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FT8 – Tipping Point for Ham Radio?

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KD5FGE, Nov 21, 2018.

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  1. NN4RH

    NN4RH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Actually, most FT8 users are older, long-time licensed hams. It's not a "young people" thing at all.
    N6HCM, WA4BCS and SE3X like this.
  2. KY5U

    KY5U Ham Member QRZ Page

    And people wonder why they are going out of business.
  3. WA6MHZ

    WA6MHZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Even I am active on FT-8. 50 yrs in Ham Radio and it has come down to Computers working Computers. Well, it counts, just not as "sporting" as SSB/CW and RTTY contacts where CONSIDERABLE EFFORT is required to Log a QSO.

    But I do it anyway, cuz thats where EVERYONE IS!!! and if I want to log QSOs, I better be on FT-8. Actually getting pretty good at it, made several more QSOs while the Chili was cooking.

    There still is DESPERATE need for a book called "FT-8 FOR DUMMIES!!" so I can figure out all the quirks and tricks in it. But I am filling my log book. OH yes, I log all contacts in my paper log. Haven't figured out this fancy logging feature with it. FT-8 contacts are just for fun! I still do all my SERIOUS DXING on SSB/CW/RTTY!
    No idea how to do the LOTW part of it!!!
  4. AG1K

    AG1K Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've been licensed less than a year but I started out on FT8. I've logged over 1000 QSO's in that mode and a couple in JT65. I recently started with SSB and I'm still working on trying to get a RTTY QSO. FT8 is OK but I'm bored with it. I'll still use it depending on band conditions, but it's repetitive.
  5. W4WFL

    W4WFL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Shirley, you have put my feelings into words better than I could. I do like some digital, only if I can ragchew but after running FT8 and receiving 59s from all over the world with no skill, I would soon be bored. I am not against progress but some of these modes serve almost no purpose. I have been around since 1972 and I miss the skill needed to operate but I also love an Olivia/Contestia/PSK qso.
    N3AB likes this.
  6. W4WFL

    W4WFL Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm glad you love it but I just can't understand why? To me it really is not amateur radio. I can use Whatsapp on my iphone and talk to anyone I want in the world and that is not ham radio either, same with DMR, D-Star and etc. I just don't get it. Happy 73.
    N3AB likes this.
  7. WA4BCS

    WA4BCS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Do you use LOTW? What is your logging program? In WSJTX under settings you can check a box to prompt if you want to log the QSO. I use Winlog32 and when i QRT I go to it and have it upload to LOTW. Not difficult--2 key clicks.
  8. VA3VF

    VA3VF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Internet dependent modes, either totally or partially, are different than RF only modes. It's fair to dislike how the FT8 payload is assembled and processed, but not how it's carried. The 'radio' in amateur radio is still present in FT8.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
    KV6O and WA4BCS like this.
  9. KV6O

    KV6O Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, one thing is clear. There are a lot of grumpy old men in this hobby.
    N0NEV and WA4BCS like this.
  10. WJ4U

    WJ4U Ham Member QRZ Page

  11. VA3VF

    VA3VF Ham Member QRZ Page

    N0NEV likes this.
  12. VK5DWC

    VK5DWC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Amateur radio is by definition, a hobby in radio communications. I fail to see what the appeal of FT8 is, where a complete "QSO" being reduced to a single mouse click, where there is zero communication between operators, and even less mental effort required. My computer was able to make a "QSO" for me, while I was watching the news. All it required from me, was a mouse click to initiate the process. The computer did the rest, and even said 73 for me.
    What is the operator's name ? You have to look up his call sign on QRZ for find out, that's if he/she is registered with QRZ. Where is the exchange of ideas ? Where is the knowing what the other party's working conditions are ? Where is the challenge of being able to work that weak signal ? Where is the thought process ? FT8 removes all of that. If modes like FT8 are the future of amateur radio, then we are not going to attract any new people to the hobby, and it will ultimately spell the death of the hobby. I am seeing less and less SSB DX activity on the airwaves now, and that is not all down to the band conditions, because there is plenty happening on FT8. It concerns me greatly how FT8 is turning intelligent radio amateurs, who had to study hard to get their licence, into a bunch of brain dead radio zombies, who have either forgotten how to, or become too lazy to communicate. If FT8 is the future of amateur radio, then I have very little incentive to renew my licence, because to me, the amateur radio experience is more than a simple mouse click. I treasure my neurons.
    AJ2I likes this.
  13. W4FID

    W4FID XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    It's a facet of ham radio. Like all the other modes some choose it some don't. It is still better if you have understanding of propagation, time zones, how to maximize your radio's capabilities. It is a minimalist QSO, true. You acknowledge their call and they acknowledge yours. You exchange signal reports. You exchange locations (true you have to "translate" a grid square into a place). How many DX SSB QSOs or contest exchanges ("real" ham radio to many) are more than that? 40 years ago I had mechanical RTTY at the peak of a sun cycle. That was great. Actual conversations with DX stations. Repurposed old stuff. Lots of tinkering to keep it and the rig working. Today I still use a bug for CW and run QRP some to keep my operating skills sharp and to enjoy minimalist stuff when I travel. Everything has a place and way to enjoy.
    N0NEV likes this.
  14. KC2TE

    KC2TE Ham Member QRZ Page

    If you want to become a robot not a ham then use ft8.. on my behalf i'm not to become a robot.
  15. WB2DHY

    WB2DHY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Maybe, when band conditions show a great improvement, as we surely hope, there will be a great migration from FT8 to other modes. I'm a old time CW person! But I must say , it's still a thrill to get a signal from my east coast USA antenna to one as far away as Asia and receive a reply, however brief it is. My only complaint is FT8 operators now rudely and with no manners completing their FT8 QSOs without the traditional, polite, and proper "73" closing. I know of some Hams now refusing to log such QSO's, with the exception: Moon bounce, meteor scatter, rare DX-peditions - Fox & Hound. Grid Chasers should include 73! No excuses! The technology is fantastic and should be embraced.

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