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Morse Code on Tonight Show - Friday, May 13

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, May 14, 2005.

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  1. N1IRL

    N1IRL Ham Member QRZ Page

    I would recommend waiting until February 2006 when the FCC is expected to drop the ridiculous CW requirement and spend your time learning things that might actually be valuable and usefull in your life down the road!


  2. N1IRL

    N1IRL Ham Member QRZ Page

  3. N1IRL

    N1IRL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yeah, real tuff to set up A CB radio, huh?  Remember, 11 meter CB radio is HF!  A lot of people don't have a problem setting them up and they don't take any tests!!!

    So again, another one of your theories shot down!!!!!


  4. kd4mxe

    kd4mxe QRZ Member QRZ Page

  5. kd4mxe

    kd4mxe QRZ Member QRZ Page

  6. N1IRL

    N1IRL Ham Member QRZ Page

  7. N1IRL

    N1IRL Ham Member QRZ Page

    You know, another thing no one has mentioned. Had the studio audience been loud during the CW vs. Text Messaging contest then CW would have lost. The receiver would not have been able to hear well enough to copy! The phone text message guy however would not be affected by any noise!


  8. N1IRL

    N1IRL Ham Member QRZ Page
  9. AE7Q

    AE7Q Guest

    1. If you would actually READ the posts here from the actual participants, you would see that the audience WAS loud.

    2. If you would actually RESEARCH one of those Morse code readers, you would find that they're not that effective, even in fair signal conditions.

    3. You have other misconceptions about HF operations in general. This coming weekend is Field Day. Why don't you spend an hour visiting one of your local Field Day operations and see if it don't disabuse you of some of your preconceived notions?
  10. N1IRL

    N1IRL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Couldn't agree with you more!


  11. W5MJL

    W5MJL Ham Member QRZ Page

    You cannot quote someone and then change his quote to make it look like he said it. I do believe that is against the rules of this board.
  12. AE7Q

    AE7Q Guest


    Intentionally misquoting someone (me in your previous comment) is fundamentally dishonest and deceitful.

    This thread started out as a fun discussion of the Jay Leno segment. Unlike many of the discussions of that segment on other boards which have remained positive, you and many others have come on this thread to belittle (and occasionally insult) other amateurs. Intentionally misquoting them is over the line.
  13. W5MJL

    W5MJL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not to mention JUVENILE.
  14. N1IRL

    N1IRL Ham Member QRZ Page

    This thread started out as another half-hearted attempt to justify the importance of CW. But just like the CW requirement around the world is being shot down, so was this thread!

    I was just trying to make you sound intelligent to the rest of the amateur radio community.

    As we all know..., anyone that continues to think that CW should be kept as a requirement for HF phone privledges is about a sane as someone who thinks knowing how to pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time should be a requirement for Amateur Radio.

    You should be thanking me for trying to hide your ignorance from the rest of the world.

    You are all going to look pretty foolish (more than you do now) when the FCC follows suit with the rest of the International Radio Community (IRC) and drops the requirement in February 2006!

    CW guys = "Crazy Whackos"

    You guys like the old technology so much want don't you go out and take this long thread and get a couple of Dixie cups to talk! I am sure any Technician out here can tell you how to set them up and make them work if you can't figure it out! Just make sure you pass the requirement of the head and stomach thing above before you try to "get on the air!"


  15. kd4mxe

    kd4mxe QRZ Member QRZ Page

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