Joe Dzekevich, K1YOW will be presenting his statistical analysis of CHU signal levels, based on audio recordings made during the recent total solar eclipse in North America. He will discuss this subject on Thursday, 29 August 2024 at 4PM EDT (2000 UTC) via Zoom. The program is open to all with a question-and-answer session to follow. The link can be found here, or on the page (look for the HamSCIENCE telecon link): Meeting ID: 286 316 405 Passcode: hamsci Joe is a retired Reliability Engineering Fellow who has worked for Bell Telephone Labs, Digital Equipment Corporation, Chipcom/3Com and Raytheon. He has always been interested in radio propagation, starting back in 1965 where he subscribed to the CRPL (Central Radio Prediction Lab) Ionospheric Predictions, where one used monthly CRPL prediction maps to chart predicted E-Layer and F-Layer radio paths. He has written for both CQ and QST Magazines about sporadic E propagation, and he was an invited tutorial speaker at the 2021 HamSCI Workshop, presenting his talk Amateur Radio Observations and The Science of Midlatitude Sporadic E. So please plan on attending this interesting and important topic to the amateur radio and ionospheric science community. HamSCI serves as a means for fostering collaboration between professional researchers and amateur radio operators. It assists in developing and maintaining standards and agreements between all people and organizations involved. Its goals are to advance scientific research and understanding through amateur radio activities, encourage the development of modern technologies to support this research and provide educational opportunities for the amateur community and the public. For more information about HamSCI, and to join our mailing list, please visit the HamSCI website. For those unable to attend in person, check back on the HamSCI website shortly following the discussion. ###