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Is it just me or does anyone else think contesters are out of control

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by KE0CGB, Sep 27, 2015.

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  1. K5TRI

    K5TRI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    It's very simple. As soon as the calling station finishes you jump. You snooze, you loose. For RTTY I have the auto CQ set for 2 seconds, for CW even shorter.
    When running it can take sometimes a bit to get a response depending on conditions etc.

    And yes, propagation is usually all over sudden very good during a contest (Salmon Run was an exception with abysmal conditions especially on Sunday).
    Last weekend just had a steady stream early in the morning on 40m of JAs and VKs (5 - 7 am) and then the Europeans started to come in on 40m just to continue the whole thing on 20m and 15m :). I worked 120 countries from 80m down to 10m during the 25 hours I operated. Pretty good for lousy conditions :).

    73 Mike K5TRI
  2. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Same here Mike... worked E6GG on both 80m CW and 40m CW with my Salmon Run portable rig... G5RV up 35' or so, 100W - WOW!! I NEVER work real DX on those bands, much less portable!! Conditions were really weird that weekend.

    And yes, that Sunday just SUCKED for conditions. Packed it in at 12:30 and headed home from Shelton.

    But still, it was a good run - I hope to win Mason County but we'll see...

  3. K5TRI

    K5TRI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    All the best. I worked you a couple times. Looking at I still hold the #1 slot for SOCW HP :). Let's see if it remains that way.

  4. KC9UDX

    KC9UDX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Most people actually type "at" faster than they can type "@".
  5. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Awesome Mike!! Fingers crossed you hold the top CW score... I'll be happy just to win Mason SO Mixed. I don't bother with 3830 so won't know until the official scores come out.

  6. KJ4TX

    KJ4TX Ham Member QRZ Page

    I had the exact opposite problem... I was trying to tune in the RTTY signals on my Icom 7600 and just as I was about tuned in they would drop their signal. I'd wait a little bit for them to start up again and they didn't so I'd move to the next signal I saw on my scope and the one I left would pop up and the one I turned to would drop. Kind of like playing the hit the gopher on the head game. :D I also only saw them down in the lower left side of the band, very few up in the SSB portion. But then us West coaster hams are a lot more polite and considerate than those back East... Yep, we are, honest. ;)

  7. N0YPD

    N0YPD Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Omg. Someone complains about qrm when contest are on the air and you contesters become the ones full of hate with all the name calling. I am sorry to say this but grow up.
  8. WG7X

    WG7X Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Interesting stuff... Sometimes.

    Anti-contest rants here are a long standing tradition. Thanks to QRZ dot com and other websites that offer a platform for rants of various types.

    All-in-all though, ranting aside, contests have been with ham radio since the very beginning. Having a handy platform to protest is not going to change the fact
    that contests have been and are now very popular and will remain so despite the on-line protests.

    Using logic to argue against feelings is a losing proposition. Feelings are emotional by definition and no amount of logic will change feelings.

    So, anti-contest rants will continue to be posted here after every major contest, just like summer changes into fall and the contest season begins...

    I some times wonder what it must be like to scan thru the bands on an average week day when the ham radio population consists mostly of the retired or mostly retired
    folk who have nothing to do and nowhere to go. How many QSO's do they actually have every day and with whom?

    Mostly other retired folks... With nothing to do and nowhere to go.

    Like it or not, that is our demographic. Radio is no longer leading edge or interesting to younger folks. Of course that, like most opinions is a generalization and worth just as much as the next fellows, so rant on, you old farts!

    Gives me something to read on Monday afternoons. I would read this stuff on Monday mornings, but unlike you retired OF's I have to go to work in the morning!
  9. K5TRI

    K5TRI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Awwww you are so cool. Calling others out and telling them to grow up. If I would be like that when grown up I rather don't. Thanks for the advice though. Now please show me the hate.
    W7UUU likes this.
  10. KC9UDX

    KC9UDX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    No I'm not and so are you-oo.
  11. AI2SS

    AI2SS Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm made of rubber and you're made of glue -___-
  12. KV6O

    KV6O Ham Member QRZ Page

    Too many notes, Mozart, too many notes. :rolleyes:

    AA9SD likes this.

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