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High-Risk DXpedition to Burkina Faso: James KB2FMH at XT2MD

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, Jan 25, 2025.

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  1. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    James Gallo, KB2FMH, is no stranger to adventure, but his recent DXpedition to Burkina Faso might just take the cake. A retired New York City plumber with a flair for storytelling and a passion for ham radio, James recounts an expedition marked by danger, diplomacy, and a healthy dose of camaraderie. From navigating military barricades and armed escorts to having their equipment confiscated by local authorities, James and his team faced challenges most operators would only read about.

    The United States government warned against travel to Burkina Faso—a country classified as a Level 4 red zone due to threats of terrorism and violence. But for James and his international team, the lure of activating XT2MD and making history outweighed the risks. What they didn’t expect? A visit from plainclothes special police and a three-day shutdown of their operations.

    Enter the President’s uncle, clad in royal garb, whose unexpected intervention turned the tide. With his influence and connections, James and his team retrieved their confiscated gear and resumed their work, ultimately logging an impressive 76,000 QSOs.

    This is a story of perseverance, shared humanity, and the power of amateur radio to bridge even the most unlikely divides. Join us as James brings his trademark humor and vivid storytelling to an unforgettable adventure.

    Don’t miss this incredible conversation—and be sure to subscribe to W1DED Worldwide Ham Radio for more stories from the world of ham radio!
    N4FZ, K2ZMM, K0BZ and 3 others like this.
  2. 7L2CDG

    7L2CDG Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank you for being brave enough to take on this dangerous expedition.And I am very grateful to have been given this precious new one.May people all over the world live peaceful and harmonious lives...And I'm looking forward to the next expedition.
    AI7KI, K2ZMM, IC8WIC and 3 others like this.
  3. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    A KEY component of amateur radio is its wordwide association with international friendship and goodwill.

    Oftentimes this is manifest in DXpeditions. James and team are and were stellar ambasadors that show ham radio at its best!
    AI7KI, K2ZMM, AE8EM and 4 others like this.
  4. N4DBY

    N4DBY XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I too would like to thank you and your team for doing this, since I was fortunate enough to get Burkina Faso in my log! The interview was great and I appreciate my contacts with XT2MD even more, knowing what you all went through. Thanks!
    K2ZMM, 7L2CDG, W1DED and 1 other person like this.
  5. KB2FMH

    KB2FMH Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Despite the unique challenges and apparent risks we were very happy to offer a new one or band fills to all in the log.
    I wonder where we'll end up next!
    AI7KI, K2ZMM, 7L2CDG and 2 others like this.
  6. KR3DX

    KR3DX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great video James, excellent description of what your team experienced while trying to give other hams contacts with a rare entity. Hopefully this will help some operators to appreciate the sacrifices that others make so they can put that rare one in their logbook. Maybe some of them won't be so quick to blame the operators for things that are beyond the DXpedition's control. Glad that everything worked out and you all returned home safely.
    K2ZMM, 7L2CDG and W1DED like this.
  7. WB2WIK

    WB2WIK Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    A great expedition would be to C0NEY Island, it's not far from you and they have great rides and hot dogs!:)

    It's high up on the "most wanted" list for us roller coaster enthusiasts.
    K2ZMM, 7L2CDG, W1DED and 1 other person like this.
  8. KR3DX

    KR3DX Ham Member QRZ Page

    I agree! He could start a new category of activations - APOTA - Amusement Parks On The Air
    K2ZMM, 7L2CDG and W1DED like this.
  9. KB2FMH

    KB2FMH Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks Dennis,

    I have another video with Kevin about that - what it takes to make them happen - because most all just curse and fight the pileup, eventually get their Q and move on to the next, never really knowing what we did to get to the place they so desperately want or "Need"! Basically, it ain't easy, is what we discussed. My first adventure to a far-away land required two 7 hour flights and 40 hours on a ship in the Bering Sea, roughest water on the planet, just to get to the destination island to set up a tent encampment at the base of a volcano that was smoking. Then the complaints that we're not on some bands enough, or their mode of choice on the band the have an antenna for, and a myriad of other nonsense by the armchair quarterbacks. That one was about 13K out of My pocket while folks then bitch if we ask a lousy $3 for a card.

    But, we do it for our own fun too so I can't complain.
    AI7KI, K2ZMM, AE8EM and 3 others like this.
  10. KB2FMH

    KB2FMH Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Ha! I'd rather go back to Burkina than Coney Island for an overnight - the folks taking the equipment will not be giving it back. I do enjoy some Nathan's though.
    K2ZMM, 7L2CDG, W1DED and 1 other person like this.
  11. KB2FMH

    KB2FMH Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Giving someone a new entity is the reason we do these things Kame. Sure we have a good time but the real goal is offer an ATNO opportunity to those who need it.

    Overall the people there were very nice in spite of the conditions in which they live in daily.
    K2ZMM, W1DED, KR3DX and 1 other person like this.
  12. 7L2CDG

    7L2CDG Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi James.That's right. You guys make the pursuers' dreams come true, and we are the ones who enjoy the amateur radio.
    I think it was a great experience meeting the local people.
    See you on the air. I hope my little pistol reaches you...
    AI7KI, K2ZMM and W1DED like this.
  13. F8FUA

    F8FUA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hi ,
    Thank you very much James and Kevin for the great video .
    We lived there for 3 years so we perfectly understand the problems encountered .
    Best 73'
    Al XT2BR ( F8FUA ) , Dom XT2BS ( F1PWF )
    AI7KI, K2ZMM, W1DED and 1 other person like this.
  14. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

  15. K0BZ

    K0BZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Great storyteller James! As Kevin mentioned... felt I was there with you. Know from experience exactly what you were feeling at wheels up on departure. Kevin... thanks for doing this interview with James.
    K2ZMM and W1DED like this.

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