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Skywaves - November 2024; with a Tower Raising story

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KG5WHQ, Nov 4, 2024.

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  1. KG5WHQ

    KG5WHQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am thanking everyone who has offered feedback on the previous newsletter. This is only my second issue as a Ham Radio newsletter editor, and I welcome your opinions and advice!

    SkyWaves is the official newsletter of the Sachse Amateur Radio Association. We meet on the second Thursday of every month. You are invited!


    Please enjoy the newsletter and share it even with your little ones. I am making a sincere effort to reach non-ham readers with an interest. Very Technician accessible.

    Special finds:
    • Feature: Prepare; because you haven't
    • Radio Quest; a fun self-challenge, how many XP have you gained?
    • Baluns II
    • APRS with Chinese junk radios and a phone
    • An older ham ventures into arduino
    • Hugo Gernsback Part Two; the early days of WAA
    • Getting on the Club Repeater; busting through the jargon
    • A big tower-raising and a little ham humor
    • For Everyone; two pages of ham cartoons you have never seen(your kids can enjoy this and learn something)
    Download the new refreshed SkyWaves newsletter, now published in a magazine format.
    Click here to download or copy this link into your browser's address bar:

    Again, hit me with your comments!
    M0TTQ, KF2ZZ, YF8RQN and 1 other person like this.
  2. KG5WHQ

    KG5WHQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Btw, APRS column owes thanks to videos by KM4ACK! Thank you, Jason!
  3. KX6J

    KX6J Ham Member QRZ Page

    Looks great! Can I subscribe?
    KG5WHQ likes this.
  4. KG5WHQ

    KG5WHQ Ham Member QRZ Page

  5. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    In the opposite to the last edition, its got fresher and the layout is much more pleasant.
    KG5WHQ likes this.
  6. KF2ZZ

    KF2ZZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Nicely done and interesting.
    Thanks from NY.

    KG5WHQ likes this.
  7. W5INC

    W5INC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Kudos 4 your work in producing a 21st century relevant digital product, that 95% of the folks who visit the website can navigate very easily. It is easy to see your group takes their local, plus all other AR OPs seriously and has a portal that anyone can submit their idea, critique to help your group expand it's ranks.

    Along with your weekly scheduled breakfasts, a scheduled monthly dinner can be inserted for 1 week instead of the early morning in person QSO session. This could open the door for additional people to join the club's ranks, that can't make the weekly morning breakfast sessions. Tuesday night when most restaurants are dead might be a good starting point. It is refreshing to see there are still nimble, forward thinking AR clubs still out here in 2024. Good luck and keep up the good work.
    KG5WHQ likes this.
  8. KG5WHQ

    KG5WHQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you. DO1FER! I am learning!
    DO1FER likes this.
  9. KG5WHQ

    KG5WHQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Oh, thank you!
    KF2ZZ likes this.
  10. KG5WHQ

    KG5WHQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    As a person who eats on occasion, I like where you are coming from, W5INC!
  11. KF2ZZ

    KF2ZZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Fly me over!

    KG5WHQ likes this.
  12. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    I only can say something to what I see and what can be maybe a bit better. I am not a pro in this.
    KG5WHQ likes this.
  13. KX6J

    KX6J Ham Member QRZ Page

    I tried emailing you but the email was bounced back to me as undeliverable
  14. W5INC

    W5INC Ham Member QRZ Page

    1 sure fire way that never misses to attract people, is invite them over to partake of some W5SRA club real Texas BBQ free of charge 1 fine Saturday afternoon @ your club house. If you want to catch fish you have to throw bait in the water. Excellent BBQ plus all of the fixins will get people in your door.

    Once they are in your door, it is now up to the club members to set the hook, tighten the drag, to help reel in new members into your club. If you want your club to stay active and current, set some realistic goals that members would like the club to attain and set the date. Far better to have an actual realistic goal(s) for the club to aim for, that just floating aimlessly out yonder. Once the intended goal(s) is positively reached, the group can point their collective efforts towards more positive goals the members would like to achieve in the near future. Most importantly, dare to fail.
    KX6J and KG5WHQ like this.
  15. KG5WHQ

    KG5WHQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    YIKES! my email is

    Entirely the fault of my fat fingers gone wild!

    TO BE CLEAR. ORG<---
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2024

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