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QRZ.COM advert malware???

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by NZ1MT, Apr 10, 2014.

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  1. AF6LJ

    AF6LJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Half the time people complain about ads because of where they have been and how ad servers choose what ads are linked to the pages they visit. Many years ago I had to explain this to a client, if you don't want to see pig farming ads stop visiting sites that are targeted for pig farmers, otherwise don't complain....
  2. KC9UDX

    KC9UDX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    So you're suggesting what? That the ads are put here intentionally, solely to annoy us?

    That doesn't make what I said nonsense. It's a whole different point. Yes, if QRZ was made paid-only, usage would drop, that's obvious. I said nothing about optimising ad revenue. I said the ads are there to generate revenue, not how much better or worse they could be than other ads.

    Could Fred get ads that bring in more money? Possibly. Should Fred get different ads just because we don't like them? I won't ask him for that. I'll pay to play. If I can't afford the subscription, I don't need to be here.

    And, just to clarify, yes, I do believe it is a big slap in the face to Fred to use an adblocker if you don't pay the subscription.
  3. KC2UGV

    KC2UGV Ham Member QRZ Page

    No. Merely that many businesses see that annoying looking ads pay more per impression, but fail to take into account that they cause an overall drop in consumer views, which lowers impressions, thereby reducing overall revenue.

    If QRZ was paid-only, usage would drop, and Fred would lose money. If ads are the basis for revenue here, they don't make as much revenue as they could, due to less than stellar advertising strategy. There are other ways to make a business run, shy of just placing ads all over your page: You offer services (Like the logbook, or call sign lookup).

    I'm not going to ask Fred to do anything. He can do what he likes with his business.

    I don't think so, since they are obtrusive, annoying, and potentially dangerous.
  4. W4PG

    W4PG QRZ Lifetime Member #279 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    I must be on a different site than you. Attached is what I see. Nothing obtrusive, annoying or dangerous. Plus, as soon as I head over to the forums, they are gone. But, to each his own.


    Attached Files:

  5. SV4NLA

    SV4NLA Ham Member QRZ Page

    If somebody wants to block the ads on a site, there are ways to do it! :cool:

  6. KC2UGV

    KC2UGV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Any animated ad is obtrusive, and annoying to the end user.

    And for me? They're never there :)
  7. W4PG

    W4PG QRZ Lifetime Member #279 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    I do love your comments, Corey. There is always an undercurrent of substance flowing from them. Much like this one, where you acknowledge obtrusive and annoying ads that for you are never there.

    It sort of begs the question, "How would you know?"

    But no nevermind . . . We know what you are doing.

  8. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    If people are complaining about the Gifs to the left, That is Crazy If they think they cause problems. I like them.

    The Flash ones at the Top that a user may or may not see are the ones that can Suck.

    A pop up or hidden Flash normally will not originate on the site you are on, but your IP is being redirected by some third party site. So A backup can be made of course, Just in case you loose your hard drive. Only takes 1 extra Hop.

    Have Fun, Everyone.
  9. KC2UGV

    KC2UGV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Because I occasionally turn off adblock, to see if things have gotten better. And, they sadly have not. I do like the textual ads at the bottom of the page, however.
  10. KJ3N

    KJ3N Ham Member QRZ Page

    Here's what QRZ typically looks like to me:


    Simple & clean.

    Ad Block Plus is your friend. ;)
  11. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    That is nice.

    QRZ Message

    Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator

    You should become a Member, so that your post is Posted.
  12. VE3OIJ

    VE3OIJ QRZ Lifetime Member #42 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Admins should look into advertisements with malware. That is something that the ad company should jump on right away.

    The days, however, of ad-free internet are basically gone. It costs too much to run decent servers, and people are generally too cheap to pay for content, so the bills have to get covered by ads. For this situation, you can thank pretty much every hippy who has said "Information wants to be free" or words to that effect. Information may want to be free, but in the real world, information has carrying charges :(

    However, if you're sick of ads in general, you have three choices:

    1. Disconnect from the internet completely. Ads are here. If a person can't deal with it, the internet is no place for that person. Ads are here largely because people won't exercise the next option...

    2. Pay for premium membership. Most ad-supported sites offer ad-free experience with a membership. QRZ certainly does this. However, if a person still hates ads but is grossly addicted to the internet and too cheap to pay a membership and support the site, one can always...

    3. Run an ad blocker like Adblock Plus. It works really well for Chrome and Firefox. I've never tried it in IE because I have too much self-respect to run IE.

    I agree that popup ads are a wart on the backside of the internet, but it seems that's the way of things now. Block them or pay for a membership.
  13. VE3OIJ

    VE3OIJ QRZ Lifetime Member #42 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Nope. Ad blockers rose because ads were annoying and cluttered up content, long before anyone thought of putting something malicious in them. The first ad blocker came out about 10 minutes after the first banner ad.

    You are correct, however. QRZ administration can slap its ad provider. More sites that use ads absolutely should do that.

    Personally, I block all ads on every site I visit. The ones I care about, I contribute to financially.
  14. VE3OIJ

    VE3OIJ QRZ Lifetime Member #42 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    I've never seen a dangerous ad when I am not logged in and have ad block turned off (and I do check, fairly often). Nor have I ever seen a pop-up ad.

    I would suggest that, before slagging QRZ about popup malware ads, that the people experience them actually get someone else to verify that their own computer is not, in fact, infected with malware since there ARE malware infections that pop up ads.

    ever download a tool bar? run a torrent? added an emoticon package to your email? let kids bring software from school to use on your computer? pirate some music or video? get some software from a buddy that he got from some unknown source? install security software from a place other than the actual manufacturer? Clicked a link in an unsolicited email? Run Windows XP? visited a dodgy porn site? These are all great malware vectors.

    In my experience, most people complaining about popups and grossly intrusive, inappropriate ads have a malware infection that they got elsewhere.
  15. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    That was nice.

    I like the idea of "Disconnect from the internet completely."

    People are spoiled now a days.

    Have Fun.
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