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Product Review - The ICOM IC-7000

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Dec 7, 2005.

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  1. NA4IT

    NA4IT Ham Member QRZ Page

    I case no one has seen them yet, the TV RX mod and MARS mod for the 7000 are on

    Now, back to convincing the XYL it would be a good buy because she could watch NASCAR on the way to church on Sunday afternoons!
  2. BD1TNO

    BD1TNO Ham Member QRZ Page

    i like it!,so wonderful
  3. K4EEZ

    K4EEZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Fred Lloyd, I agree

    I think that USB would be the best way to go, they could have introduced it a few years ago back in the production of the 702, 706, 756 etc etc, everything now days has or is USB. I bet Yeasu will still be the first to introduce USB to a radio, and if they don’t then its a loss to all, but wish somehow we could inspire the radio industries to take the USB route instead of the serial path,,, Push Push Push for USB !!!

    The Ic7000 looks very nice and I agree there is more room for Improvements
    The RTTY/FSK would have been nice, if it TX as well as RX'ed , why not have 2 USB ports, one for a USB keyboard and one for a P.C then you could have a C.W decoder sender too?

    I Also Agree
    That a clock would have been a nice feature to have so as you power down the radio a clock would appear on the LCD screen and stay there tell PWR on...

    Another good feather to have which is lacking on all radios is an
    Automatic Audio Control, just push a button and the transmitted audio from a standard Mic would match to its max preference…

    SWR meter, oh no here we go…

    On the 706 and Mk 2G the SWR meter never worked for 2 meters or 440
    Why would Icom make such an Awesome radio (706 MII-G) and Opps the SWR meter only works for 6 meters and HF, did we forget to add the circuitry or something for that?
    But never the less it is a unique radio.

    Fred Lloyd , I guess you could let us know if it works this time round on the IC 7000
    if you could Tnx…

    Also how hot dose the radio get when running PSK or RTTY ?

    But the best change of all would be to see a radio with a USB port and 100% software to support it.

    That’s my 2 cents worth


    Push Push Push USB!!!
  4. KC8RTX

    KC8RTX Ham Member QRZ Page

    I just purchased this radio and removed the diode for TV reception but I still do not seem to be able to enter the TV mode. It says nothing in my manual or in the downloadable manuals from the Icom websites about TV reception.

    Is there anything other than removing the diode to completeing this mod? Does someone have a manual detailing TV reception?

    Thanks for any info.

    kc8rtx at yahoo dot com
  5. KJ3N

    KJ3N Ham Member QRZ Page

    Push and hold down the volume control. To exit, repeat.
  6. KJ7YL

    KJ7YL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Does the IC-7000 have a built in SWR meter for use with the High Sierra Antenna?
  7. K4EEZ

    K4EEZ Ham Member QRZ Page

  8. W7IXA

    W7IXA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hello Fred,

    Thanks for the very good synopsis of the IC7000, nicely done! Do you know if a likely button is pressed on the Microphone will they generate all approriate 16 DTMF tones?

    Doug - W7IXA
  9. AA7BQ

    AA7BQ QRZ Founder QRZ HQ Staff QRZ Page


    Regarding DTMF on the Mic, it's my understanding that the mic does not do DTMF at all. DTMF is programmable in the memories, however.

  10. KC0NPF

    KC0NPF Guest

    about that "room for improvement" and the USB port

    HERE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is how to bring new hams into the hobby

    73 All KC0NPF
  11. KA0SAB

    KA0SAB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes there is a way to use the SWR Meter..

    Put the radio in the cw or rtty mode and key the mike.

    I have not tried it on 2m or 440m.

    I run a tm700 for that use in my mobile along with the 7000.

    So far I like this radio very Well, I find that the more I play with it the more I am finding how to use it and all the filters.
    I really like the fact I can adjust everything out I don't want to hear.
    As far as ford problem with noise, it can be taken care of with torroids on the injector lines and fuel pump power lines.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  12. K8TL

    K8TL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Got it for Field day, I do mobile mostly CW.  Was disappointed to see that it doesn't use the almost standard six pin power connector!  Both vehicles are wired with the other connectors.  Now looking for a inline female to adapt with out rewiring. Pulling wire in these new vehicles is a real pain.

    The band scope generates RFI that reminds me of the old WoodPecker.  
    It gets aroung the noise better than the IC-756ProIII.  I could copy the VQ9 on 160 with both but copy was easier on the IC-7000!!!
    Up grade from the 706 mainly for the built in memory keyer, I had been using an external memory keyer for field day.  The SWR graph is neat for mobile and portable, would be nice on the 756!!!  Tom K8TL
  13. K8MHZ

    K8MHZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    In Michigan it is illegal to have anything that recieves broadcast TV or video in the front seat of a vehicle while it is in motion. DVD players for dash mount must have a park sensor in them so the screen can only be turned on when the vehicle is in park.

    There may also be a federal law pertaining to this as well.


  14. K8MHZ

    K8MHZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    "I just worked a guy on CW who was running a new Icom IC-7000. His CW tone was VERY "hard" sounding. I do not know if this was just his rig or not."

    I may have heard your QSO!  I am not sure, I think it was 7.248.  But the guy was talking about his new 7000 and I thought it sounded as you said.  He got a good signal report, and the person he was talking to said the 7000 sounded good, but I thought it sounded loud and tinny.  'Hard' was a good way to describe it.

    I almost forgot about this until I saw your post.

  15. W4DID

    W4DID Ham Member QRZ Page

    I received my IC 7000 on Dec. 20, 2005 and installed it in my 2004 Dodge Quad Cab 1500 pickup. We left on a 1500 mile round-trip down south for christmas two days later. I have the radio down in a lower compartment and the control head up on the dash. I use the 7000 to drive an SG-500 amp running 500 watts on hf to a Tarheel Screwdriver on the left rear. My first trip with the new radio was most enjoyable. With the background on the control head set to black and the font size set to large with white lettering, I did not have any trouble with sunlight like I did with my old 706 MK II G. Screen readable at all times. (without my reading glasses) The noise blanker is much better than the 706 MKIIG also. I use the Heil Traveler headset plugged into the radio down below for longer hf contacts and the vox on for hands free operation, and the hand mic plugged into the control head I use for shorter vhf or uhf repeater work. With a Diamond dualband antenna on the left front fender, I used repeaters all along our trip on vhf & uhf. The hf side was really enjoyable also. I was able to work back to Wisconsin on 75 & 40 mtrs ssb and sitting in a parking lot of a motel in West Virginia at 9 am eastern time last Saturday, I worked two guys in London England on 17 mtr ssb easily. This radio to me is a miniture version of my 756 Pro III & PW-1 at home. I agree a usb port (especially for programing uhf & vhf repeaters) would be very handy. I spent a lot of time programming approximately 100 repeaters in it ONE AT A TIME !! The scales on the screen are very visable and the swr scale works great on hf. I have not noticed if the swr scale is active on uhf & vhf. In most if not all states, having a tv screen viewable to the driver is illegal, but the funny part is a lot of vehicles now have gps screens viewable to the driver so I guess I don't see the difference. But, I am not interested in watching tv at 70 mph anyway! I cannot find anything about the radio sofar that is a real negative. It will be interesting to watch the feedback for the next year or so. 73, Ralph
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