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fldigi version is available with SCAMP

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by KW4TI, May 24, 2024.

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  1. KW4TI

    KW4TI Ham Member QRZ Page

    SCAMP is a new digital protocol that was created for the RFBitBanger radio. It specializes in achieving reliable alphanumeric communication with very simple hardware, but it also can communicate with SNR low as -18 dB (as referenced to 2500 Hz bandwidth).

    There is now a version of fldigi that includes SCAMP. You can find it at

    This version is interoperable with the RFBitBanger and supports all six RFBitBanger modes.

    The RFBitBanger is no longer required to experiment with this mode, so I encourage all to try it.

    KO4CEE, N3HFS, N3LHQ and 3 others like this.
  2. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for sharing this and the link!
  3. KO4CEE

    KO4CEE Ham Member QRZ Page

    I tested this with one of my other QRP rigs into dummy loads on the bench and the RFBitBanger and they communicate mostly as expected. The only weirdness was the RFBitBanger doesn't seem to print anything for \r, so if you press Enter while sending in FLDigi, two words show up together without any space on the LCD.

    Looks easy enough to patch receive_character() to handle it. There's already a special case for backspace \b.

    It'd be cool to come up with a "watering hole" of sorts for this mode, like how the PSK* modes have xx.070 and FT8 is on xx.074 on most bands. That way folks have an easier time finding each other.
  4. FK8IH

    FK8IH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Can we download executable or must we compile?
  5. KO4CEE

    KO4CEE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Until this stuff gets merged upstream and into a release, you'll probably need to build it yourself to use the new modes.
  6. KF8RM

    KF8RM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I h
    I have the latest version of FLdigi and it does not have any "SKAMP" mode on it.
  7. KW4TI

    KW4TI Ham Member QRZ Page

    It has not been merged into the main line. We are still working on testing it. We have compiled versions for Windows available if you want to be sent one.
    KO4CEE likes this.

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