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Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by KI4TRP, Feb 26, 2007.

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  1. KI4TRP

    KI4TRP Ham Member QRZ Page

    I would appreciate anyone who could offer some thoughts for antenna ideas (2m) that could be used for apartments and stealth ideas would be best, or portable verticals would also be welcome... thank you/ 73.
  2. N6YG

    N6YG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Do a search for 2 meter twin lead J-poll. Its made from 300 ohm twin-lead. Its very easy to disguise this antenna as a small flagpole. Just place the antenna in some PVC pipe and mount it on your balcony railing with a flag on it on. In today's hostile patriotic environment I don't know of many apartment managers who would be stupid enough to argue your patriotism.

    Its a great little 2 meter antenna and its cheap and easy to build.
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