Happy New Year! QRZ readers are the friendliest people to look at my humble little newsletter! I am the W5SRA newsletter editor for this year, and I need your opinions and advice! I urgently need something to put in the February newsletter. If you can write to any level I will help you polish up notes to fill my pages. That sounds naughty but it isn't... The theme for this month is Achieve! Because you can. Still away from my beloved Texas, my wife and I are tending sick family and explosive children in hurricane-stricken North Carolina. I might occasionally experience delays. If you enjoy SkyWaves I would enjoy the opportunity to include your photos and maybe stories of your loftiest log entries as our larger QRZ reader base. SkyWaves is the official newsletter of the Sachse Amateur Radio Association. We meet on the second Thursday of every month. You are invited! Download Please enjoy our newsletter. It is very Technician accessible, but for delays I alluded to there is not a kids section this month. Special finds: Radio Quest; the continuing fun self-challenge, how many XP have you gained? CW Corner; explores the notion of detecting signals thru the Earth's core Coding the arduino column reaches part three Build it yourself antenna; 02/40m vertical made cheaply and defeats the HOA Getting on the Club Repeater; busting through the jargon The conclusion to the Ham Radio Christmas short story; Thibodeaux's buddy Dan faces a dam crashing down on him. Surprises ensue. Download the January SkyWaves newsletter, now published in a magazine format. Click here to download or copy this link into your browser's address bar: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1kTsxgHCLg6aFMpKgA9GnsKNpR0I07wvf Show me your RadioQuest cards! There is one in every newsletter. How far have you been able to progress? Happy New Year and keep having fun! KG5WHQ
Thank you for posting HAPPY New Year 73 from, The K0UO " Rhombic Antenna Farm" miles of wire in the Air & On the AIR daily
I am happy to. I have certainly got the bug. K0UO, there is so much happening on your page--could I get you to write a few paragraphs for me? newslettereditor@sachseradio.org 73, KG5WHQ
FWIW, on the antenna recipe, I still haven't been able to get a good reading on the SWR I want--either my NanoVNA is in a bad mood or it is an imaginary reading. The resonance is working for my QRP rig.
You should not be out taking selfies with your ham radio in this weather! It's dangerous! It's idiotic! And please send your photo to me https://x.com/RadioEngineOnX/status/1877400869865439235