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Special Event station W9W 4-16-24

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by K9UOK, Apr 15, 2024.

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  1. K9UOK

    K9UOK Ham Member QRZ Page

    The Henry County Indiana Amatuer Radio club will be doing a Special Event station this Tuesday, 4-16-24 at the birthplace of Wilbur Wright. He is the bother of Orville Wright of airplane fame. W9W will be the call sign.
    Museum is North East of Millville, In, and South of Mooreland , IN. It is *NOT* near Hagerstown. Thats just a mailing address.
    The url for the museum is here.
    All are welcome to drop by to visit or operate. We will have one or two ststaions on the air from about noon to 4:00 pm. We will be working HF and VHF. HF will be at approximately 14.300 and up to 14.347 or in between. 7.200 to 7.297. VHF will be the 147.39 PL 127.3 repeater. We will have limited print QSL cars.
    Other freqs may be added if we have operators. This will be a POTA type station but not a POTA park.
    If one wants to come by and bring there own portable setup, all are welcome.
    Gene, K9UOK
  2. WA8ALQ

    WA8ALQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Who do we contact to get a QSL after making contact with W9W?

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