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New Weekly Amateur Radio 20m Net: Akash Bandhan: Bangladesh and India

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VU2JO, Aug 4, 2024.

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  1. VU2JO

    VU2JO Ham Member QRZ Page

    New Weekly Amateur Radio 20m Net: Akash Bandhan: Bangladesh and India 17:00 IST (UTC+5.30) on 14.195 MHz. Debut net yesterday had 25 check ins from VU, S21 and 4S6. Net controllers were S21HA from Bangladesh and VU3JXF from Kolkatha, India. Technical support was by S21AF and co-net controllers were VU3JOJ, VU2LKE and S21PL.

    I could hear many of the VU stations and 4S6CPT well. Copy was not good from S21 stations at my end, though I could hear S21PL fairly well. Though I tried to check in several times, I could not get through. On most days, I find it difficult to reach Eastern part of the country and Bangladesh with my setup.

    KF5KWO, A65DB, VK3SQ and 6 others like this.
  2. VU2ZOE

    VU2ZOE Ham Member QRZ Page

    You are really awesome Johnson garu. I really appreciate your efforts for make us know the updates and make people like me active in air.
    Nice to hear VU2DBE Debasish Das ji on the video. He is seems really strong on your end.
    KG4BFR, N4FZ and VU2JO like this.
  3. W4PG

    W4PG QRZ Lifetime Member #279 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    What day of the week is this net scheduled for? 1700 ITC is 1130 UTC just to be clear. Thanks for the info!!

    A65DB, M0MNE, KG4BFR and 2 others like this.
  4. VU2JO

    VU2JO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you very much Shiva Sai. Actually I had recorded for about 30 minutes using an SD card in my F-710 radio. But as the noise level was high, I included only a short audio clip. I had also thought of live streaming the Akash Bandhan net using the OpenWebRX of @VU3WEW (, which is located about 10 km from here. I was planning to use OBS software for that. Then I thought that it can be heard by anyone wishing to hear it online and there was no need for live streaming on YouTube!

    On a side note we are testing out a Ham Radio Technical Discussion Net on 7065 kHz, 1:45 am UTC (7.15 am IST) ( If you are free at that time, please do join, though propagation between us may not be that good on 40m.

    Ham Radio Technical Discussion Net on 7065 kHz.jpg
    N4FZ likes this.
  5. VU2ZOE

    VU2ZOE Ham Member QRZ Page

    17:00 IST. Every week on Saturday.
    W4PG, N4FZ and VU2JO like this.
  6. VU2JO

    VU2JO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes Bob, 1700 IST will be 1130 UTC. I am sure you will be able to join with your SteppIR beam on that tower. You could also listen on OpenWebRX of @VU3WEW (, which is located about 10 km from here. Being a weekly net, do listen in on the coming Saturday if your time schedule permits. As it is almost the time of Grey Line Propagation between VU and W, I will also listen for you. One of the net controls is @VU3JOJ, from the Eastern side of VU, while I am at the South West.

    73 de Jon, VU2JO
    A65DB, KC5OMC and N4FZ like this.
  7. N4FZ

    N4FZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Great information Jon, keep us posted and Best Wishes! Gene
    A65DB and VU2JO like this.
  8. VU2JO

    VU2JO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks a lot Gene. Please do try to join with your nice beam on that tower!

    73 de Jon, VU2JO.
    N4FZ likes this.
  9. N4FZ

    N4FZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I will do that Jon! 73's Gene
    VU2JO likes this.
  10. VU2JO

    VU2JO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you. 73
  11. W4PG

    W4PG QRZ Lifetime Member #279 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Thanks, Jon. In FL we have very good openings to VU long path that time of day. I am currently at the 2nd home in South Dakota (see W4PG/0) where the path is a little more difficult but possible that time of day. I shall give it a try. Thanks again!

    A65DB and VU2JO like this.
  12. VU2JO

    VU2JO Ham Member QRZ Page

    You have a wonderful location with zero RF noise. Noise level for me is typically S9 and sometimes S9+10 to 15 dB (even today morning on 40m).

  13. N6TDG

    N6TDG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Cool Beans on the net, I will have to see if contact can be made from my meager station in the gold country of California...
    VU2ZOE and VU2JO like this.
  14. VU2JO

    VU2JO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you for your interest. May be some of the strong VU stations with beams might be able to pick you up. Hope that some of them will join as net controls as the net continues.
    73, de Jon, VU2JO
  15. VU2ZOE

    VU2ZOE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sure Johnson garu. Will try to join based on availability. :)
    VU2JO likes this.

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