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School in UK Makes Contact with ISS Astronaut

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VK7HH, Oct 30, 2023.

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  1. VK7HH

    VK7HH Ham Member QRZ Page

    The journey to space was real as St Peter-In-Thanet CE Primary School connected with a LIVE uplink to astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli aboard the International Space Station (NA1SS) using Ham Radio. I sat down with Matt M0MLK and daughter Isabella to discuss how the contact went, questions asked and advice on how other schools can get involved.

    VK6HIL, 2E0CIT, KE8MOW and 14 others like this.
  2. M6ECG

    M6ECG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Excellent! Well done Isabella! 73
    KF7PCL, TA1TRJ and W9EBE like this.
  3. KC1RVK

    KC1RVK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Wonderful! Great job Isabella!
    TA1TRJ and KF7PCL like this.
  4. M7BCW

    M7BCW Ham Member QRZ Page

    well done you have done something some of us hams dream of amazing stuff
    TA1TRJ likes this.
  5. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    These HAM-Radio event, to talk to Jasmin Moghbeli at the ISS, Isabella will never forget.

    Isabella, well done that you rocked the prepared direct contact with Ms. Moghbeli at the ISS by yourself.

    ufb and 73
    TA1TRJ likes this.
  6. K8OCN

    K8OCN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    This is the coolest thing I have ever seen. God Bless all the people that work in the background to make this happen. These children will remember this for their entire lives!
    DO1FER and TA1TRJ like this.
  7. N7GWA

    N7GWA Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is how we guarantee the future of this hobby. Keep up the good work!
    TA1TRJ and DO1FER like this.
  8. K4XJ

    K4XJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great job Isabella!
    TA1TRJ likes this.
  9. BH7GZK

    BH7GZK Ham Member QRZ Page

    good job isabella 73
    TA1TRJ likes this.
  10. 9A3AYW

    9A3AYW Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    well done
    how much is the cost
    TA1TRJ likes this.
  11. KR0O

    KR0O Ham Member QRZ Page

    absolutely superb. What a great production and lovely interaction with a busy astronaut. Very glad they find time to inspire and teach through the hobby of amateur radio.:)
    TA1TRJ likes this.
  12. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    The problem is, that these informations are in a BBC and a QRZ bubble. Many people who could be intrested in that too, will not recognize this action. The closed HAM-Radio world got difficulties with that.
    TA1TRJ likes this.
  13. KO4TST

    KO4TST XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Amazing story! The kids will never forget this experience.
    TA1TRJ likes this.
  14. KA0USE

    KA0USE Ham Member QRZ Page

    wait- is astro jasmin the one who lost the tool bag?
    merciful heavens.
    TA1TRJ likes this.
  15. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    There were different people since 1965 who lost something in space. From a glove up to an expensive toolbag.
    TA1TRJ likes this.

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