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Raspberry Pi 4 model B announced

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W0RIO, Jun 25, 2019.

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  1. W0RIO

    W0RIO Ham Member QRZ Page

    The folks at Raspberry pi have announced the new RPi 4 model B single board computer, still priced at $35
    for the basic board with 1GB of RAM. Models with 2GB and 4GB of RAM are also available at higher price points.

    Here's the official announcement:
    And here are the specs: RPI4B.png
    The processor is now a Broadcom BCM2711 SoC, which has four 1.5GHz Cortex A72 CPU cores.
    That, along with the additional RAM and higher-level graphics support will make the board more suitable
    for full desktop and multimedia uses.
    N0YPD likes this.
  2. KY1FF

    KY1FF Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've been pretty interested in this: from what it seems the general performance level should be a good boost up from that of even the 3B+. Can't wait to get my hands on one of these to see how it runs. 4GB is going to be a godsend for large compiles I occasionally have to do (ntp, Python 3.8). Maybe I'll actually be able to run a Minecraft server on here without lagging, for once. lol
  3. N0YPD

    N0YPD Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Would like to run an SDR on it.

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