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HOA's Take Aim at Our Hobby!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WA2SQQ, Aug 14, 2015.

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  1. N9LYA

    N9LYA Ham Member QRZ Page

    HOA's have NO POWER OVER ME.. I never lived in an HOA . Ever
    My Home bought in 1996 never had an HOA or Ordinance or Restriction of any kind. When I asked the Realtor if there were any or any reason I could not errect my Antenna Farm. She said I do not think so.. I said FIND OUT . I want it in writing. Knowing I expected nothing. I did the leg Work. I knew there was no HOA ... I checked with the City, County and State Governments all three were nice enough to send letters and my Deed Even States no Restrictions of an antenna nature...

    Do you home work do not buy into a HOA.. They will tell you so much shit you will think you rent....
    What color your house has to be, Grass must be so so...
    If you really need to be told what to do.. Forget Your Antenna... and just buy into a dictatorship.

    And remember you live in a HOA or Restircted area... You agreed to the terms. Do you home work and finmd a goos stealth Antenna and hope for the best..

    73 Jerry N9LYA
    Sorry... but if you signed the papers how can you cry foul..
  2. WB2WIK

    WB2WIK Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Depends on the papers.

    I'm not in an HOA either, and have no deed restrictions. But I've purchased CC&R properties in HOAs before and "the papers" are an Offer, then a Sales Agreement, then a Settlement Agreement. If the sales and settlement agreements do not mention land use restrictions or joining an HOA, you may have "signed the papers," but that doesn't mean you agreed to anything that wasn't presented.

    And, it happens.

    The recourse is to sue the seller, and if he had legal counsel, the lawyer; and if the selling agent misrepresented the property, then the agent also. It's happened, and cases have been won.

    But it's a huge inconvenience; most people don't buy a home hoping they'll be suing someone and then moving again.

    The very fact that sellers sometimes go out of their way to NOT disclose these things is very telling.
    N9LYA likes this.
  3. WB2KSP

    WB2KSP Ham Member QRZ Page

    I also worked North Korea years ago but it was disallowed because the station was in the Spanish embassy operating as portable P5 . Such is life. So with all of that are you suggesting that you worked all of these stations from your present HOA antenna restricted neighborhood? Did you work these stations before incentive licensing? I'm just curious so that the readers can get all of the answers on how you worked 353 entities from an antenna restricted neighborhood with a general class license. Father Moran died about 22 years ago by the way. If you worked the vast majority of these entities many years ago, prior to all of today's restrictions, I'd say its a bit disingenuous for you to take such an anti outdoor antenna stand against others who would like their chance to enjoy the use of their license as you have. These kind of statements fall under the, I got mine, now screw you category. Thank goodness for QRZ so I will know what neighborhoods to avoid when I retire.
  4. K1VSK

    K1VSK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Cherry picking Internet citations proves nothing as we have already seen. Why you think it's acceptable to interfere in how others chose to live remains and that silence is telling.

    Simply stated, except in very limited and uncommon mortgage cases, in rem actions are reserved exclusively to the courts. If anyone really had any evidence HOAs have independent foreclose authority, they would have shown it already.

    If you want to stop trying to divert from the real problem of some people trying to intercede in the lives of others, let me know. The issue of foreclosure is a transparent obfuscation.
  5. AI0K

    AI0K Ham Member QRZ Page

    Those were three MAJOR events which occurred. They are by no means the ONLY events. And yes, I pointed out one outside the United States to show ham radio is important in other countries, also.

    And yes, I am for the government forcing them to make REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS to allow me to help the community. And when a disaster hits the community and all other communications are out, where do you think they will turn?

    Portable and/or mobile do not have the same coverage as a good base station. And why do you say they would be "more reliable"? I have a 7KW generator here which can run much of my house (including my ham station). My antennas are up and operational; I can get on the air at any time. And even if they do come down, I'm still in better shape then if I had to go to some other location with my "go-kit".

    Emergency communications a major justification for ham radio and our bands. Even the director of FEMA recognizes our importance. It is a responsibility many hams take seriously. And then there are a few like you who think they have no responsibility. Yes, I'm ashamed to be associated with you.
  6. AI0K

    AI0K Ham Member QRZ Page

    Who said it was all about emcomm? Not I. I said that is ONE of the important parts of emcomm. But since you want so bring it back to that - there's a lot you can't do on VHF/UHF. Many times over the years I've handled traffic in and out of disaster areas on HF - because VHF/UHF just didn't hack it.

    No, this isn't ONLY about having fun. But you're good at twisting other's words. How ashamed I am of even being associated with you.
  7. K4KWH

    K4KWH Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'll tell ya what. In this crazy day and age, if someone had a house that was fully paid for and someone "foreclosed" and sold it out from the owner? WOW! Its possible that the owner might go crazy and blow some HOA nazi away! I've seen some cases on the news where a home WAS sold because of some non-payment or non-compliance. One on the local news was an elderly lady who was in rehab care and unable to respond. This is heartless and does not allow for extenuating circumstances. And if someone DID beat the H*ll out of some little HOA nazi for it, I'm afraid I would approve!:confused: But you're right, best to do what I (and others did). Stay away from HOA's. Me, It'd only get me in trouble! LOL!:)
  8. WB2WIK

    WB2WIK Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    See Post #639 on the last page.

    Or, listen to this from NPR. Very true story, and there are many like it:

    Note names and locations are clearly given. Call them and see how they're doing.:)
  9. WA7PRC

    WA7PRC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Last edited: Sep 15, 2015
  10. K4JDH

    K4JDH Ham Member QRZ Page

    You are not supposed to speak about alternatives to HOA living on this forum!

    HOAs are evil. I read somewhere that they abduct innocent people and force them to sign documents that prohibit amateur antennas.;)
    K1VSK likes this.
  11. K1VSK

    K1VSK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Putting aside all the peripheral irrelevant criticisms, we all know why some hams hate HOAs despite their transparent attempts to hide their true motives. If not for their compelling need to have obtrusive antennas as though their life depends on it, they wouldn't bother complaining.

    What is most telling is the absence of complaints from the hams who actually live in HOA communities.
  12. WB2KSP

    WB2KSP Ham Member QRZ Page

    My parents live in a HOA neighborhood. They enjoy it. Of course they are not ham radio operators. By the way, you didn't answer any of my questions. I'll add one more, why don't you feel that a compromise is a good thing? The people complaining about the no antennas rule are those who don't live in HOA controlled neighborhoods and are finding it nearly impossible to move into a new home that isn't controlled by associations. Due to that problem our ability to both move to a new home and enjoy our lives is severely limited. Perhaps there are others who could help you. What is it about reasonable alternative that you don't understand?
  13. W5KGP

    W5KGP Ham Member QRZ Page

    I just want to voice my opinion on this:

    I live in a HOA- Not by choice. I'm not 18 yet.
    But they are the devil-child of my life. Between their children, and their "rules", esp. those that restrict Hams. But where there is will, there is way. I hope to be a General class license, possibly getting a qrp setup soon, and I want to put a Titan up- but I need to hide it.

    Beyond that- Other people in the area have these antennas- both tv and Hams, and even CB! Nothing done...

    Also- Has anybody heard about progress with HR 1301?

  14. K1VSK

    K1VSK Ham Member QRZ Page

    You never answered what I consider to be the fundamental question here. Absent you doing so, it appears you prefer to 'do as I say, not as I do'.

    Collateral question - do you really intend to imply you can't "enjoy your life" without obtrusive inanimate objects like antennas?
  15. WB2KSP

    WB2KSP Ham Member QRZ Page

    That is a silly question. Yes, I can enjoy life. I am not one dimensional but my ham license is very important to me and ham radio will play a major part in my retirement plans. I am on my way to becoming a lifetime member of the ARRL (which should happen by the middle of January of next year). Your anti antenna comments are striking, especially coming from a fellow ham op. I'm sure you have a passion for something (outside of having an endless debate). What if someone were to tell you that you can't pursue that interest? Or that in retirement you had to move 100 miles from anywhere to pursue that interest. It's a silly argument. No one who supports this bill want to live next to you. We only want realistic options and as of now we don't have any. Believe it or not many of us have spouses and their needs are also important to us. So, you don't like the look of our antennas. What if someone said, I don't like the look of you or your family so you have to live elsewhere. How would you feel if such restrictions were put on you? Maybe it's also time for you to compromise. Now, I answered your question, how about your answering mine?
    KB3ZYN likes this.
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