Was a fun event and special thanks to all the special event operators for a fun event! Big Full Stomp!
Thank you! I have never used a spotting network before this I had no need. This event changed that and I found a Need! Learned how to use some new tools. Thanks again and I am looking forward to my Big Stomp Certificate as I got all 6 and W7O twice on different modes and worked a few more,W7_ more than once. This was a hoot! I've only been a ham since May of 2023 and new to the Extra Class as well and this was a good learning experience. It was either this or JOTA and I choose Bigfoot SES. My hat's off to all the operators who may have lost sleep or meals, or not; they did a terrific job from my QTH and point of view. 73 de KN6ZVI
Guys, I did work W7T in Tacoma, WA, at 1908z, 21 Oct 24, on 28.320 USB. This was the only one I worked and was thrilled to get it lol. I did hear W7O on 14.338, but could not break pile up....But I did get to hear Dave’s melodies voice for the first time ever. I am very happy that W7T confirmed here for me.
If you still want the pretty 8 1/2" x 11 full-color certificate, even a single letter qualifies! Go to www.QRZ.com/db/W7O for all the details. Really fun event - thanks so much to all Dave W7UUU
ALL the letters are getting confirmations. Remember that there were a number of operators - but not all have uploaded their logs to the site. Your "G" is probably in one of those logs. Just give it some time. Thanks for working the event! Dave W7UUU
We found this sign antique hunting in North Florida this past weekend. I knew it was meant to be! Looking forward to next year! Ronnie NZ4X
Hi. I worked all the stations and wanted to get a QSL card and the Big Stomp cert as well but the information how to do it has been removed from the callsign pages since there is a new event. Can anyone provide me the info please? Thank you Michael N6HBJ
It's all still here: https://www.qrz.com/db/WA7WJR/VE7 Thanks for working the event! I was one of 4 W7O stations Dave W7UUU
Yup, I remember working you! I was going to ask about confirming a QSO with your regular callsign too but I thought about it too late. I'll catch you on the next one. Thanks! Mike
Any idea when they will be sent out along with the certificates? I sent in my QSL card and a check, don't recall when exactly. Just looking for info on when to expect a letter back. KC8DFL
Hi Brad! (And everyone else) We have been getting bundles and bundles of mail every day from the Tacoma post office; they actually started coming in during the event! So, now that the river of cards and envelopes has slowed to a trickle, we have scheduled two work parties to process all of these returns. The first one will be November 11th 2024 and the second one November 17th 2024. Additional work parties will be added as necessary, so a word to all of you that have sent in QSL cards or requests for QSL cards and certificates: we're working on it and I don't think the original organizer really understood the volume of requests and/or the popularity of this event! We will get to all of you, never fear! This was a first time event; we expect to do it again next year, and we'll be better at this next year, promise! Thanks for your inquiry Brad! Gary McAdams WG7X Secretary, Radio Club of Tacoma W7DK.org