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Should QRZ allow discussion of Politics and Religon?

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Jul 28, 2008.


Should QRZ allow discussion of politics and religon?

Poll closed Aug 4, 2008.
  1. NO, politics and religon don't belong on QRZ.

    489 vote(s)
  2. Yes, we should keep the forum open and active.

    145 vote(s)
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  1. AA7BQ

    AA7BQ QRZ Founder QRZ HQ Staff QRZ Page

    Over the past 15 years, the QRZ Forums have become many things to many people. Our Forums offer a variety of discussion groups on a number of diverse categories, and frankly, some having absolutely nothing to do with Amateur Radio.

    A suggestion has been made that we should terminate our support for political discussions and thereby discontinue our Political Junkie discussion forum. The PJ forum was created as a response to a large number of political discussions taking place in our Rag Chew Central area, and it was thought best separate these into their own area.

    Lately, however, I have noticed some unsettling vitriol (vitriol n. language expressing bitterness and hatred) in our Political Junkie forum and am presently considering whether we should continue support for politics in general.

    Before I make the decision to pull the plug, I'd like to hear your opinions on the subject, and to take an informal, non-binding vote. Your thoughts are appreciated.
  2. K7JEM

    K7JEM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes, it needs to go. It serves no useful purpose on an HR site. There are lots of other places out there for people to discuss this stuff.

  3. KE4VYR

    KE4VYR Ham Member QRZ Page

    That's what talk radio is for!

  4. WR5AW

    WR5AW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I agree. This is an AR site. As a relatively new ham, I come here looking for answers. Mostly technical in nature. Frankly, I get quite irritated having to weed through all the opinionated trash that gums up the threads. By trash, I mean remarks of a personal nature that have no relation to the question asked.

    I think the political forum should go. I also think members should be reminded to keep personal remarks private. Statements like, "he's just a ....", "it's a troll", etc just detract from the meaning of the discussion and would be better handled through alternate means. There are a few members who seem to excel at those types of remarks and tend to turn it into a virtual hobby. I go through their history and find nothing of substance in any of their posts. It's come to the point where I've started putting certain members on ignore. But that's just me.
  5. W8IXY

    W8IXY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Discussion of Politics and religion on

    In my opinion, as long as has the capacity to handle the data, and the participants handle themselves in a "proper" manner, I am all for those discussions here. The problem is that some participants can get quite "out of control".

    This may be a ham radio site, but religion and politics affect all our lives, just like ham radio does.

    I'd leave the option to delete patently offensive material to those monitoring the content, but if I don't like what I am reading, I am free to move on to another subject or posting.

    "Spin the dial"

  6. KC4UMO

    KC4UMO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I say kick it to the curb. This is a AR site and this stuff polutes the forum about as bad as the cb related post. From what I read it only causes arguments between hams. I come here and click new post and most of the time the first two pages may contain 4 or 5 AR related post.

    But that is just my opinion.
  7. KD4AMG

    KD4AMG Ham Member QRZ Page

    My vote is to DEFINATELY REMOVE the politics and religion from qrz.

    There are plenty of other sites where it can ON THE RADIO

    ( so I guess now I will recieve another virus intent on destroying the computer )
  8. N8WWM

    N8WWM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Politics on QRZ

    At first thought I was about to vote "NO". After a couple of minutes of thinking I decided that the political discussion might be a good way to get a sense of what Hamdom thinks.

    I'd say leave it in and slap any flamers hard.

    Just my .02 worth
  9. KC9JWA

    KC9JWA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well they start arguements but then again all things do, i guess if they want to release stress then go for it, i personally skip anything to do with politcs and democrats, and just on going threads, wich is easier for me i have less to read, and i got time to do stuff. But its anyones freedom of speech and choices to accept or not on topics, i say long as it keeps qrz alive then no problem.:D I love it here, its like another home .:):p
  10. VK2CE

    VK2CE Ham Member QRZ Page

    An Australian view

    It is pointless discussing either subject on any forum as they both end up in a circular argument because opinions are so polarized. Also on this particular forum there are several nationalities and several countries represented, each with their own religions and politics which makes meaningful discussion even more difficult.
    Both topics are, in fact, very personal and individual and not really designed for public debate.

    Kevin vk2ce
  11. AC0FP

    AC0FP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Politics & Religion, what the benefit to Amateur radio?

    I've voted to discontinue the thread, as it has become obvious the thread is being abused by some. However, if its removed be aware the political "signatures" are bound to become more outrageous. :rolleyes:


  12. K7JEM

    K7JEM Ham Member QRZ Page

    The political "signatures" need to be removed, too. All that should be in the sig line is something related to HR. Too many people here are trying to make political, religious, or lifestyle statements via the sig line.

  13. AE6IP

    AE6IP Ham Member QRZ Page

    I would like to point out two things:

    This is a political thread.

    If you close the political forums, the people occupying them will either go elsewhere for their entertainment (my choice, probably) or will turn their energy to trolling other forums.

    Do you really want all the trolling that goes on in the political forum to spill over into other forums?
  14. W7WIN

    W7WIN Ham Member QRZ Page


    I think we should keep the politics off QRZ.
    Talking about professional thugs has nothing to do with Ham Radio...

  15. W7DME

    W7DME Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hi Fred

    Hi Fred,

    Looking at the stats at present, it looks like the majority want this discussion forum removed. At first I agreed, but after thinking if over for a while, it comes to me that any discussion at all can lead to controversy, and yes, name calling. Religion and Politics are admittedly hot topics, but I would submit that it is better to blow off steam on the internet than elsewhere. They are topics that we all know are sensitive in nature, and I think you knew that going in, and probably expected the 'hate mongering' as well. I don't believe removing it will solve anything, and in fact, might encourage more of it to move over to the other forums. Isn't that why you created it in the first place?

    I admit I have never gone to this forum and probably will never do so. Those of us who don't go there because we don't want to get into this type of discussion are really unaffected. So, who is complaining? Some people who are upset because someone has a different point of view, and in retaliation want the forum closed? "If I can't get my way I'll take my ball and go home!"

    Why don't they do what I do when I see something on TV I don't like, just turn the channel? Frankly, I am at a loss to why this is even being considered. I think is gives a place to blow off steam rather than other places in the other Ham Radio Forums.


    Mike - K7OV
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