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Freewheelers Amateur Radio Net.

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by KB7TBT, Mar 19, 2008.

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  1. KB7TBT

    KB7TBT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Our net meets on 3.916 Mhz Sun-Fri from 10:30PM to 12:30AM Central. The net was established by and continues in memory of Ken Odom, W4FCW(SK). The Freewheeler's is Rated G...No politics, religion or crude language or jokes. We're all about comradery and enjoying the Ham Radio Hobby! And we're proud to be a net that WELCOMES all new Hams to our ranks.

    Freewheeler's Net Control Schedule:
    Sunday: W9DJF/Dan
    Monday: BT/KE5HLT
    Tuesday: Billy/WA4YPN
    Wednesday: Jimmy/KC0MQS [Freewheeler's Administrator]
    Thursday: Bill/KI4BIY
    Friday: Jim/K9VDO.
    Saturday Nights: Join us at 10:30 PM (Central) for the Saturday Night 'Free-For-All'.

    Web Moderator: Pete/KE5GGY.

  2. KW8YL

    KW8YL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Freewheelers Net

    I have checked into this net a few times, what a great group of people. Kim N8FY
  3. ae5eh

    ae5eh Guest

  4. K9FON

    K9FON Guest

    I check into this net every night if i can. A great bunch of people.:D
  5. KC4UYI

    KC4UYI Ham Member QRZ Page


    FOUND THE NET TONIGHT AND THINK I WILL ENJOY THIS GROUP. The rules seem to be the same as mine. '73

  6. KC4UYI

    KC4UYI Ham Member QRZ Page


    My thanks to Tom and Keith for introducing me to the net. I plan on making more new friends in the near future.
  7. KC5PSD

    KC5PSD Ham Member QRZ Page


    Yes it a good group of People on the freewheeler net
  8. K5SHY/SK2023

    K5SHY/SK2023 Ham Member QRZ Page

    Group is to hard to get into/////?????

    i don't understand why it is so hard to check into the tailgaters or freewheelers .
    lots of nights I try but never heard. :(
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