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New series about Ultra-Portable Amateur Digital Comms

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by OH8STN, Oct 26, 2016.

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  1. OH8STN

    OH8STN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Although elementary for many experienced operators, others have asked for an Ultra Portable Amateur Digital communications series. Well the first episode in the series is up. It's called "Getting started in Ultra-Portable Amateur Digital communications".

    In the first episode, we demonstrate three variations of Ultra-Portable kits.
    The first kit is built around a netbook type laptop. The second is built around an Android tablet. The third is built around an Android smartphone. We use a common interface for all three, but also show an option for mobile devices.

    Enjoy the series.
    73 de OH8STN
    NA7RX, KM4UJC and WL7X like this.
  2. KZ3H

    KZ3H Ham Member QRZ Page

    Bravo Zulu... I'll post some of my works with the FT 817ND portable operations I've conducted over the past year. Working on a power supply that is light but durable (trying to have my cake and eat it too).

    OH8STN likes this.
  3. K4ECD

    K4ECD Ham Member QRZ Page

    You are a credit to Ham. All of your videos are clear, concise and void of hyperbole.
    Keep up the great work - look forward to more in the series
    NA7RX and OH8STN like this.
  4. K1KC

    K1KC Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is the first listenable ham radio blog I have experienced in a long time! Thanks.
    NA7RX, K4ECD and OH8STN like this.
  5. KA9EAK

    KA9EAK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nicely done! Good information presented cleanly and clearly. Perfect timing as well as I recently purchased an 817 and wish to do this very thing with a notebook or a 'droid tablet. Thanks!
    OH8STN likes this.
  6. N7DMN

    N7DMN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Similar setup with a Raspberry Pi. This particular prototype is the Pi 2 and Pi touchscreen combination running fldigi. Radio is the new KX2 which is communicating via hamlib embedded in fldigi. Soundcard is the Signalink with KX3 cables, and battery is the QRP Ranger from Hardened Power.

    This is one of several variations I've set up using Raspberry Pi's. It is outstanding for field use due to very low current draw. Much like a phone or tablet, the touchscreen allows selecting a signal to decode as well as quick selection of data entry points when used with a keyboard.

    I apologize for the poor lighting in advance.. also, there is a wireless keyboard not shown in the photos.
    KIMG0710.JPG KIMG0712.JPG
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2016
    OH8STN likes this.
  7. KM4UJC

    KM4UJC Ham Member QRZ Page

    As a newb, great video, better information, and I didn't suffer cerebral damage taking in the info.
    OH8STN likes this.
  8. KM4DYX

    KM4DYX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Enjoy your youtube channel, keep it up. Been running a FT817 with Signalink and a Winbook, an Energizer XP8000 and a Powerfilm R28 for portable Winlink.

    I think Winlink is the way to go for portable digital comms - especially in peer to peer mode.

    The Winlink tablet (pictured on my QRZ page) is so small it fits in my little pelican case, but I've decided to ditch it as it is TOO small for my old eyes and fat fingers.

    I recently socred a Ranger QRP power supply; nothing not to like except weight and bulk, but my solar panel keeps it topped off while running the radio and charging AA batteries.

    Again, keep it up.


    OH8STN likes this.
  9. OH8STN

    OH8STN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hello Operators
    I've published the second episode in the Ultra Portable Amateur Digital Comms series. This episode guides the operator through the tedious task of setting up his/her USB audio interface on an Android device. We'll be using the ZLP MiniProSC for the video, but most of the installation us valid for the SignaLink USB as well.

    Although not as popular as their cousins the Netbook computer, Android Tablets and smartphones are just as powerful and usually far more battery friendly than their laptop brethren.

    de OH8STN
  10. OH8STN

    OH8STN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Sorry gents, for some reasons I wasn't getting notifications for replies here. Awesome replies :)
    Perhaps I'll have to do a RPi version during the series!?

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