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Guard Book

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by LU4EHF, Jan 31, 2025.

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  1. LU4EHF

    LU4EHF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Open source software
    Code released
    Name: Guard Book
    Platform: windows 7, Windows 10 and flia win
    It is installed in C:\libro\libro .db the loaded data.
    Add, edit, delete and search functions.
    Simple and effective.
    Written in C++
    Latest version: 31.05.2025

    Software open source
    Código liberado

    Nombre: Libro de Guardia
    Plataforma: windows 7, windows 10 y flia win

    Se instala en C:\libro\libro.db los datos cargados.
    Funciones de agregar, editar, borrar y buscar.
    Sencillo y eficaz.
    Escrito en C++
    Última versión: 31.05.2025

    Download >>>
    LU4EHF 73 1738333719263.jpg

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