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OCAPA September Meeting, Saturday, 21 September, Wickline UMC, Midwest City, OK

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by WA9AFM, Sep 17, 2024.

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  1. WA9AFM

    WA9AFM Ham Member QRZ Page

    The September Oklahoma City Autopatch Association (OCAPA) meeting will be on Saturday, 21 September, 10:00 AM (or when VE testing is complete) at Wickline United Methodist Church in Midwest City. The meeting will be in the "Parlor"; the room we used in August.

    Statement of conditions as of 31 August, 2024 and minutes of the August meeting have been sent to the membership. Please review them prior to the meeting.

    There will be an informal 'breakfast bunch' open to all on Saturday, 21 September, at 7:30 AM prior to the OCAPA VE test session. We'll meet at Madison's Kitchen in Del City. Madison's Kitchen is on north side of SE 29th just west of Linda Lane at 4747 SE 29th, Del City.

    For directions to Wickline, contact ''.

    As mentioned, we will be in the "Parlor" again. There is an all day volleyball tournament (again) in the Family Life Center.

    If you arrive during VE testing, please wait in the "Gathering Area" till testing is concluded.

    Also, please wear your OCAPA shirt or a call sign badge, ARRL appointment badge etc.

    The meeting agenda items will be:

    - "Keys, Keys, And More Keys" presented by Sam Smith, KI5SAM;

    - "Route 66 On The Air" report;

    - "All Ham Club Dinner" report;

    - Field Day 2025 locations discussion;

    - OCAPA Annual Christmas Dinner arrangements;

    - report on .21 repeater site installation, New Castle antenna party;

    - Texoma Hamarama update, volunteers needed;

    - CORA Winter Field Day, 25-26 January 2025, site visit after October CORA meeting;

    ......and a door prize drawing at the end of the meeting!

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