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PR: 32-bit Log Windows 4.0 released

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by W6IX, May 10, 2002.

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  1. W6IX

    W6IX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Log Windows 4.0 32-bit version released!

    Updates for PacTerm , PkTerm and MultiComm Host also released.

    Muscle Shoals, Alabama. May 10, 2002: Creative Services Software announced that version 4.0, the first 32-bit version of the popular logging program Log Windows, has been released.  The new 32-bit version includes USB support, support of communication ports from COM1: to COM24:, a new point and click CD callbook chooser and much more.

    “It’s been a long road getting here from when we took over Log Windows in 2000”, said Rick Ruhl, W4PC, President of CSS. “I’m glad we finally have the 32-bit version on the street, and we can continue to enhance the product and grow the market for those who have been waiting for the 32-bit version.”

    CSS also released version 1.6 of PacTerm for Windows, PkTerm for Windows and MultiComm Host.  These updated versions allow syncing with the Log Windows 32-bit product from a DXCluster packet window.

    The product retails for $89.95.  Those who have purchased version 3.06.50 or greater will get this upgrade free. Log Windows also appears on the Digital Trio CD. It is available from dealers around the world, as well as direct from CSS.  Log Windows runs under any version of Windows from Windows 95 to Windows XP

    Log Windows is owned by SCO, Inc and is maintained by Creative Services Software.

    Creative Services Software is at

    The Log Windows homepage is at

    Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT , Windows 2000 and Windows XP are Registered Trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
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