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My Xiegu G90 Ammo Can Build

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WY6Y, Jan 14, 2025.

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  1. WY6Y

    WY6Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    They are pleasantly surprising arent they? I use mine just about as much as I use my Yaesu FTDX10
    KF0NYL and KD8ZM like this.
  2. WY6Y

    WY6Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    I did put in a port for the CW connection, and I do have a digirig that I use with it, but I cannot find a TRRS passthrough for the digirig cord to the main body. The compromise right now is to just pass the cord through underneath the head unit.
  3. G3SEA

    G3SEA Ham Member QRZ Page

    They used to say the same about Japanese Radios but look how they developed. :cool:
    KD8ZM, AE8EM and WY6Y like this.
  4. KN4ZUJ

    KN4ZUJ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Amazing!! Thanks for sharing.
  5. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    Often it was just a hide and seek under different company names.

    In the past here in Germany transceivers were sold by the company Sommerkamp. A big thing and well known by CBers and HAM operators. All this was manufactured in Europe and then the company got bankrupt. That was just blah, blah. The modules and circuits were produced in Japan and put together in Europe. And what a surprise, it was Yaesu since the 1970s.
  6. KD8ZM

    KD8ZM Ham Member QRZ Page

    And, the Xiegu radios are actually pretty good, which is known by those who have actually used them.
    G3SEA and KF0NYL like this.
  7. KF0NYL

    KF0NYL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yes they are. Even some of the old time Elmers that use nothing but Icom, Kenwood, and Yaesu radios have all been impressed when I talk to them using my G90. They all say the G90 sounds good.

    I am realistic and know that a Xiegu G90 will never compete with high end radios. But the G90 does work well without breaking the bank.
    KD8ZM, WY6Y and G3SEA like this.
  8. WY6Y

    WY6Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    The G90 is not my only radio, but it is one of my favorites. It has a huge user base, which is useful if you are trying to solve a problem. It also has readily available replacement parts if there is a problem. I’ve had mine for two years now, and have had zero problems with it. It has been a workhorse for SSB and digital modes when I travel.
  9. WY6Y

    WY6Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    I play trivia on 3.916Mhz nearly every night. I’m either on my Xiegu G90 in the backyard, or on my Yaesu FTDX10. I have never been told I cannot be heard by anyone on either radio. I think its probably because of my workhorse 80m Doublet.
  10. KF0NYL

    KF0NYL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    A good antenna and good coax does make a difference. I use either my 10m inverted v dipole or AWK 6 band cobweb antenna at home and either a 40m EFHW or my REZ Antennas Recon 40 when portable.

    Most of the time I can do just as good if not better with 20 watts and a good resonant antenna versus 100 watts with a poor antenna.
    KD8ZM likes this.
  11. KD8ZM

    KD8ZM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think for anyone rational (which excludes "gatekeeper" sad hams who want to repel newer people away from the hobby), they are an exceptional value. The only thing I don't like about mine is that they don't have keyer memories.
    KF0NYL likes this.
  12. KF0NYL

    KF0NYL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I was talking to one of the Elmers this morning and we got on the subject of radios and antennas. He commented again how well I sounded when using the G90 during the last 10m contest weekend. He works CW a lot and has commented on how well the G90 sounds when he works others on CW. Learning morse code in the next squirrel for me to chase.
    WY6Y and KD8ZM like this.
  13. KD8ZM

    KD8ZM Ham Member QRZ Page

    DO IT! It only takes some determination, not talent.
    KF0NYL likes this.
  14. WY6Y

    WY6Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    Roger Roger. This is the doublet antenna I am using.
    I have foudn the G90 to be the perfect rig for learning CW. You don’t even have to have an antenna plugged in to practice if you turn QSK Off. I ended up running a run of coax out my study window to a 17’ whip just so I could practice CW from time to time. It really is a challenge. I’m much better at sending than receiving. 73 WY6Y
    KD8ZM and KF0NYL like this.
  15. KD8ZM

    KD8ZM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Keep it up! You'll get better at copying, very quickly! May I suggest listening to some of the downloadable novels in CW audio files, to improve your head copy? I really enjoyed learning that way.

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