The Radio Club of Tacoma cordially invites all amateur radio operators around the world to seek out the elusive "BIGFOOT" to celebrate National Sasquatch Awareness Day on October 20th! We are sure there will be multiple sightings of the BIGFOOT special event stations, but the challenge will be to contact the special event stations W7B, W7I, W7G, W7F, W7O, (stations must work W7O at least twice on 2 different modes, bands, or Zulu days) and W7T to claim the coveted BIG STOMP on the BIGFOOT Certificate! ANYONE can apply for the certificate - even if you only worked one of the stations. Radio Club of Tacoma (W7DK) club members will be operating the BIGFOOT callsigns starting on October 16th at 0000 Zulu, and the special event will end on October 21 at 2359 Zulu. Stations will be using CW, phone, FT8/FT-4, RTTY and PSK modes, and will be operating on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters at various times throughout each day. Everyone working will have their contact(s) confirmed on QRZ or if you want the beautiful certificate for this event, send a $5 check or MO to cover expenses to the address below. You will receive a stamp for each letter confirmed, and those stations having worked ALL of the stations will get a stamp for "Full Stomp"! Radio Club of Tacoma Dept: BIGFOOT PO Box 11188 Tacoma, WA 98411
G'Morning Gary! I took the liberty of making a few changes to this - yesterday, the event coordinator made some "last minute changes" to how he wanted it to work so I've adjusted all the W7x pages and your post as well. Should be a fun event! Dave W7UUU
I'm out in Michigan (just got here a few hours ago) visiting grandkids - I don't get back until late on the 17th so I will be late to the party. But I have committed to a bunch of CW, SSB, and FT slots on the 18th, 19,th, 20th, and 21st - I will be running the letter "O" - which you have to work TWICE if you want to get the certificate! That can be either on 2 different bands, 2 different modes, or across 2 different UTC dates. There will be others running the letter "O" as well - so don't worry - there WILL be operators on all letters right from the start! BE WATCHING THE SPOTTING NETWORKS!! And if you're just tuning about, the call will be "CQ BF" from the operators Dave W7UUU
Update! After discussing this with the band captains and the originator of this event, it has been decided that there will be a hard copy QSL for this event. Something like this:
Bigfoot is a cool Critter, Crypted,,,,,What have you..... But my favorite Crypted, is the The Lochness Monster...... Would you guys,,,, Or someone, put on a Lochness Monster Special Event??? Nessie would be honored, and probably blush with pride.
This sounds fun! Having grown up in the Pacific NW, and spent my free times hunting and camping in the parks & forests, the legends of Bigfoot are near & dear to me! I'm hoping that despite now being 3500 miles away, conditions will be favorable enough for me to make contacts! I'm not a huge contester, so can I ask about these "spotting networks"? Basically, where do I go to find them? Do I need to install a program or app in the computer beforehand; separate website, etc? Or maybe there’s a tutorial out there someone could direct me to? Thanks.
OUTSTANDING! No doubt I'll be finding Bigfoot! Living close to the AT in rural PA, we know he's out there!!!!
I am currently not active and only have a 2 meter handheld, but this is interesting. Check out my QRZ bio. KE5BMP
Brando; here's a couple of sites to check out. One of them is actually right here on QRZ. These sites, and many more, collect DX spots sent by hams around the world. This makes it much easier to find DX or Sasquatch, depending on what you're looking for. Most of these sites allow you to filter out unwanted spots and to the best of my knowledge, they're all free to use. Hope this helps!
I love working special event stations regardless of the reason, but it is a great way to get people on the air!!!!! Here in Rochester it would be tough to see bigfoot....
Years ago I shared a smoke with Big Foot up on the Klamath River in 'Happy Camp, California' located in remote Northwestern California. He likes Marlboro Red 100s, and they don't stunt his growth...