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Jim Mullin - W8KKK SK

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K8WLF, Jul 13, 2009.

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  1. K8WLF

    K8WLF Guest

    This past week on Monday afternoon, Jim was taking down a 100' self supporting tower and the associated antennas with it. He had been up the tower two times in the placing of his gin pole, and the removal of the antennas. These trips were around rest breaks and lunch.

    It appears as if he was on his third trip up to re-position his gin pole to start taking apart and down the tower sections. His ground assistant had just finished taking some pictures of the tower and was putting his camera back in his car. As he turned away from the car he heard Jim hit the ground. He did not make any sound on his way down.

    It looks like his safety belt parted at one of the seams, and "Just let go." As of Saturday, his tool pouch and what was left of his belt were still on the tower at about the 98' level.

    There was a very nice Service for him On Saturday, the 11th of July at a small Church in Madison Ohio. Even though I had known Jim for 30 plus years, I learned some other "sides" of him. He was a very generous person even though his wallet was very sparse. He repaired a lot of computers and ham radios for "Next to nothing" for those he knew could not afford having their equipment repaired elsewhere. He also worked very hard at spreading the Gospel of his Lord, and was very good at it.

    Jim was 2 months shy of 70 years old.

    Rest In Peace, ol' friend! We'll all see you at the big ham fest "upstairs".

    de k8wlf
    concord twp oh
  2. N2EVD

    N2EVD Ham Member QRZ Page

    First, my deepest condolences to his family.

    Secondly, at 70 years old he should have had someone younger do the work. We all feel invincable after doing this type of thing over the years.

    I had an experience similar 2 years ago. I was 10 ft off the ground, fell and destroyed my right shoulder and I was 58. I can only think back to the accident and what it did to my family and I. I climbed towers for a living and never got injured on the job. You tend to get complacent and that's when accidents occur.

    Inspecting your Fall Protection Equipment is first and foremost.

    Again, my sympathy to the family.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  3. K8TS

    K8TS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Two Lives Too Many

    Had same accident (type) on field day in a Michigan location. Appears (from what friends have told me) that legs buckled. Sad happining, just proves we have to take all precautions possible.
    Too bad that it took lives
    to remind us of the importance.
    Dale K8TS
  4. W8DEC

    W8DEC Ham Member QRZ Page

    The service for Jim was very nice. I thought it was a wonderful turnout for a great man.

    This one really hit home for me. I only knew him for a few years but I liked talking to him. He was a walking encyclopedia of two way radio. We used to bounce radio/antenna ideas off one another when he came into AES to see me. I just found out at the service that he was a walking Bible. He knew it backwards and forwards ready to witness to anyone in need.

    I also learned that he used to do rock climbing with his sons many years ago. It seems to me this is where he got his "I can do anything mentality".

    Rest in peace, Jim. You will be missed.

  5. W9WRL

    W9WRL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Tower Safty

    Guy this is truly a sad story. I did tower work for many older hams around for sometime, then I stopped while I was ahead. Today I only work on mine. If it's a minor job I climb. If the job is more major I rent a 65 foot lift. Yes it cost money around $600.00 but it's safe. Going to rent one in the next few weeks in order to re-build my main tower that was damaged in storms last summer. I'm also going to add 10ft to one of my other towers. The lift is the only way to go.

  6. NZ4O

    NZ4O Guest

    Spreading The Gospel

    .....He also worked very hard at spreading the Gospel of his Lord, and was very good at it.....

    God called Jim to Heaven on His own personal time table. Jim's soul left his body before it even hit the ground!

    Jim is now in a much better place then the rest of us. You just never know when your time is up so it's imperative to be right with God through Jesus Christ. .

    We have now lost two selfless ham's to tower climbing accidents in recent weeks. I saw a video on You Tube recently. It was a ham (I think) and he scrambled up a tower that appeared to be approximately 60 feet tall.

    He had no climbing belt and one foot slipped as he neared the top. He is some one to stupid to stay alive.
  7. KI4FSZ

    KI4FSZ Ham Member QRZ Page


    very sad, condolences to the family, please alway's check your safety gear....:(
  8. KB3X

    KB3X Guest

    There is no such thing as a "safety belt" in tower work.

    There are positioning belts that must be combined with an OSHA approved fall arrest harness with attached, dual shock absorbing lanyards.

    If you're not using this combination you are risking your life.
  9. N1DVJ

    N1DVJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I agree, mostly.

    The danger lies in thinking that a saftey belt is a primary device instead of your backup. If you start treating your backup as a primary device, what's the backup when the belt fails?
  10. WA1REQ

    WA1REQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I talked to Jim a lot on Echolink and will miss him. He was a kind and helpful man that went out of his way for people.

  11. W4BD

    W4BD Ham Member QRZ Page


    Well OSHA says that you MUST wear a full body harness of the proper size when over 6 FEET off the ground and you MUST have a shock absorbing lanyard attached to the harness and a secure tie off point. I never liked a safety belt anyway because you can smother if you are not pulled up in just a few minutes. Another thing about a belt is if the lanyard ring works around to the front and you fall then you have a back injury if not broken.

    I have a full body harness with double lanyards that I use along with a double ringed safety belt that I use with a 1/2 inch nylon rope to tie off to a tower so I can lean back but I am double tied off and fall protected by my harness. This is just common sense to me. When I am going up or coming down I use one lanyard to move before I unhook the other so I am always tied off.
  12. AI3V

    AI3V Ham Member QRZ Page


    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  13. W8DEC

    W8DEC Ham Member QRZ Page

    TO ALL

    This forum is NOT the place to debate OSHA or their standards. There are plenty of other forums for that type of discussion. Show some respect.

  14. N1DVJ

    N1DVJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Actually, it is. If you post an obit in the news forum, expect it to be treated as news. If you post an obit in the "friends remembered" forum, then expect the appropriate responses.
  15. W8JVN

    W8JVN Ham Member QRZ Page


    i feel very sad for his death ,i knew him for about 3 year and he was a very special person very intelligent always helping everybody .my condolences to his family, god bless you jim from all the ham radio friend 73' rest in peace.
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