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\"New Guy\" VS \"OO\"

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by Guest, Jun 20, 2001.

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  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    ae9b writes "There is some amazing stuff going on here. Just last week we had a new ham "new guy" having difficulties finding a group to fit in with and all the average hams offering encouragement. Sharing experiences good and bad to help this guy feel like he's part of the community. A few comments about OF's wandered about most of them with almost respectful connotations.

    Here one week later we have OFFICIALS not knowing the rules and "threatening" to enforce rules apparently outside their jusidiction, while a fellow ham goes out on a DX Ped to encourage activity in new places and promote goodwill in foreign lands. Why do we Americans (I love my Country) once given a small piece of Authority think we need to police all of society in all lands?

    We should be revelling the pleasure and enjoyment that our DX Peditioner had while in a new setting, instead we're distroying goodwill. While new ham's are trying to fit in, OF's are wrecking things for those who are cutting new paths. Bring on some new No Code Tech's (at least they'll have a current rule book)."
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