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Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Nov 5, 2005.

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  1. M5AEO

    M5AEO Ham Member QRZ Page

    The problem is that the exams in the USA are far too easy. You don't need any knowledge at all, as the questions are published, so you just need a good memory. I have taken the exam examples on the web and passed them with flying colours without any study at all. Get the written exams sorted out, and the CW arguament will go away. The more people we can atract to the hobby, and get them on air the better!

    Jon M5AEO [​IMG]
  2. K5MEL

    K5MEL Ham Member QRZ Page

    And after all, we all get stuck in a life boats every once in a while.
  3. AD0ND

    AD0ND Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Nice to know that I am a dumb idiot because I chose not to learn morse code. Real nice of the OT's to feel this way towards NCT's G-lites, etc... The reson I have not joined HF nor wanted to is because it is already too much like CB IMO. Listen to some of the 75 and 80M traffic, so much foul trash who would want to participate? And who is there? The pro-code OT's. Not to say all are that way who know code, but the NCT license did not generate the mass CB type operators on VHF, it has opened the doors for many quailty operators who, when we have a cb'er key up with their new NCT ticket, gently guide them to correct and proper operating proceedures. If they remain clueless, then they are usually gone soon as no one will talk to them.
    Our club has had an influx of newcomers who start as NCT's. They are good people, and a great asset to our EMCOMM services, as well as other public service events, or just a friendly voice on the ridee home. Some do get the bug to upgrade, thats great, and their own decision. Do the OT's in our club look down on the NCT's? nope. They help those who wish to upgrade, and remain great friends and elmers to the ones who do not.
    Reminds me of the guy who was an extra I met at field day this year. Poor fellow didn't even know how to operate a radio, let alone make a QSO. While that is the exception to the rule, he is becoming a good operator, and even I, an NCT was able to teach him a few things. If it were up to the Know Code or Die guys, we would be minus another operator. Sure, he was a LID, but with time and patientence we have made an operator out of him.
    I only ask the OT's to be patient. Just because I choose not to use one mode on my rig, does not make me any less of a HAM.. we are all HAM's, We all started somewhere at sometime. Although the requirements change, it does not make the license any less valuable or coveted.
    This whole argument is like, you didnt learn to drive a car with a hand crank start, so you shouldn't be allowed to drive.

  4. KN9D

    KN9D Ham Member QRZ Page

    First let me say that I have been licensed since 1972,starting as a Tech and found the 5wpm morse difficult but understood and breezed through the Tech/General written exam. Finally learned 13 wpm because,and only because, that was a requirement of the Advanced licensee.
    The point being many learn Morse only because it is or was a government requirement.The governments of the world have now declared the universal knowledge of Morse code by radio operators useless since EVERYTHING is better if done by microprocessor and satellite.

    Morse should remain a legal mode for all who wish to use it .Morse operators will likely find themselves pushed aside in traffic just as bicyclists are in the U.S. of A. We need to make sure there are adequate "bike paths".

    But having just ONE class of Amateur Radio Operator license may be a mistake. Perhaps we should have a Learner's Permit allowing the usual 100 watt pep output barefoot rig and use only on 80 ,10,2,and 70cm that all entrants must hold for 6 months or a year before being allowed to get the General Class.Learner's class exam would emphasize on air regulations and compliance while General would cover technical issues. Anyone wanting to show code skills could compete at ARRL or other officiated code challenges at hamfests and meetings. [​IMG]
  5. N5USN

    N5USN Ham Member QRZ Page


    gee... 2010 and still a tech!!!

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