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Permanently change QRZ Logbook Sender Info?

Discussion in 'QRZ Site Community Help Center' started by AH6X, Sep 6, 2024.

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  1. AH6X

    AH6X Ham Member QRZ Page


    In my QRZ Logbook, my Sender Info shows the wrong information. I've updated it but net next long entry shows the old Sender Info again. How do I change that permanently?

    Thanks in advance!

    Rob, AH6X
    Boise, ID

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  2. KP4SX

    KP4SX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Have you updated and saved your Logbook Properties?
    The picture you show is only for that one particular contact.
    KF8KI likes this.
  3. AH6X

    AH6X Ham Member QRZ Page

    I did more digging around and found a Settings menu option that worked. I hope this question and picture help speed up the search for the next guy : )

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