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FLDigi not uploading from QRZ, error blank, May 2017

Discussion in 'QRZ XML Logbook Data' started by KD8M, May 18, 2017.

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  1. KD8M

    KD8M XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I just subscribed to's lookup service.

    I use FLDigi 4.04, and the web lookup was wonderful, so I thought I should subscribe.

    Nothing uploads.

    Message in the note field says "QRZ error notice: "

    That is it. Nothing else.

    I cleared cookies and cache. I took out my login information and put it back in. I checked my login information by logging in by typing my call and password. I shut everything down and restarted.

    Nothing is working. Is this a farce?
  2. KD8M

    KD8M XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I got this answer from support:

    The only problem is, I am still getting an error from!

    Attached Files:

  3. KD8M

    KD8M XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Has anyone else received a blank error message in their notes, and resolved it? Ideas? Buhler? Buhler????
  4. KJ4YQK

    KJ4YQK Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    No problem here with Fldigi or the N3FJP log.
  5. WJ4U

    WJ4U Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've seen that message on occasion. Seems to be an issue with my ISP as I have trouble with other websites around the same timeframe.
  6. N6QIC

    N6QIC Ham Member QRZ Page


    Last edited: May 18, 2017
  7. KD8M

    KD8M XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank you for the thought, Lisa. The web browser lookup works just fine as is - w/o https.

    I subscribed because I wanted QRZ to populate my fields, as it says at about 16:15 in your video.

    I like that has international call signs. But if it doesn't return the data, nor returns a sensible error, it is worthless.
    N6QIC likes this.
  8. KD8M

    KD8M XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Since support sent me a canned message, and since then has totally ignored my ticket, I troubleshot.

    The bottom line? Their query system configuration SUCKS and is NOT in line with their password system!!!

    I have strong passwords. Y'know, the ones with capitals and small letters and numbers and SPECIAL CHARACTERS!??!??

    Yeah. I had a pound sign. AKA a hash tag. Once I removed the special character, it worked fine.

    It is not rocket surgery to place and ADVERTISE a password policy that can also be used to log into the database!
    N6QIC and (deleted member) like this.
  9. NZ4E

    NZ4E XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I just ran into this issue today trying to use fldigi with my subscription service. One step further than KD8M's discovery is that if you use special characters in your password, you need to "URL Encode" them first, then save that encoded sequence as your password in fldigi instead. I used the free tool at For instance, if your password is !QAZ@WSX , first use the URL encode tool to convert it to %21QAZ%40WSX and use that as your QRZ password in fldigi. DE KN6IQB

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