good standing as of September 10, 2021, will be mailed a ballot no later than October 1, 2021. Completed ballots must be received at the designated P.O. Box in the envelope provided by noon Eastern Time Friday, November 19, 2021.

    Amateur Radio in the News

    ARRL Public Information Officers, Coordinators, and many other member-volunteers help keep amateur radio and ARRL in the news.

    · Amateur ham radio operators help LAFD keep residents safe during emergencies / Spectrum News 1 (California) September 2, 2021

    · West Monroe ham radio operator provides assistance for those affected by Hurricane Ida / KTVE 10 KARD (Louisiana) August 31, 2021

    · Ham radio operators make a difference in disaster, ready if called for Ida / NewsChannel 8 KTUL (Oklahoma), August 31, 2021

    · Highland Lakes Amateur Radio Club hams it up for conversations, competitions, community / (Texas) August 30, 2021

    · Ham radios lead to a crazy coincidence and a unique Little League World Series friendship / (Pennsylvania) August 26, 2021

    Share any amateur radio media hits you spot with us.

    ARRL Learning Network Webinars

    Visit the ARRL Learning Network (a members-only benefit) to register, check on upcoming webinars, and to view previously recorded sessions.

    ARRL members may register for upcoming presentations and view previously recorded Learning Network webinars. ARRL-affiliated radio clubs may also use the recordings as presentations for club meetings, mentoring new and current hams, and discussing amateur radio topics.

    Introduction to DMR and Digital Voice by Tim Deagan, KJ8U / Thursday, September 9, 2021 @ 3:30 pm EDT (1930 UTC)

    An introductory overview of digital voice (DV) technologies for ham radio, focusing on DMR with notes on System Fusion, D-STAR, etc. The session includes a description of DV architecture and components, as well as the interesting opportunities and challenges it presents amateur radio operators.

    Working the Pileup, presented by Ron Delpiere-Smith, KD9IPO / Tuesday, October 5, 2021 @ 1:00 pm EDT (1700 UTC)

    Ron Delpiere-Smith, KD9IPO, Vice President of the Chicago Suburban Radio Association and an ARRL Assistant Section Manager in Illinois, will offer an enlightening discussion on working a pileup from both sides of the contact. Whether your interest lies in ARRL Field Day, contesting, special events, or rare DX, this is a must-see presentation. Ron will discuss search-and-pounce and running techniques, when to use them, and some tips on working them to your advantage.

    The ARRL Learning Network schedule is subject to change.


    · The Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club’s 22nd Route 66 on the Air special event September 11 – 19 will deploy 22 stations, including two rovers, with call signs W6A through W6V, from cities along the highway. W6V will be a new station this year, located in Kingman, so there will be two stations in Kingman. Route 66 is famous in American history as the major road from the east to the west coast and is connected with American car culture.

    · Randy Gawtry, K0CBH, has departed HRD Software, leaving Michael Carper, WA9PIE, as the sole owner, effective on July 31. Gawtry is seeking to focus on new commercial interests with his company, Timewave. HRD Software publishes the Ham Radio Deluxe suite of amateur radio software.

    · A SpaceX Dragon/Falcon 9 Resupply Service mission headed for the International Space Station (ISS) on Sunday, August 29, carrying several CubeSats, including the first satellite from Puerto Rico, PR-CuNaR2 (CubeSat NanoRocks2), developed by Inter American University in Bayamón, where Amilcar Rincón-Charris, WP4POG, heads up the project. The satellite will be stowed on board the ISS for future deployment into orbit. — Thanks to Angel Santana, WP3GW

    · Special event call sign SX021IEEE will be on the air from the 26th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) 2021, in Athens, Greece, September 5 – 8. The station will be on the air September 1 – 15.

    · The permanent amateur radio special event station GB2RAF at the RAF Air Defence Radar Museum in Norfolk, England, has shut down, but the museum remains open. The station cited new RF exposure regulations, a lack of operators, lack of public interest, and high noise levels. The station had been on the air for 20 years.

    In Brief...

    ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® has the following employment opportunities at ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut. Qualified candidates are invited to email a cover letter and resume to ARRL Human Resources. Visit the ARRL Employment Opportunities page,, for more information.

    · Acquisitions Editor

    · Assistant Marketing Manager

    · Director of Emergency Management

    · Director of Information Technology

    · Lab Engineer EMC/RFI Specialist

    · Membership Manager

    · Public Relations & Outreach Manager

    · Social Media Strategist

    ARRL is an equal opportunity employer.

    ARRL HQ has announced new member service hours. To better serve our members, ARRL Member Services has extended telephone support service hours to 8 AM until 7 PM Eastern Time, Monday through Thursday. The Member Services team will be available at (860) 594-0200 to process address changes, online account support, new memberships, renewals, and publication and product orders. Inquiries for Logbook of The World (LoTW) will continue to be serviced via email, and the ARRL VEC department can be reached directly from 8 AM until 5 PM Eastern Time toll free at (800) 927-7583. We appreciate our members and hope that these new extended hours will make it easier for you to get answers to your membership and product questions.

    The K7RA Solar Update

    Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Solar activity has been on the upswing this week. Average daily sunspot numbers increased from 21.7 to 50.6, with a high of 77 on Saturday, September 28. Average daily solar flux rose from 78.5 to 88.

    Average daily planetary A index increased from 4.7 to 9.6, and average daily middle latitude A index went from 5.7 to 10.7. Geomagnetic activity peaked on August 27 – 28 due to a coronal mass ejection.

    Predicted solar flux looks promising, at 84, 82, and 80 on September 2 – 4; 78 on September 5 – 6; 75 on September 7 – 9; 80 on September 10 – 14; 85 on September 15; 90 on September 16 – 30; 85 on October 1, and 80 on October 2 – 10.

    Predicted planetary A index is 30 and 12 on September 2 – 3; 5 on September 4 – 5; 8 on September 6; 5 on September 7 – 10; 10 and 8 on September 11 – 12; 5 on September 13 – 20; 8 on September 21; 5 on September 22 – 25; a big jump to 25, 8, 18, 8, and 12 on September 26 – 30, and back to 5 on October 1 – 7.

    Sunspot numbers for August 26 – September 1 were 47, 73, 77, 44, 41, 37, and 35, with a mean of 21.7. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 88.6, 89.5, 89.9, 88.7, 90.6, 84.4, and 84.2, with a mean of 78.5. Estimated planetary A indices were 6, 20, 14, 8, 7, 7, and 5, with a mean of 4.7. Middle latitude A index was 6, 19, 17, 9, 9, 9, and 6, with a mean of 5.7.

    A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the ARRL Technical Information Service, read “What the Numbers Mean…,” and check out the Propagation Page of Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA.

    A propagation bulletin archive is available. For customizable propagation charts, visit the VOACAP Online for Ham Radio website.

    Share your reports and observations.

    Just Ahead in Radiosport

    · September 4 — CWOps CW Open (3 sessions)

    · September 4 — Russian RTTY WW Contest

    · September 4 — Wake-Up! QRP Sprint (CW)

    · September 4 — Two-Meter Classic Sprint (CW, phone)

    · September 4 — AGCW Straight Key Party

    · September 4 – 5 — All Asian DX Contest (phone)

    · September 4 – 5 — Colorado QSO Party (CW, phone, digital)

    · September 4 – 5 — IARU Region 1 Field Day (SSB)

    · September 4 – 5 — RSGB SSB Field Day

    · September 4 – 5 — IARU Region 1 145 MHz Contest (CW, phone, digital)

    · September 4 – 5 — PODXS 070 Club Jay Hudak Memorial

    · September 5 — WAB 144 MHz QRO Phone

    · September 5 – 6 — Tennessee QSO Party (CW, phone, digital)

    · September 6 — RSGB 80-Meter Autumn Series (SSB)

    · September 6 – 7 — Michigan QRP Labor Day CW Sprint

    · September 7 — ARS Spartan Sprint (CW)

    · September 8 — VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest

    For more information, visit the ARRL Contest Calendar.

    Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions

    Some conventions and hamfests may have been canceled or postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Check the calendar of canceled events on the ARRL website.

    · September 3 – 5 — ARRL North Carolina Section Convention (Shelby Hamfest), Shelby, North Carolina

    · September 10 – 11 — ARRL Illinois Section Convention (2021 W9DXCC Convention), Naperville, Illinois

    · September 10 – 11 — ARRL Arkansas State Convention, Queen Wilhelmena Hamfest, Mena, Arkansas

    · September 10 – 12 — ARRL New England Division Convention (Northeast HamXposition), Marlborough, Massachusetts

    · September 12 — ARRL Southern New Jersey Section Convention and Hamfest, Mullica Hill, New Jersey

    · September 25 — ARRL Dakota Division Convention (RRRA Hamfest), West Fargo, North Dakota

    · September 25 — ARRL Washington State Convention (Spokane Hamfest), Spokane Valley, Washington

    · October 2 — ARRL Great Lakes Division Convention (Vette City Hamfest), Bowling Green, Kentucky

    · October 2 — ARRL South Carolina Section Convention (Rock Hill Hamfest), Rock Hill, South Carolina

    · October 8 – 9 — ARRL Florida State Convention (Melbourne Hamfest), Melbourne, Florida

    · October 8 – 9 —ARRL Louisiana State Convention (Slidell EOC Hamfest), Slidell, Louisiana

    · October 8 – 9 — ARRL Wyoming State Convention (WY HamCon 2021), Cheyenne, Wyoming

    · October 15 – 17 — ARRL Pacific Division Convention (Pacificon), San Ramon, California

    · October 16 — ARRL Wisconsin State Convention (Wisconsin ARES/RACES Conference)

    Find conventions and hamfests in your area.


    The ARRL Letter appreciates the support of these advertisers:

    ABR Industries



    HRD Software


    KF7P Metalwerks




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    The ARRL Letter is published Thursdays, 48 times each year. ARRL members and registered guests may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by editing their profile.

    Copyright © 2018 American Radio Relay League, Inc. All Rights Reserved
    M1WML likes this.
  2. KF0DHQ

    KF0DHQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    The ARRL really should've fought against the $35 fee. But now in the ARRL's "Infinite Wisdom" they are now going to make the VEC's pay $45 for youth exams as I understand. If they wanted it to be cheap for everyone the should've fought.
    M1WML likes this.
  3. KA1YBS

    KA1YBS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    The fee was proposed by the FCC and approved by congress. ARRL did, in fact put up fair arguments, however, they can't win every single one of them. The ARRL was at least successful in negotiating a fee reduction of 40%.

    ARRL also has been offering a deeply discounted Life Membership fee for young hams at least since I was in high school, 30 years ago.

    The organization treats younger hams with respect, fights for use and protection of RF spectrum for all US amateurs, and is an international lobby organization for all in our hobby.

    All part of why I am a Life Member since 2009.

    73 de KA1YBS
    N4MB, M1WML, KA0HCP and 2 others like this.
  4. N1FM

    N1FM Ham Member QRZ Page

    ARRL received one million dollars in taxpayer funds. They're going to give it back $35 at a time... for the next million years.

    Very generous.

    ARRL - If you want to meaningfully contribute to disaster recovery -- send that check for a million dollars to the state of Louisiana.

    M1WML likes this.
  5. KF0DHQ

    KF0DHQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well I am a young ham of the age of 14 and an Amateur Extra. I've been a life time Never-Member since I started with ham radio. The ARRL doesn't do anything to fight for ham radio. They always take the cowardly way out or the easiest way out. They ain't looking out for the hams they are only looking out for there wallets.

    If you think that they are "all that" then why do they have a million dollars and VE's have to volunteer? And if anyone's wondering the new $35 isn't for the VEs, its for congress to repay the massive amount of money they've blown over the past year.

    Giving some People the cheaper way out and others not the cheap way sounds like a commy system to me.

    N6XJP, M1WML, K9GLS and 2 others like this.
  6. KA1YBS

    KA1YBS XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    You have a right to your opinion. I disagree with your ARRL stance. The VE system has been in place forever. The ARRL is not making money on your application, congress is. The small ARRL fee covers costs for the VE's to conduct the testing, like supplies, possible site rental fees, administration costs and the like.

    The ARRL does not coerce anyone into signing up for membership. However, they are lobbying for our pastime with help via generous donations and membership dues from other folks, and not from you.

    You must disagree with the 75 other international Amateur Radio Organizations out there, too. They all have so much in common, and they all work together.

    One thing I do agree with, is your disdain for government spending. At your age, I hope you educate others about how it is fought over and where it is spent...

    Congratulations on getting Extra at 14. That is a nice thing to accomplish!

    I hope you help other people get excited about amateur radio. ARRL member or not. Us hams don't always agree, and that makes us strong.

    73 de KA1YBS
    M1WML, KA0HCP and N6HCM like this.
  7. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    that is not true. congress passed a law that every federal agency must charge for licenses, services, etc. fcc is simply doing what they are told.

    personally I hope it costs the FCC more than $35 to collect and process the fees.
    M1WML, KA1YBS and AA5BK like this.
  8. KA1YBS

    KA1YBS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks for clearing that up, my mistake. From what I understand, the fees do not even go directly back to the FCC. They go into a general fund that federal agencies share.

    Anyway, it's small potatoes compared to recent inflation.

    M1WML, KA0HCP and K6CLS like this.
  9. N1FM

    N1FM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Congress proposed application fees, but there is a waiver of fees in case of good cause shown, and yes if the app fee proves more expensive to collect than it's worth, the FCC can eliminate the fee.

    According to The Washington Post, ARRL applied for and received a PPP loan in the amount of 1-2 million dollars. This, despite the Treasurers Report indicating "larger than expected gain from operations through June 30. Total revenues were greater than forecast, while expenses were lower than forecast. Cash flow also continued to be healthy. " I haven't yet seen the ARRLs public IRS Form 990 declarations related to the loan.

    HR 4986


    “(a) General Authority; Establishment Of Schedule.—The Commission shall assess and collect application fees at such rates as the Commission shall establish in a schedule of application fees to recover the costs of the Commission to process applications.

    “(d) Exceptions.—

    “(2) COST OF COLLECTION.If, in the judgment of the Commission, the cost of collecting an application fee established under this section would exceed the amount collected, the Commission may by rule eliminate such fee.



    “(d) Waiver, Reduction, And Deferment.—The Commission may waive, reduce, or defer payment of a fee under section 8 (referring to application fees) or 9 (regulatory fees) or an interest charge or penalty under this section in any specific instance for good cause shown, where such action would promote the public interest.


    Wiley Law says the FCC could even accept deferred payments, which would amount to $3.50 per year to total $35 after ten years.

    "For good cause shown, the FCC would be permitted to waive, reduce, or defer application or regulatory fee payments. The bill would further allow the agency to accept advanced payments, as well as payments made in installments, not to exceed the license term."


    ARRL vote to apply for PPP money

    On May 4, 2020, at 12:00 PM ET, Barry Shelley, Chief Executive Officer and non-voting member of the ARRL Executive Committee, e-mailed to all Executive Committee members the following EC Motion: Chief Financial Officer Diane Middleton is hereby authorized for the following with regards to the ARRL application for and, once approved, implementation of a loan under the Small Business Administration’s Payroll Protection Program.

    Emails were received from:
    Mr. Abernethy
    Mr. Carlson
    Mr. Hippisley
    Mr. Hopengarten
    Mr. Roderick
    Mr. Williams
    The motion was unanimously approved by the Committee at 3:49 PM ET.


    July 2021 Executive Committee Minutes:

    B. Chief Financial Officer’s Report- Ms. Middleton
    Ms. Middleton provided highlights from her report as Chief Financial Officer. She reported that the League continues to have a financially strong balance sheet with current total assets of $42 million. The League has generated a larger than expected gain from operations through June 30. Total revenues were greater than forecast, while expenses were lower than forecast. Cash flow also continued to be healthy. She then entertained questions.

    Based on the Treasurer's Report, the PPP loan will be forgiven, although ARRL did well in spite of Covid 19.

    See Item #12 - No payback of PPP loan expected:

    12. CFO Report – Ms. Middleton
    Ms. Middleton presented the report of the Chief Financial Officer. She reported that despite the challenges of 2020 the League generated a small gain from operations and continues to maintain a strong balance sheet along with healthy cash balances. She also reported that ARRL experienced significantly lower spending in 2020 due to travel restrictions and the temporary postponement of filling some vacant positions. She then entertained questions. Responding to a question regarding the Paycheck Protection Program, Ms. Middleton noted that it is expected that the loan will be fully forgiven under the program and ARRL does not qualify for a second loan under the program.

    Note: Provisions of the PPP loan seem to dictate that at least 60% ($600,000 for a million dollar loan or $1.2 million in the case of a 2 million dollar loan) be used for payroll expenses.



    Source: Washington Post


    How can PPP loans be used / What are forgivable expenses?

    The proceeds of a PPP loan are to be used for:

    Payroll costs (as defined in the CARES Act, Economic Aid Act and this interim final rule); costs related to the continuation of group health care, life, disability, vision, or dental benefits during periods of paid sick, medical, or family leave, and group health care, life, disability, vision, or dental insurance premiums; mortgage interest payments (but not mortgage prepayments or principal payments);

    rent payments; utility payments; interest payments on any other debt obligations that were incurred before February 15, 2020; refinancing an SBA EIDL loan made between January 31, 2020 and April 3, 2020; covered operations expenditures (payments for any business software or cloud computing service that facilitates business operations, product or service delivery, the processing, payment, or tracking of payroll expenses, human resources, sales and billing functions, or accounting or tracking of supplies, inventory, records and expenses);

    covered property damage costs (costs related to property damage and vandalism or looting due to public disturbances that occurred during 2020 that was not covered by insurance or other compensation); covered supplier costs (expenditures made by a borrower to a supplier of goods for the supply of goods that— are essential to the operations of the borrower at the time at which the expenditure is made; and is made pursuant to a contract, order, or purchase order— in effect at any time before the covered period with respect to the applicable covered loan; or with respect to perishable goods, in effect before or at any time during the covered period with respect to the applicable covered loan); and covered worker protection expenditures operating or a capital expenditures to facilitate the adaptation of the business activities of an entity to comply with requirements established or guidance issued by the Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control, or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or any equivalent requirements established or guidance issued by a State or local government, during the period beginning on March 1, 2020 and ending the date on which the national emergency with respect to the COVID– 19 expires related to the maintenance of standards for sanitation, social distancing, or any other worker or customer safety requirement related to COVID–19;

    such expenditures may include: the purchase, maintenance, or renovation of assets that create or expand a drive-through window facility; an indoor, outdoor, or combined air or air pressure ventilation or filtration system; a physical barrier such as a sneeze guard; an expansion of additional indoor, outdoor, or combined business space; an onsite or offsite health screening capability; or other assets relating to the compliance with the requirements or guidance as determined by the Administrator in consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Secretary of Labor; and the purchase of: covered materials described in section 328.103(a) of title 44, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor regulation; particulate filtering facepiece respirators approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, including those approved only for emergency use authorization; or other kinds of personal protective equipment, as determined by the Administrator in consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Secretary of Labor;

    and such expenditures do not include residential real property or intangible property. At least 60 percent of the PPP loan proceeds shall be used for payroll costs. For purposes of determining the percentage of use of proceeds for payroll costs, the amount of any EIDL refinanced will be included. For purposes of loan forgiveness, however, the borrower will have to document the proceeds used for payroll costs in order to determine the amount of forgiveness.

    While the Act provides that PPP loan proceeds may be used for the purposes listed above and for other allowable uses described in section 7(a) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(a)), the Administrator believes that finite appropriations and the structure of the Act warrant a requirement that borrowers use a substantial portion of the loan proceeds for payroll costs, consistent with Congress’ overarching goal of keeping workers paid and employed.

    This percentage is consistent with the limitation on the forgiveness amount set forth in the Flexibility Act. This limitation on use of the loan funds will help to ensure that the finite appropriations available for these loans are directed toward payroll protection, as each loan that is issued depletes the appropriation, regardless of whether portions of the loan are later forgiven.
    M1WML likes this.
  10. KA1YBS

    KA1YBS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    For all:

    Are you aware that the Los Angeles Lakers, yes, the $4.6 Billion dollar net worth NBA basketball team applied-for, and received $5M from a PPP loan with grant tie-in? They didn't have a measly $5M stashed in the local savings bank? Even if they "shamefully" paid it all back, (They probably had to, under scrutiny, not sure though) They still took advantage of a situation.

    Do you realize that potentially violent "not-for-profit" think-tank groups also received PPP funds?

    I bet your local WalMart also received funds.

    Back to the "Where are our tax dollars are going?" question.

    The ARRL, L.A. Lakers and 12 million other US payroll entities will be paying at least a portion back, with interest. The fiscal success of the organizations do not factor into the grants and loans unfortunately.

    This PPP discussion does not factor into the ARRL negotiating with the FCC to lower, or eliminate a federally mandated fee. Nor does it change at least my stance that the ARRL is good for the Amateur Radio Community. We all will not agree for sure.

    73 de KA1YBS
    M1WML likes this.
  11. N1FM

    N1FM Ham Member QRZ Page

    You missed the part below. ARRL is fiscally healthy and Ms. Middleton expects the "loan" to be fully forgiven.

    Regarding paying the kid's app fees -- It's easy to be generous with other people's money.

    M1WML likes this.
  12. KA1YBS

    KA1YBS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Geez, we are splitting hairs at this point.

    I'm QRT with this one, 73 and gud DX all.
    M1WML likes this.
  13. W4HMB

    W4HMB Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Is that you on the M60A1?
    M1WML and (deleted member) like this.
  14. KQ1V

    KQ1V Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I think the ARRL is a useless, out of touch with its customers, and greedy corporate organization. I actually am surprised they do not charge just to walk in the buildings in Newington.
    M1WML, KF0DHQ, N1IPU and 1 other person like this.
  15. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Don't give them any ideas. Well ok go ahead. Been there a few time and you won't be missing much.
    M1WML, N3FAA and KF0DHQ like this.

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