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HamLink 1.0a TO BE RELEASED 1 JULY 2002

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by vk2isp, May 15, 2002.

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  1. vk2isp

    vk2isp Ham Member QRZ Page


    HamLink is an integrated suite of VoIP software for the linking of amateur radio repeaters, links and PC users.

    The suite, which comprises of two major components, will be released on 1 July 2002 to amateur radio operators.

    HamLink is a PC client offering features not found in other similar products:

    * Easy Operations - Our well laid out screen makes HamLink easy to operate.
    * Superb Audio Quality - Our audio is virtually indistinguishable from any regular QSO.
    * UDP Protocol - Stateless protocol allows for better voice transport.
    * Multi Threading - Allows for faster processing and better timing.
    * RFMedia Streaming - Plays professional broadcasts by amateur radio news providers.
    * VoiceQSP - Users will never miss a contact with our voicemail system.
    * NetDirect QST - Latest product information is always at hand with our direct QST service.
    * Auto Upgrades - Free upgrades for life, done automatically by HamLink.
    * Intelligent User Browser – Locate repeaters, links or users in seconds. View information before making the QSO.
    * Privacy respect – Software prompts as to whether a QSO may be established or not.
    * NetFile – Transfer files between HamLink clients.
    * NetMessage – Industry leading text-messaging facility.
    * Switchable VOX and PTT control – For those times your hands are unavailable.

    RFLink is a PC server version offering:

    * Easy Operations - Our well laid out screen makes RFLink easy to operate.
    * Superb Audio Quality - Our audio is virtually indistinguishable from any regular QSO.
    * Security - Sysop, Technician and Manager codes provide multiple access levels.
    * UDP Protocol - Stateless protocol allows for better voice transport.
    * Multi Threading - Allows for faster processing and better timing.
    * Link Courtesy - RFLink monitors on-air activity and will NOT override any QSO.
    * ID & Information Messages - User specified ID and Information messages and timers allow for RFLink to operate the way you like it.
    * Built-in Message Recorder - Record greeting and information messages right from RFLink. No need for a painful conversion process.
    * RFMedia Streaming - Plays professional broadcasts by amateur radio news providers.
    * VoiceQSP - Users will never miss a contact with our voicemail system.
    * RFRecorder - Record audio off the air for archival or later playback.
    * NetDirect QST - Latest product information is always at hand with our direct QST service.
    * Auto Upgrades - Free upgrades for life, done automatically by RFLink.
    * Compatibility - RFLink is fully compatible with the WB2REM and VA3TO hardware interfaces.
    * RFLink Remote - Windows CGI allowing you full control of RFLink via the Web.

    The HamLink suite of VoIP software has been in development since June 2001 and is the only system offering these unique features.
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