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K4M Battle of Kings Mountain + K4Y Battle of Yorktown Special Events

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W4OVT, Sep 17, 2024.

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  1. W4OVT

    W4OVT QRZ Lifetime Member #738 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Hello again Jeremy:
    There were several breech-loading designs upon which Ferguson based his patent, and he acknowledged this fact although few were willing to listen - oh how historians simply much have their heroes!

    One such more original design dates back to Jonabed Holloway, gunmaker to Charles 11 by appointment in 1667.

    A later version was built in 1721 by Frenchman Isaac de la Chaumette. It would be Chaumette's design that Ferguson acknowledged his efforts to make “various improvements” of the existing threaded screw breech design.

    Only an estimated 100 of Ferguson's designs were produced with a smaller number used in the Battle of Brandywine although there is credible claim that at least one Ferguson rifle was at the Battle of Kings Mountain - I strongly believe this to be true and likely more than one.

    Of note, while it is uncertain how many Ferguson rifles were used at Brandywine, it is well documented that (7) seven had failed so severely as to be declared "unrepairable."

    Interestingly, there were accounts of Ferguson rifles that survived the Revolutionary War and were used in the Civil War. But due to Ferguson's defeat and death at Kings Mountain, there was little enthusiasm to continue with the project.

    Suppose it is semantics to say the Ferguson rifle was not invented by Ferguson, it is more correct to state that the concept existed long before Ferguson happened along and he was unsuccessful in his effort to make his rifle standard issue.

    Ferguson's bayonet upfit deserves recognition.

    It would be those razor sharpened blades that many believe were used to repel William Campbell and his VA Militia Sharpshooter's initial charge, twice chased back down the mountain, successful on their third charge no doubt due to Ferguson's divided attention due to the entire mountaintop erupting in enemy fire.

    Of the 28 Militia killed on the day of the battle, an estimated 20 were from Campbell's regiment, again, opinion only, but I believe those men met both bayonet and rifle fire from Ferguson rifles.


    Quoting from the second source in Appendix IV, Richard Keller states:
    " We now know that Ferguson did not “invent” the Ordnance Rifle. He only tried to improve Chaumette’s patent but without success. He has erroneously been given credit for “inventing” the gun for well over 200 years. He tried unsuccessfully to explain this for posterity in his patent paragraph No.1 of page 2, but without success. His death on King’s Mountain secured this myth and it continues today. We can, however, give him full credit for securing the rifles’ place in history. To understand this long standing error , we only need to study his patent." Keller's research is impressive especially his persuasive argument of Ferguson rifles, not only at Kings Mountain, but throughout the Southern Campaign. Keller's claim that Ferguson declined to shoot Washington in the back however lacks evidence but it makes for a great romantic story...that just might be true!

    Marc - W4OVT
  2. W5IED

    W5IED Ham Member QRZ Page

    That is some awesome history! I'm a fairly new Revolutionary War student, as well as a gunsmith, thank you for that knowledge! Are you by any chance familiar with Project Appleseed?
  3. KC8EHR

    KC8EHR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Marc, I'm so thankful that you organize these Special Event Stations. I think it's crucial for the rich history of our County's birth to be taught and shown to everyone. Americans need to see, and be reminded of the true American spirit, and dedication to Freedom and Liberty. I'm looking forward to running the C.W. portions of these Special Events Stations....and Thank you QRZ for Highlighting them.
  4. W5IED

    W5IED Ham Member QRZ Page

    With the devastating results of helene, and the Kings Mt NP being closed, are there changes to this event?
  5. W4OVT

    W4OVT QRZ Lifetime Member #738 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Hi Clint - to you and all of Team K4M - thank you for serving as Volunteer NCS's, in your case Clint, for providing K4M CW Activations.

    Hi Jeremy - first learned about Project Appleseed at the Contemporary Longrifle Association (CLA) show in Lexington, KY - I had a booth presenting the Battle of Kings Mountain and the booth next door had material on the project.

    Re: NPS closures, Kings Mountain, Cowpens and Ninety-Six National Parks are expected to remain closed at least through next Monday.

    Park closure(s) will not have any effect on planned K4M Activations however several of our Volunteer K4M NCS's are recovering from storm related impacts but in the spirit of the Overmountain Men at Kings Mountain, "We Shall Not Fail."

    Writing of Activations, K4M will begin on 10/05 0Z which translates to Friday evening 8PM EDT with at least one Activation on/near 7.195MHz SSB.

    All Activations will be listed real-time at the top of the K4M QRZ Page with frequency/mode detail and spotted on the DXSummit Cluster

    Marc - W4OVT
  6. W4OVT

    W4OVT QRZ Lifetime Member #738 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    The March to Kings Mountain with Epilogue
    Just as we are enduring the sting from Hurricane Helene, in the fall of 1780 as the Patriot Militia trekked for 3 weeks and 300 miles, they were plagued by not just one, but two decaying tropical storms.

    Many recovered diaries included accounts of torrential rains along and bitterly cold temperatures.

    Below is a day-by-day account of the Militia's advance to Kings Mountain:

    • September 30 – The two groups of Overmountain Men ride along separate routes near the Catawba River. They camp at Quaker Meadows, north of present day Morganton, NC, where they are joined by the Wilkes-Surry militia and others. The spirit of the men is lifted as the band of Patriots grows in number.
    • October 1 – The combined army of over 1400 militiamen head south toward Gilbert Town, near present day Rutherfordton, NC, where they expect to engage in battle with Ferguson’s army. Because of heavy rain, the Patriots stop in the late afternoon at Bedford Hill in South Mountain Gap near present day Dysartsville, NC.
    • October 2 – Continuing rain keeps the men in camp this day. The Patriot leaders meet and elect Virginia's William Campbell as their
    • commander.
    • October 3 – The Patriot militiamen prepare for battle and move toward Gilbert Town along Cane Creek, along present day NC Hwy 64. They do not pitch camp; the men sleep on their arms.
    • October 4 – The Patriots arrive in Gilbert Town to find that Ferguson is already gone. The militia leaders send out scouts and continue south to learn if Ferguson is heading for the fort at Ninety-Six (SC) or for Charlotte (NC).
    • October 5 – The Patriots head southwest and camp at Alexander’s Ford on the Green River. They learn from scouts that Ferguson is marching toward Charlotte and the protection of Cornwallis’s army.
    • October 6 – The Patriots ride southeast toward Cowpens and join with militiamen from South Carolina, Georgia and Lincoln Co., NC. They learn that Ferguson is only 35 miles away, encamped at Kings Mountain. The leaders pick the 900 best marksmen and the 900 fastest horses. At 9:00 P.M. these Patriot militiamen ride into the night as a pouring cold rain continues to fall.
    • October 7 – Having ridden through the night and forded the rain swollen Broad River, the Patriot army encircles Kings
    • Mountain at 3:00 pm and in “one heroic hour” captures or kills - including the despised Patrick Ferguson - the entire Loyalist Army. The Patriot losses are small: 28 killed and 62 wounded. The Loyalists suffer more: 150 killed, 150 wounded, some 800 captured. Cornwallis’s left flank is destroyed.
    • Epilogue – With this Patriot victory at Kings Mountain, the British found it harder to muster Loyalists. After subsequent battles at Cowpens and Guilford Courthouse, Cornwallis decided he could not subdue North Carolina.
    • Cornwallis moves into Virginia; just 12 months and 12 days after the Battle of Kings Mountain, surrendering the British forces to the Continental Army under General George Washington, on Oct. 19, 1781 at Yorktown, VA….but did that really signal the end of the war - tune into K4Y Battle of Yorktown to find out…or sneak peak by visiting the K4Y QRZ Page.

    Marc - W4OVT
  7. W4OVT

    W4OVT QRZ Lifetime Member #738 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    2024 K4M Activation #1 set to begin at 0Z / 8PM ET this Friday evening.

    Visit the K4M QRZ for Activation details for this evening and throughout the event which ends Monday at 0Z / 8PM ET.

    We will also be spotting on the DXSummit Cluster.

    Look forward to your Check-in!

    Marc - W4OVT
  8. KK4NAW

    KK4NAW XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Great to work K4M this morning, thanks for the event and looking forward to the last one later this month!
  9. KW4HQ

    KW4HQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    A great net is running on 7.210 SSB on Sunday Night.
  10. W4OVT

    W4OVT QRZ Lifetime Member #738 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Right now, during the 3PM hour, 244 years ago on October 07, 1780 the “Hollerin’ Boys” Patriot Militia charged the mountain surprising British Commander Patrick Ferguson who had declared Laundry Day which led him to be out of uniform, instead wearing a bright red plaid shirt atop his white stallion making him an easy target for the 8 lead shot that would find him.

    His earlier proclamation shouted skyward to the heavens "God and all of His Angels Cannot Drive Me from this Mountain" would prove correct - he is still up there...buried under a pile of rocks and not alone...sonar has confirmed he was buried with one of his two mistresses, both named Virginia, where they lay for all of eternity face to face.

    THANKS to all K4M NCS Volunteers and Check-ins for enduring the adverse band conditions due to the recent Cycle 25 record flare of X9.0.

    In the spirit of the Overmountain Men led by Col. William Campbell as he shouted to his men "We Shall Not Fail" and nor shall we with several K4M Grand Finale Activations planned for this evening.

    Keep checking the K4M QRZ Page for Activation details - we will be listening for your callsign!

    Marc - W4OVT / Team K4M
  11. W4OVT

    W4OVT QRZ Lifetime Member #738 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    A huge THANK YOU to all the Check-ins and Team K4M Volunteers for making the 2024 K4M Battle of Kings Mountain Special Event a resounding success.

    Check-ins plus web impressions totaled more than 13,000 Hams served spanning 23 Countries.

    Onwards to our sixth, and final, K4 event of the year, K4Y - The Battle of Yorktown with emphasis on the "Road From Yorktown" re: the battle's aftermath.

    The K4Y page here on QRZ is ready for your visit with hopes you will participate...remember to announce during your Check-in if you qualify for the Chasing Cornwallis Challenge.

    If you would like to drive a K4Y activation, please send an email to

    Continued thanks to QRZ for the homepage promotion of our events and logbook services.

    We'll be listening for you on October 19-21 re: K4Y - The Battle of Yorktown!

    HIP, HIP, HUZZA!!!

    Marc - W4OVT
  12. AB0TZ

    AB0TZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Marc, on behalf of the Dysart clan and my "Grandfather" Capt. James Dysart, Tnx for putting on these events giving myself and other descendants of Patriots involved to be able to participate in commemorating their sacrifices and commitment to our nation. I also appreciate you sharing your knowledge of these events to help with my desire to find information on this event. Looking forward to your reading list and working K4Y in a few days.. Tnx again.
    73, ABOTZ Glenn
  13. W4OVT

    W4OVT QRZ Lifetime Member #738 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Compatriot Glenn:
    Thank you for your message!

    I expect you are aware there is a Dysartsville, NC named in honor of not one, but two Dysarts who fought at Kings Mountain.

    Should you be interested, there is an incredible living resource on all things Dysart...the self-proclaimed Mayor of Dysartsville, by the name of Albert Dale. I can provide you his phone number if you email a request.

    Your Cpt. James Dysart led a group of Dragoons (horse mounted sharpshooters with swords) under the command of Virginia Col. William Campbell.

    Cpt. Dysart received a severe injury to his left hand likely from the downhill charging Loyalists brandishing their Charleville Muskets with attached bayonets.

    The Patriot Victory at Kings Mountain did not commence as planned.

    The dozen Captains in addition to Col Campbell's men were supposed to surround the mountain and arrive as a unified force placing Ferguson and his Loyalists in a flanking crossfire.

    It is unclear if Campbell and his men arrived early (unlikely) or if the other Militia were delayed (more likelu given the lack of scouting).

    Instead of a circular assault, Campbell encountered the full force of Ferguson's nearly 1,200 men who were ordered to charge.

    Campbell's Militia, the largest number of men by far, were repelled, not once, but twice.
    Of the 28 total Militia killed at Kings Mountain, your Cpt Dysart and Col Campbell would at battle's end count approximately 20 killed.

    Campbell, Dysart and those who could still fight broke through unto the top of the mountain where the other Militia had tardily arrived - it is likely Ferguson realized his impending fate at this moment.

    Of note, James married Nancy Beattie who had (3) three brothers with your James - one of the brothers, John, was killed during the battle. William Beattie was the oldest surviving Patriot of all Campbell's men who fought at Kings Mountain.

    James would earned what was termed back in the day a "invalid pension" not to be confused with a pension lacking validity, rather, invalid in the sense of disabled - he received $10/mo.

    My research includes a photo of the log cabin James and Nancy built naming it "Brook Hall" in honor of a famous estate in their home country of Ireland - here is the photo of both structures:



    Will be listening for your K4Y Check-in - give me a "Dysart HUZZA!!!" so I will instantly know it is you.

    Marc - W4OVT
  14. W4OVT

    W4OVT QRZ Lifetime Member #738 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Greetings Compatriots:

    Pour a cup of your favorite brew - it's storytime!

    The final 2024 “Chasing Cornwallis Challenge” Special Event is nearly upon us!

    On this day, October 16th, 1781, following several days of fighting and failed attempts by British General Charles Cornwallis and his Army to break through the American and French lines, Cornwallis decided the situation was hopeless and asked for a cease-fire.

    Three days later, on October 19th, 1781, Cornwallis surrendered his army of some 8,000 men to General George Washington at Yorktown, giving up any chance of winning the Revolutionary War.

    Now it’s our turn to honor this history.
    Starting this Friday at 0Z/8PM ET, join us throughout the weekend to “Keep the Story Alive” of the Battle of Yorktown which, two years later at the Treaty of Paris, led Great Britain's King George III to finally declare “My Colonies are lost" - some accounts recorded him saying "My beloved Colonies are lost."

    I believe the latter since in all of my research, and contrary to what many American Authors have written, I believe King George III was a "just" King and not tyrannical.

    The Colonies in his view were much like rebellious adolescents who, by analogy, refused to be home at a curfew time, or as it were back in the day, pay taxes.

    King George III wasn't a fighter, he was a lover - after all, bringing 15 children into the world keeps a man busy, even a King...and poor Queen Charlotte! Fascinating stories about their children to include, sadly, three who died before adulthood.

    Kings George III would also be the first Monarch to never fight with his Army in a field of Battle...he was too busy convincing Charlotte she really didn't have a headache. Indelicate fact, they slept in separate beds...but they mostly got along even playing flute duets together - awe.

    For those of you watching the TV series "Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story" please remember it's Hollywood (ok, Netflix) and intended to titillate the viewer into lewd discipleship, history be darned....ok, back to our story.

    In the final analysis, King George III along with his Commanders viewed the wayward third of Colonists (a.k.a. Patriots) as misguided, of need to "get their mind right" ("Cool Hand Luke" movie reference), so, King George III sent over a show of force - and not just any force - REDCOATS - men of the world's most feared and well provisioned Army.

    Beyond the 30 percenters who were Patriots, there was another third who were devout Loyalists...the remaining third, undecided....but after Cornwallis' route of General Gates and his ragtag remnants of the Continental Army at the Battle of Camden, those wishy-washy fence-sitters were declaring as Loyalists in droves from all directions including the tribal warriors and Slaves who had heard the promise of freedom.

    That is why the Battle of Kings Mountain was such a massive Turning Point which we covered earlier this month with the K4M event - btw, that content still appearing on QRZ, thankfully.

    Indeed, the British lacked the "fire in their belly" to wage war against what they essentially viewed as wayward fellow Countrymen....many who had helped Great Britain defeat France in the prior Seven Years War.

    And you may want to sit down for this fact...George Washington was a Lieutenant fighting for the British against the French during the Seven Years War....and, like Washington failed in battle 10 out of 17 times during the Revolutionary War, he lost to the French...the same France that would play an essential role by land and by sea to win at Yorktown - talk about strange bedfellows.

    Really want something to ponder rarely mentioned in history books - King George III was a Globalist - his army had traveled to distant lands racking up victory after victory.

    Had Great Britain won America's War for Independence (that is what the British call our Revolutionary War present day), the Colonies would have become a launch pad for further conquest....and who was left to oppose them?

    France? Nope, already beaten. Spain? Small chance....very small.

    The main threat Great Britain had was from within because they were broke and war weary especially following Yorktown.

    Guess who else was broke and war weary?

    This new kid on the world block called America....and the Canadians better be happy about that fact since a majority of Canada was all-in for their British brethren.

    And on that note, would you be surprised to learn that Canada did not become fully sovereign until 1982 - that was one impressive elastic tether stretching all the way across the Atlantic for 2+ centuries.

    But don't shoot the piano player, I love Canada - you gave us Gordon Lightfoot, the Mckenzie Brothers, one heck of a band called Rush, and one of the ost genius comedians of all time, Norm MacDonald. So if you think I am picking on Canada, "take off Hoser" lol.

    Well, you likely have reached the bottom of your mug so we begin to wrap up storytime with hopes you will visit the K4Y QRZ page to learn more about the aftermath of Yorktown where most history books declare the war was won.

    Some argue that Yorktown was another Turning Point (albeit a giant one) given the second in command, Lord Cornwallis surrendered on behalf of his Colonial Commander Sir Henry Clinton and by proxy King George III whereas neither Clinton nor the King were remotely prepared to believe the shocking news of Cornwallis' unimaginable surrender.

    Should you desire some interesting reading, research the post war letters respite with middle finger-pointing between Cornwallis and Clinton.

    And think of this possibility, given that Cornwallis was one rank below Clinton, so as it was Ferguson on Kings Mountain one rank below fact, most often Ferguson is recorded as Major Patrick Ferguson but his official rank contained a frersh promotion to Lieutenant Colonel.

    What if the (8) eight lead shot had not found Ferguson's chest - would he have surrendered on behalf of the British in the Colonies?

    Far fetched? Yes...for one primary reason, Washington, nor any of his Officers or Continentals were present at King Mountain to grant to terms of surrender - Patriot Militia exclusively defeated the British/Loyalists at Kings Mountain.

    If Ferguson surrendered to anyone it would have been one, or both of his traveling mistresses....both named Virginia (how did he pull that off, wait, don't tell me). Sonar has confirmed that Ferguson is buried face to face with what is believed to be the really upset Virginia....the other Virginia escaped...oh to read her diary!

    You may be wondering what became of Cornwallis and Clinton once returned to England - mostly, they were warmly received with convenient blame hurled at Patrick Ferguson for his bravado-induced defeat at Kings Mountain.

    Lest anyone forgot Sir Henry Clinton's response when asked after the war "How did you manage to lose the war?" with his revealing response:

    "Kings Mountain was the first link in a chain of evils that followed each other in regular succession until they at last ended in the total loss of America."

    Now here is really something to think about...had it not been for the Patriot Militia Victory at Kings Mountain, there would not have been a Battle of Cowpens three months later...period, hard stop.

    And if the British had won at Kings Mountain and there was no Cowpens, there would not have been a Guilford Courthouse...or if there was, Nathanial Greene and his Continentals would have been massacred worse than they it was, most Historians record Guilford Courthouse as a British "pyrrhic" (a.ka. tactical) victory.

    Cornwallis at full force with growing enlistments would have enabled him to succeed with the Southern Campaign arriving in Virginia at fully intact with a swollen Army.

    With Sir Henry Clinton and his main body of British further north....anything in the middle, like, say the French or Washington's disheveled, demoralized, unpaid, smallpox sickened, scurvy suffering, dysentery d-something, among other malady mortified army, well, this historian firmly believes we would be sipping British tea and paying British taxes unto this day.

    "In closing, got word today that a British podcast "ICQ" offered an announcement of the "Chasing Cornwallis Challenge" you can hear by clicking here: - the promotion begins at 1:31:40 - awesome to hear a proper British chap promoting the event!

    Continued thanks to QRZ for the homepage listing of K4M/K4Y which, as of this writing, has garnered over 5,100 views...verily, History and Ham Radio are well matched!

    Combined K4M and K4Y QRZ page views total over 9K with the K4M Log reflecting Check-ins from 22 Countries outside of the US.

    Here's hoping to log your Check-in starting this Friday, 10/18 at 0Z which is 8PM ET and continues until Monday 10/21.

    Due to Hurricane related outages we are a bit thin on K4Y, anyone available to step up for a great cause, message my email listed on my QRZ page and I will reply with a copy of the NCS Guide.

    Thanks for reading and to one and all, a Hearty Hip Hip HUZZA!!!
    Marc - W4OVT/Team K4Y

    PS - Shown above is the final design of the K4Y QSL Card - woohoo!

    PPS - For those of you who have completed the "Chasing Cornwallis Challenge" be sure to share during your Check-in and CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    For the rest of you, there's always next year since rumor has it that Cornwallis may break containment and be back on the run!

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