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Morse Code on Tonight Show - Friday, May 13

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, May 14, 2005.

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  1. AA7BQ

    AA7BQ QRZ Founder QRZ HQ Staff QRZ Page

    Friday May 13th, the Tonight Show with Jay Leno will feature a message
    sending/receiving contest between a cell phone text messaging team and a
    morse code team. The morse code team will consist of Chip Margelli, K7JA
    and Ken Miller, K6CTW. The Tonight Show people called the store yesterday
    to see if we could come up with two fast morse operators. Chip and Ken do a
    lot of contests and DXpeditions. Joe Drago, props manager for the show is

    Here's a video clip of the performance:
  2. WD5KCA

    WD5KCA Ham Member QRZ Page

    It will be interesting to see how this contest plays out.

    If the morse is sent directly real time at even a modest speed of 15 wpm or more, it should win easily.

    If the morse is recorded and sent as an audio attachment to a phone message, it will lose.

    I think that they will do the former so I place my bet on morse...I heard it straight from the morse's mouth.
  3. N1MLF

    N1MLF Ham Member QRZ Page

    The CW took it!

    "I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance"
  4. KE4PJW

    KE4PJW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

  5. AB3AW

    AB3AW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Morse code kicks butt!  Way to go guys!  I only wish I was good enough to copy what he was sending! [​IMG]
  6. WL7JJ

    WL7JJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    It was nice, sure surprised everyone on the set.
  7. KY5U

    KY5U Ham Member QRZ Page


    Morse kicked butt and the cell phone goobs were supposed to be the "world's fastest". I am concerned that what Amateur Radio gained by the demo they lost with the dorky outfits. All the same. Great job guys!

    I am glad they told everyone in the audience what the message was so the NCT's could hear too....LOL!!!
  8. N4LFJ

    N4LFJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great stuff! It was great to see amateur radio triumph over the latest technology. And they say the code is dead....

    de N4LFJ
  9. N4WO

    N4WO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I knew the CW would win. It takes time to send text messaging. CW is streight out. I am glad CW won.
    I operate CW 99% of the time and its nice to see ham radio and CW get some media attention.
  10. N5TJD

    N5TJD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I was playing around with some magnets when I heard the morse code. It was sent nice and clean. I personally haven't used code yet in a conversation, but I listen to a few CW conversations from time to time. I understood the word "saved" pretty easily.

    The crowd was betting on the text messaging. My ear especially perked up when one of the guys mentioned the number of year he has been in Amateur Radio.
  11. KE4PJW

    KE4PJW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Something that would be really slick is if you could have buttons on each side of your cellphone to act as a paddle to send text messages via morse. Would make for one hell of an input device.
  12. KG4RUL

    KG4RUL Ham Member QRZ Page

    The one thing that everyone conveniently overlooks is the TOTAL artificiality of this "Contest"!

    If this were truly on a level playing field, the Amateur Operator would have to carry an FT-817 or FT-897 with a portable antenna (perhaps a Miracle Whip?). Then he would have to turn on the radio, tune up the reciever and transmitter and call the receiving station to pass his traffic. The Cell Phone 'Operator' would turn it on and send the message.

    Under those conditions, would it be tha same outcome?

    Dennis [​IMG]
  13. KC0KVU

    KC0KVU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Apparently you seem to be overlooking the fact that its the Tonight Show, home of the Jaywalk All-Stars, not a laboratory.
  14. AL7N

    AL7N Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes, it would...the radios only would have to be set up once.
    After the first message, that wouldn't havae to be done again.


    I've worked with Ken Miller K6CTW a lot over the years handling traffic on both landline Morse wires and CW radio.
    I knew he could handle it.....Haven't met the other operator...yet.....GOOD JOB GUYS!

    AL7N [​IMG]
  15. W1GFH

    W1GFH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Those costumes....what a freak show. Horrifying. I cringed when he said "amateur radio operator". The impression left on millions of viewers: Morse Code = Nerd! [​IMG]
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