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Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Nov 5, 2005.

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  1. kd4mxe

    kd4mxe QRZ Member QRZ Page

    k1mvp- Rene every thing got Here on the same day 11/26/o5 so you will Here from me this comming week , and all of it got here just like you sent it , and thanks it will Be a Big help ,I will start to get up the Parts and when I get them all I will start on it, 73 Bill
  2. N9WWR

    N9WWR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Typical OLD "HFer" cring about the "current , and future crop of techinicians."  You have encountered to much stray RF from your old tube radios, ladder line, and wire antennas.

    Ok lets be serious. We are all hams and we must work together to keep the bands that we have. Yes I'm a Tech and I have no use for the code.
     By the way, I operate on HF. Your thinking how can he? He's only a TECH. I hold a M.A.R.S. Station License. Which supersedes your extra license. [​IMG]

    Everyone have a great holiday and pray for our troops.

    Serving those who served.
    Semper Fi
  3. N2EY

    N2EY Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Of course you can, but that hardly makes Morse Code (the code itself, not the test!) obsolete.

    For example:

    Do automatic transmissions make stick shifts obsolete?
    Do power boats make sailboats obsolete?
    Do calculators make basic arithmetic obsolete?
    Do supermarkets make gardening and hunting obsolete?


    You can buy software that will permit your computer to
    play almost any music ever written. Does that make
    musical instruments and learning to play them obsolete?

    I can. Of course the fact that I built most of them helps...

    73 de Jim, N2EY
  4. KD8CLA

    KD8CLA Ham Member QRZ Page

    "Do calculators make basic arithmetic obsolete?"

    Have you been to a McDonalds lately where the kids behind the register can't even figure out the change without the register telling them how much to give you. [​IMG]
  5. N2EY

    N2EY Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yep, been there, done that.

    But is it a good thing or a bad thing? Our educational
    systems spend billions to teach basic arithmetic - is
    that teaching obsolete because of calculators?

    Does the invention of a machine that can do a task
    make the manual version of that task obsolete?

    73 de Jim, N2EY
  6. kd4mxe

    kd4mxe QRZ Member QRZ Page

    n2ey -sir its according to what machine you are talking about ,back in the old days , we had to pull corn By hand now they have machines to do that ,and the old way I would say is obsolete now if you dont think so , just try pulling it for about a month I think you will change your mind about the machine, doing it Better ,73 Bill
  7. NI4JM

    NI4JM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I could not have said it better myself. Rock on!
  8. KF6IRK

    KF6IRK Ham Member QRZ Page

    If one wants anything bad enough, one earns it (you know ... work for it).

    Earning it provides at least two things:

    1. Pride in the fact that you aquired the valued item by your own perserverence.

    2. Retaining the value of the item for everyone.

    If one takes valued items and just starts giving them away, these items really becomes valueless ... don't they?
  9. k9kro

    k9kro Guest

    I've always wondered how many members ARRS has vs. total number of licensed amateurs? Do they truly represent us. By way of disclosue, I am an ARRL member; but only for QST. It's a great magazine, however I don't think much of the folks in Newington. The quality of QST does outway the meager cost of membership. Oh, the email fowarding is pretty neat as well.. easy to pass it on while on the air.

  10. K4JF

    K4JF Ham Member QRZ Page

    How many members they have is irrelevant in the question of whether or not they represent us. If the positions they take are for the benefit of hams in total (rather than limiting to membership), then they represent us. Since they are the only national organization of hams (as opposed to single-interest groups), then I certainly hope they represent us, and I will use my own vote to push that agenda. Otherwise we have no voice at all.

    And that's a fact.
  11. W5DKD

    W5DKD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, I just spent about 2 hours reading through all of these posts.  I understand the feelings that all of the ones that have pounded their heads against the wall and were 20wpm code efficent, and I admire them for their achievement.  I, myself am a NCT (ewww, nasty words) and am trying to learn code for upgrade and reguardless if the rules throw the 5wpm requirement out, I will still learn the code for the simple fact that it amazes me that you can take a 5 watt transmitter, lunar bounce and talk half away around the world.  As for the worries of the CBers coming in and trashtalking the bands, we as respectable hams can try and just be nice and ask them to clean it up and go from there.  All us us that do hold a valid ticket show an interest in wanting to meet new people, and explore new territories.  So why are we slamming the door and trying to push a possible new ham, or an upgrading ham away just because of a few bad experiences?  Just doesnt seem right.
  12. K7VIN

    K7VIN Guest

    I am a fairly new ham, I got my tech in June and passed my General written in September. I would like to see the code be there for the extra class license. I am studying the code and will probably pass it before the FCC rules in a few months.
     I believe that the FCC should have 2 license groups ,and that is combine the tech and general tests and that gets you on HF. And the Extra test should include the code, advanced digital ,ect. that deal with the advaced and historical portion of our hobby maybe a better name would be the ELMER LICENSE.
       There is no reason people with a ham licence should be denied from getting on HF because of the code requierment.Untill you get the chance to set up your rig and deal with all the hands on challenges and rewards were no different than people with no FCC HAM LICENSE.
      I listen to all the HF bands and you all know not many people even play around with code  anymore, there is only a small percentage that can even send it efectivley at a good speed or even want to. But it is a hobby for some on the air today and should be respected for those that have that special skill and the want to do it.
     And anyone that says that we are going to get alot of nasty disrespectfull people on the air are wrong. If that were the case we would have them in UHF and VHF today and that didn't happen like it has in CB land.And that is because we earned , payed, and don't want to loose our license's.Having people that are nice to talk to is what this great hobby is all about and I have been lucky to have that. 73 to all,
                                       KE7EGZ  VINNY
  13. KE7FEH

    KE7FEH Ham Member QRZ Page

    I don't see why the FCC eliminated the novice class without the re-structuring of the Technician Class privilages and allowing some HF access.
  14. KI6ADA

    KI6ADA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I agree the popularity of new technicians fizzle away after the first year. I enjoy 2 meters only because its an controlled version of Citizen Band. The technology is the same as a cb but with 144mhz vfo. I love the hobby of radio communications. I am currently busy with school and starting a major career change. I will spend more time learning CW after a couple more semesters of school. i will not go out and drop a grand in a new HF rig unless I can use at least all the functions and access to the assigned bands and Frequencies for a Technician. Noticed I said assigned bands and Frequencies. I will continue to love Amateur radio and hopefully someday I can use SSTV beyond my county borders. Have a great day:O
  15. KI6ADA

    KI6ADA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I agree the popularity of new technicians fizzle away after the first year. I enjoy 2 meters only because its an controlled version of Citizen Band. The technology is the same as a cb but with 144mhz vfo. I love the hobby of radio communications. I am currently busy with school and starting a major career change. I will spend more time learning CW after a couple more semesters of school. i will not go out and drop a grand in a new HF rig unless I can use at least all the functions and access to the assigned bands and Frequencies for a Technician. Noticed I said assigned bands and Frequencies. I will continue to love Amateur radio and hopefully someday I can use SSTV beyond my county borders. Have a great day:O
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