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gridsquare info missing in database

Discussion in 'QRZ XML Logbook Data' started by OE9SHV, Jun 7, 2012.

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  1. OE9SHV

    OE9SHV Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I have recently subscribed for the callsign database downloads service for offline use. Unfortunately the information field <Gridsquare></Gridsquare> is empty in the download version. I only get gridsquare information online via XML subscription.
    As I need the information offline (HAM radio operation in places without internet access) this subscription is not offering the data I expected.

    Can anyone please let me know if there is a current problem with missing gridsquare data in the download package, or do you not provide gridsquare information with this service?

    Thanx for clarification

    73 de Harry, HB0HS
  2. K2DSL

    K2DSL Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page


    I'm not affiliated with but saw your post. If you to and click on the File Format Specifications page, you go to which lists out the fields (about halfway down) that are included in the download. Gris square is not one of them. If the spec is up to date and reflects the current data, only the fields listed on that page would be in the download.

    K2DSL - David
  3. OE9SHV

    OE9SHV Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Dear David,
    thx for your feedback.

    It's obviously my fault. I expected the complete data offline similar to online xml-subscripton for logging but did not check, if that is fact.
    I would highly appreciate that offline bought data have same details available as online data. I never would have subscribed and paid for the data just for addresses without Locatorgrids as it is important for me to know distance and direction....

    Hoping, that is adding locatordata for the download in the near future....which - at least I assume would be of interest for many of us.
    73 de Harry
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