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QRZ and Hurricane Sandy

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by AA7BQ, Oct 29, 2012.

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  1. AA7BQ

    AA7BQ QRZ Founder QRZ HQ Staff QRZ Page

    QRZ is hosted by Amazon Web Services and utilizes their Northern Virginia facility. While there is no indication that this facility will be impacted by the storm, QRZ users should note that in the event of a loss of QRZ services within the next 48 hours, it will have probably been caused by the storm.

    There is zero chance that QRZ will suffer any permanent damage, however, and should such an event occur, we'll be back as usual as soon as Amazon recovers.

    Thanks (just in case)

  2. AJ0EB

    AJ0EB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Wishing you the best. I'm staffing our ARES EOC awaiting the higher winds.
  3. KF6ABU

    KF6ABU Ham Member QRZ Page

    The hurricane net guys will keep the servers safe. Don't worry.
  4. WD0BC

    WD0BC Ham Member QRZ Page

    HOPE that the IDIOT with the open MIC wakes up soon......
  5. KF6ABU

    KF6ABU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Why is that?
  6. M3KDK

    M3KDK Ham Member QRZ Page

    i wish all you well and good luck i have been lisening on the skywarn nets keep safe and well stuart from the UK
  7. AF6LJ

    AF6LJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not worried it's in GOD's hands.
    Have a good week Fried
  8. N9ZMO

    N9ZMO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for the update and good luck through the week, to all involved.
  9. N4EYZ

    N4EYZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm stacking my 170' 45G tomorrow. Storm or not. Ya'll come help!

    Got my fingers crossed for QRZ!
  10. M0HEM

    M0HEM Ham Member QRZ Page


    our wishes and hearts goes out to you all from the uk
  11. NP2V

    NP2V Ham Member QRZ Page

    Praying for everyone to be safe, my best wishes from someone who have been through this please be careful and may God be with all of you all.

  12. KD5OM

    KD5OM Ham Member QRZ Page seems not to be responding this morning. At least from my location. I hope they're good.
  13. G7EIX

    G7EIX Ham Member QRZ Page

  14. JA6XZS

    JA6XZS Volunteer DX Helper Volunteer DX Helper Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hope all of US friends have no serious damages caused by the storm.

    JA6XZS in Yokohama,
    73, Kaz
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