Location: 235 Bridgeton Pike, Mullica Hill, NJ. Flyer attached The Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club will be hosting the ARRL Southern New Jersey Section Convention and Hamfest on Sunday, September 8, 2024! We’ll have many door prizes this year, come for a chance to win a $200 cash prize, and others including SDRPlay, Arrow Antenna, Elecraft and more. Vendors may arrive at 6:00 a.m. with general admission at 8:00. VE Testing is at 9:00 at the clubhouse. - Non-vendors must park in the lower parking area - there are NO EXCEPTIONS - All fees will be collected at the gate. Please bring small bills; exact change will help us expedite your entry into the event! Costs: $10 admission (non-ham spouses and kids are free). Vendors: tailgate spaces $10, pavilion $15 plus admission fee. 73 Jeffrey A. Welsh KD2AZI Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club www.w2mmd.org
One of the better Hamfest in the area. Weather for Sunday looks like sunny and low 70s. Hope to see you there.
I was there as a seller. Had a great time and the weather was great. Even won a door prize. Last time I was there was in the mid 90's. Very well attended. Met people I haven't seen in person for over 20 to 30 plus years. Even met some of my manual customers. I definitely will be coming back next year.
Heard them announce your call and name on the PA for the door prize. Great turnout and perfect weather.
As an active hamfest/flea market seller for 40 plus years, the one thing that struck me with a mental "Wow" was that everyone at this hamfest that stopped by my tables seemed to be in a good mood. Had several stimulating pricing dialogs with customers on several pieces of equipment and other stuff throughout the day, but no one tried to screw me over on pricing. With others, it was just great chit chat. Maybe it was the weather or the great outdoor smell or maybe it was the fact that one of my felt pens, which I had in my pants pocket, and the cap had fallen off and the pen leaked through my pocket leaving a large and ugly stain. About half-way through the morning, I thought back as to where I parked to sell that last time I was there in the 90's. I then realized I was within a few feet from my original 90's position (directly opposite the bathroom building which now was a lot bigger then what I remember from back in the 90's).