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Skywaves - October 2024; with a Ham Halloween story

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KG5WHQ, Oct 13, 2024.

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  1. KG5WHQ

    KG5WHQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am thanking everyone who has offered feedback. This is an updated PDF correcting a file error when printing. This is my first time out as a Ham Radio newsletter editor, and I NEED your opinions and advice!

    SkyWaves is the official newsletter of the Sachse Amateur Radio Association. We meet on the second Thursday of every month. You are invited!

    Please enjoy the newsletter and share it even with your little ones. I am making a sincere effort to reach non-ham readers with an interest. Very Technician accessible.
    Special finds:
    • Ghost In The Noise; a scary Ham story in the vein of H.P. Lovecraft
    • Technicians and New To Radio: What to Buy
    • Silent Key, N5LDD
    • The RST System; an introduction
    • Make Your First Contact; for those who don't have the courage to make the first PTT press
    • Radio Quest; a fun self challenge
    • An Antenna is Better Than No Antenna
    • Shortwave Listening
    • Antennas of Last Resort
    • Hugo Gernsback Part One; the other important name in ham radio history
    • Getting on the Club Repeater; busting through the jargon
    • For Everyone; two pages of ham cartoons you have never seen(your kids can enjoy this and learn something)
    Download the new refreshed SkyWaves newsletter, now published in a magazine format.
    Click here to download or copy this link into your browser's address bar:

    Again, hit me with your comments!
  2. AA4HG

    AA4HG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ok, so I had to read "The Ghost in the Noise". Good story. And you must be a glutton for punishment taking over a Ham Radio newsletter. Nice looking newsletter though. I'll check out future issues. Love Texas, my the way. In a previous life I spent a lot of time there chasing sports television.
    Scott from Woodstock ,GA
  3. KG5WHQ

    KG5WHQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you, Scott! Getting feedback makes it all worthwhile!
  4. KI5HSE

    KI5HSE XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Excellent well organized little publication... and comics to boot. :D
  5. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    The newsletter is nice but need some things to make it easier to consume.

    The text can be a bit bigger than at the moment. A bit more color on the pages and some more pictures to the articles to make it a bit loose. The newsletter came by a little bit stiff.
    Do not overdose the funny stories, this for to stay serious. The HF table for radio broadcasts can be a little bit more detailed, because its across the world.

    This should be enough for the start, because its much work. But compliments when you will go for it.

    I like to see those different newsletters in America. Here in Germany we dont have any. Here are just the big two clubs with their magazines and thats it. When staying an individual, this all is out of range. But thats not a reason for to join. HAM-Radio and the frequencies are free of memberships and should be bearing to the own intrests. Group pressure is out of place.
  6. KG5WHQ

    KG5WHQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!
  7. KG5WHQ

    KG5WHQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I find that the text is never big enough any more and my arms aren't long enough to bring things into focus! Age isn't fair...

    I'm happy to adapt to the world if I can get a bigger subscriber base :) Send me an email and I'll sign you up over at
  8. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    Age isnt fair, thats right. But the text is really to small to have a comfortabel place to read in front of the monitor. The ghoststory is the best exampel.

    And dont try a subscriber database. You will never get the right response for to see, who puts it in the trashbin after receiving or who is really intrested in. People are often to lazy for to unsubscribe. And often trashy adresses are in use for this.
  9. KG5WHQ

    KG5WHQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    All good points. The short story did use smaller font to accommodate the pages. Did you tackle the RadioQuest cards?
  10. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have to say, that I didnt read the newsletter to 100%. That should be normal. But to the RadioQuests here I see, that it can be a bit more modern.

    Especially the digital modes for VHF / UHF can be more for intrests, when I look back to yesterday were a useless 80M Band exist in my region. So a kind of what is important with Pi-Star and how to move between the countries and languages. From America Link to german Pegasus and the UK Allstars.

    Often older or younger OMs are overtaxed with a good modulation, the parrot or just the perfect talking-circle. This because the talking-circle allows just one to speak, and who was first with the PTT wins in that case. In difference to shortwave and SSB, were its more a pub talk.

    Just an idea by myself, to open the spectrum of HAM-Radio in that newsletter.
  11. KG5WHQ

    KG5WHQ Ham Member QRZ Page

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