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QRZ Website Link Policy Update

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Aug 24, 2009.

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  1. 9H1LO

    9H1LO Ham Member QRZ Page

    DXMySQL for DXSpider has been updated for this change.

    Contact me for details/help.

    A new version should also be available shortly.


    Stan 9H1LO
  2. K6TEP

    K6TEP Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Another help would be to put some of the info from the first post in this thread into the site's "404 not found" page.

    That way any old deprecated links would get the usual 404 error code, but with human readable text that "if you're looking for a callsign, do this..."
  3. K7IVC

    K7IVC Guest

    I have absolutely no idea what you are talkikng about.:confused:
  4. M3HIM

    M3HIM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Correcting legacy links to deprecated URLs

    I agree. Given my experience with a few APRS tracking sites yesterday, I believe that these are the most common legacy URLs in use as links, in addition to the{callsign} URL which still appears to work.

    I also agree with the "301 Moved Permanently response, with a redirect" suggestion which would aid in the correction of legacy URLs in links from other webservers.

    :rolleyes: I suspect that is running on a Microsoft Windows server because if it was running on a Linux or Unix server, much of this could have been resolved with a few symbolic links. :rolleyes:
  5. K2DSL

    K2DSL Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

  6. M3HIM

    M3HIM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Correcting legacy links to deprecated URLs

    Aha! I knew there was such a tool but I hadn't used one like it in years. I almost wrote a quick script to query the server myself but thought there must be an easier way. Thanks!

    One compelling reason that I suspected that was Microsoft based was because I thought that Fred AA7BQ was a dyed-in-the-wool Microsoft man. Perhaps I was wrong. :eek:

    Anyway, if it is running on a Unix platform then surely symbolic links for the /callsign, /detail and other URL suffixes would obviate the need for complex scripts or namespaces and preserve the external legacy links to the data.
  7. KC2UGV

    KC2UGV Ham Member QRZ Page

    True, but I hazard it's all htaccess mod_rewrite rules.
  8. KG4ZOW

    KG4ZOW Guest

    I've updated the page, and the XML file which defines the search URL. Thanks for emailing me and letting me know about it.

    73 de KG4ZOW
  9. NM5LH

    NM5LH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Changing Call Sign

    How do I change my login call sign from my old call sign KF5EIK to my new call sign W7AHR? Is setting up a new account the only way to do it? Thanks.:confused:
  10. K2DSL

    K2DSL Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Please post your request as a new thread in this forum -
  11. VE3NLP

    VE3NLP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well updating the Callsign look up function was SO hard...:mad:
    I had to change from:<callsign>


    :D If you didn't catch it I'm poking fun at all the people that are about to complain about having to update their Software...:rolleyes:

    Of course I run linux and can change things like that very quickly...
    In fact the Call Sign look up is an set able option so I can have the log software look to QRZ or a Cd program...

    Don't be worried about changing things for the better..;)
  12. K2DSL

    K2DSL Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Glad you got around to the *simple* change 7 months later.
  13. DL6KVA

    DL6KVA Ham Member QRZ Page

    didn't read it hear although it it is a direct result from the current change.

    Looks like ANY links (at least not specially defined ones) are treated as callsign lookups ... if when they don't have anything to do directly with

    I'm talking about links in the biography (check for DL6KVA) to other web servers ... links to my fotogalary and are present for years and worked till last week at least ...

    I'm sure there's a simple solution but can't find any help files to describe how I should qualify external links to have them working again.

    Thanks in advange for any help.

    Axel Schernikau, DL6KVA
  14. M0LEP

    M0LEP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Corrupted web links in biographies

    Aye, it seems web links in biographies are being corrupted at present. :mad:
  15. K2DSL

    K2DSL Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yup, looks like something was "fixed" that wasn't broken ;)
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