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QRZ Warned by the FCC

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Jul 10, 2008.

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  1. N9WWR

    N9WWR Ham Member QRZ Page

    I do....And I use it...:cool:
  2. N9WWR

    N9WWR Ham Member QRZ Page

    RJ sounds like you have a serious complex with the 11 meter band. By the way RJ, some of us who you call "11m/freebanders/bootleg elements" are hams and are licensed to operate on some of the "freeband/bootleg" freqs. Yes it true....If you hold a MARS license WE can operate in what you call freeband. Ask a MARS operator to show you freqs we can operate on.
    If I were you I'd lighten up...If not sell all your ham stuff and buy a GMRS radio. Have a great day and a better tomorrow.......NNN0AFP.......
  3. KA5LQJ

    KA5LQJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    WHAT???? Bwahahahahahahahaha!

    WHAT? You've GOT to be kidding me. With all the bad fruit and vegetables coming into this country with botulism and other diseases from South America, Mexico and elsewhere, the FDA has failed, miserably to protect the American public.

    Be afraid, be VERY afraid, the F.C.C. is alerting Federal Marshal's to come to your homes, break your doors down, assault your family, tear your homes apart and take your radio's! The Singularity is coming! Resistance is futile, we will all wind up in The Black Hole! :eek: :rolleyes: :D

    Respectfully submitted,

  4. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes, just like Christopher Cox, head of the SEC, failed to make sure that securities regulations were strictly enforced in the financial sector.

    It truly IS an import restriction issue of sorts, I guess. If the radios pass the Part 15 certification requirements, then they should be allowed to be imported.

    Now, it should be how they are operated if they meet Part 15, not whether they can be sold. As many have said, amateur equipment can be easily modified to operate anywhere. All of my radios can, since, at one time, I was a member of MARS.

    I know of at least a half dozen examples of amateur gear being used to save lives outside of the ham bands in real life "when all else fails" situations. While I recognize that stuff can be used illegally by some dimwits, it will do far greater harm to preclude the ability to modify equipment for out of band operation.

    The root of the problem lies in the violations by "freeband CBers" being only misdemeanors. A mere slap on the wrist. And, the means used by the FCC, that of a citation or a Notice of Apparent Liability/Forfeiture Order isn't tough enough. The regulations and or the Communications Act should be revised to allow the FCC/FBI to arrest these nut cases and haul them off to jail, charging them with felonies. Even better, allow, as in the case of drug users, the confiscation of their vehicles. The cost to someone of complete, loaded semi 18 wheelers ought to be serious enough to get their attention.

    Just as responsible gun ownership places the responsibility on the owner, responsible radio operation should place the burden on the owner/operator.

    For the record, I also bought and used for a few years an RCI-2950. It was a great multimode 10M mobile for about a hundred bucks. Had lots of fun with it on 10FM and occasionally, working DX on USB on long business trips in the company car. If it hadn't blown its microprocessor, thanks to a shorted capacitor, I'd still have it in the shack today. I should have purchased the "chipswitch" replacement while I could to use it on 12 meters as well.

  5. W7HW

    W7HW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I agree on that point, just did a scan on "sleaze bay", there are more amplifers for 11 meters than all of the other bands combined. So: does "sleaze bay" monitor selling posts??? I don't think so....was around when the FCC banned amps available for 11 meters, did it make a difference??
    Right!!! Took away the the HAM rights to purchase, without a hassle, at that time, buyable amps on 10 meters. Now you buy a new amp, must show legal documentation to open it up for 10/12 meters (which I can do). SO: who lost in the long run??
    Hams or CB'rs....go figure....73 Duane W7HW:confused:
  6. K4NIN

    K4NIN Ham Member QRZ Page


    Hey FCC, why don't you spend some time listening to 14.275, and stop wasting ours......
  7. W9JEF/SK2025

    W9JEF/SK2025 QRZ Lifetime Member #571 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    So what's the problem???

    Other than the occassional glitch now and then, does the much-revered Free Market not continue to serve us well???

    Maybe President Obama will get some people on the Commission who actually do their job, instead of acting like employees of the corporations they supposedly regulate.
  8. N9AMI

    N9AMI Ham Member QRZ Page

    sell on

    I think the FCC can cram it. They cannot regulate the person to person sales of these items but they can regulate the retail sale thats it.
  9. N8YX

    N8YX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sounds to me like he has more of a problem with illegal operations on the 10.5 and 11.5 (and down) meter bands, some of which is engaged in by licensed hams who ought to know better.

    How's your RCI-2970 work out during Navy MARS operations? I heard they were pretty drift-prone.

    You're comparing apples to oranges with the MARS analogy, by the way. The vast majority of so-called "MARS-modded" rigs will NEVER see so much as one check-in to a valid MARS net.
  10. N8YX

    N8YX Ham Member QRZ Page


    Further, they should be going after the users of such equipment, not the sellers. Chop away at the market by levying stiff fines and/or imposing jail time then the demand problem will take care of itself.
  11. W6GQ

    W6GQ Ham Member Volunteer Moderator QRZ Page

    New FCC boss, ask her
  12. WA4OTD

    WA4OTD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  13. KA5S

    KA5S Ham Member QRZ Page

    Let's not.

    Let's encourage the Commission to prosecute egregious violations, and also to let us continue buying the occasional Mobat, Harris, SEA and military surplus rig that might cover some forbidden frequency.

  14. KE7ZOE

    KE7ZOE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Why bring back this old thread?

  15. W5GNB

    W5GNB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Other "Illegal" radios??

    OK then, we better outlaw the Kenwood ts-50S, Yeasu FT-101E, Ten-Tec gear, and a HOST of other ham rigs. Most of these and others are very EASY to modify to use on the "Freeband", usually by simply cutting a wire or removing a simple well marked component on the circuit board.

    The F.C.C needs to get up off thier DEAD A## and go find the folks that are operating these rigs in an illegal manor, not simply try to ban the sale of certain items to curb illegal activity.

    This is about as stupid an idea as Gun Conrtol in which only criminals will have guns if there is a general ban on sale and ownership of guns.

    Gary - W5GNB

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