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Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by NF7E, Sep 5, 2023.

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  1. NF7E

    NF7E Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    rt66ota_2022_ 3 QSls.jpg

    ROUTE 66 ON THE AIR starts on September 9th,2023 at 00:00 UTC and runs through September 17th .

    The Northern Arizona DX Association (NADXA) worked on creating this event back in 1999 and put it on the air in 2000, for the first time. Back then, our club president was Dr. Jerry Conover, who organized then entire special event. He did an amazing job and as a result, little has had to chance over the years to carry on the event!

    After the first two years, it quickly became a very popular event and grew so rapidly, that we had to turned it over to one of our largest participating club, the Citrus Belt ARC, who continues to host the event every year.

    The first year, we had 12 stations on the air from Chicago to Santa Monica, California, and we ended up with
    about 12 or 13,000 QSOs! That is a lot of QSLs and certificates for a very small club, with a dozen members,
    to handle so Citrus Belt ARC stepped in to host it. Last year, the 23rd year of the event, it created an absolutely amazing 80,000 QSOs! WOW!!!

    This year there will be 20 stations on the air (maybe one more at the last minute?) and our club will have 3 of them. One in Flagstaff-W6G, another will be W6S, a rover that goes east of our city and the third will be W6T, Rover #2 that goes west on old Rt 66.

    To encourage participants to at least work our 3 stations, each year we make up 3 separate QSLs, as seen above, and when you put them side by side, they make up a map our RT 66 in Arizona. Last year's QSLs are shown above and include a Burma Shave sign that runs throughout the 3 cards. We will have new cards again this year! These would look great on your wall!

    All we need is a QSL from you and an S.A.S.E. . There are 3 different QSL managers so you must send a request to each one. We don't make any money on this event, so if you added a small donation, that helps
    us with all the expenses involved.

    Find more information on the event at these two websites for RT 66 OTA:
    NADXA Route 66 on the Air Current -

    rt66ota_2022_ 3 QSls.jpg While we are getting our kicks, we hope to have you in our logs before September 18th!
    Bob Wertz, NF7E
    Northern Arizona DX Association

    Attached Files:

    K0UO, KJ4BFH, W5ESE and 1 other person like this.
  2. KG5EYC

    KG5EYC Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I will be working FT8 again this year since that seemed to be a popular mode last year. Working as W6J for the event along with other operators from our club, multiple bands will usually be going at once with various operators on the different bands. We hope to be able to work as many of you as we can, pile ups are common so be patient with whoever you are working and we will get to you as soon as possible. Thank you and above all have fun!

    Just to be clear this is a QSL card only event for us, there will be no logging done on internet based formats. I submit my WSJT-X log file to our QSL manager in order for him to confirm contacts. It is used for no other purpose.

    Last edited: Sep 8, 2023
    K9ASE likes this.
  3. WR2E

    WR2E XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm ready!
    KG5EYC likes this.
  4. W7TRD

    W7TRD Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Fun times!!
  5. N9WFT

    N9WFT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Been working a few of the Route 66 stations. This evening I worked W6T AZ on 14.237. And the op was a YL to boot. I consider YL Operators rare DX. Lol
  6. WR2E

    WR2E XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm at #6... tomorrow I might have to plug in the microphone... :oops:

    I might even say QSL! (but not more than once in a row!);)
    N9WFT likes this.
  7. N9WFT

    N9WFT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Lol!!!!! Go get them Bro!
    WR2E likes this.
  8. WR2E

    WR2E XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I did use the microphone...

    I'm up to 14 now.

    Need: C, D, J, K, Q, U

    German station spotted W6O on 14.313 ! ha, yeah, right...

    side rant...::: My opinion only, I think it would behoove the S.E. stations to NOT get into the 'thick of it' and operate from the middle of the band. If they would transmit above 2000 or even 2500, they would be more often 'in the clear' and be heard more. Same goes for DX. :::...end side rant
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2023
    N9WFT likes this.
  9. KG5EYC

    KG5EYC Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    We have quite a few operators working SSB on various bands and I work just FT8 during this event. Currently working 17m since 30m has dried up and heard NJ several times of the last few days so jump on in there and give it a shot for the J. Using pskreporter so just look for W6J to see if I am on the bands
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2023
    N9WFT and WR2E like this.
  10. WR2E

    WR2E XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    No worries! I'll get ya, thanks for operating!

    Actually, maybe I already did on SSB? Last night on 20M?

    By the way, my previous 'rant' message was in reference to FT8 which I didn't mention.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2023
  11. KG5EYC

    KG5EYC Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    RR no problem, good luck and have lots of fun...
  12. WR2E

    WR2E XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm curious as to why not? Not complaining, just curious?

    I did actually work "J" on 20M SSB @0012Z last night, thanks! Might have been you?

    Just got C on 20 CW... So now I only need D, K, Q, U
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2023
  13. WR2E

    WR2E XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    By the way, for anyone hunting RT 66

    W6O has been spotted numerous times.

    There is NO W6O this year!

    This is a PIRATE I believe!
  14. WR2E

    WR2E XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Two more to go... D and Q Haven't see them today. Missed them yesterday due to T-storms rolling through.
  15. N1KX

    N1KX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Still need D, F and Q. I have heard W6F one time on FT8 at about -24dB for 2 mins, but that's it. I see on DXSummit that he's been spotted, but I just haven't been in the shack when he was on. W6Q has been on, but have not been able to catch him when I could heard him. I heard W6D once, right in the middle of a 40M broadcast and was unworkable.

    Anyway, it's another great fall event! Looking forward to capturing the last 3 stations!

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