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Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by K3BEQ, Jan 25, 2022.

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  1. K3BEQ

    K3BEQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    There are over 200 remote ham stations world wide that the owners permit you to use their station FREE in most cases. Simply go to register, download the free software and your good to go.

    Once you are ready, scroll down the list of stations to W1EE in CT. You can use this hf station free for 60 days. After the 60 days for the cost of $10 bucks A YEAR, you will continue to have access and also be a member of the club that sponsored the remote: Stamford Amateur Radio Association. (SARA). That's 83 cents a MONTH to operate and it goes to maintain the club remote and repeaters. 73

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