Happy February to all! Once again, thanks for all the great feedback on the January issue (and prior issues) of The Logger's Bark, the newsletter & magazine of W7DK, The Radio Club of Tacoma! You can read about the club at www.W7DK.org and if you're ever in Tacoma, WA on a Saturday, the club holds open house almost every Saturday from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and all are welcome. Full details at the link. In this month's February 2025 issue of The Logger's Bark magazine: Lighthouses on The Air? Here's how it all works The RST System: Describes What S-Meters Cannot! New: zBitx All-Mode QRP Transceiver only $149 LampTenna II: NAQP CW Results using a LAMP as an antenna The Story of a Homebrew Straight Key - with plans Talkie-Tooter: A Logger's Radio Lifeline in the Woods New Hams: All About Grid Squares and how they work And a whole bunch more - photos, tips, tricks, blurbs, puzzles, all about amateur radio and NEVER any ads! Download February 2025 issue of The Logger's Bark HERE: >>>>>>>> https://static.qrz.com/w7dk/February2025-QRZ.pdf IMPORTANT: Be sure to actually download it to read - if you merely use Preview mode, the external links won't work! Also, to open a link, "Right Click" > "Open in New Tab". The software I use unfortunately doesn't support "targeted links"... unless you right click, you will leave the document. Here's a lower res version for slower connections: https://static.qrz.com/w7dk/February2025-QRZ-compressed.pdf Dave W7UUU Editor/Publisher [image below is static - the links won't work - download with the link above]
Great magazine thanks for making this every month It's nice to see all the different topics y'all put in there much better than QST IMO
Lamptenna-- I guess Dave saw the light Just stay out of the nearfield as much as possible when power over 10 wattss;-)
A wonderful pub. If you could saturate/brighten the yellows in the engulfed-by-the-tree ARRL diamond, it'd pop just that extra little bit.
The image from the web pool of images is indeed a little flat. I don't like to manipulate "intellectual property" and copyrighted images. Next issue I'll see if I can find a more vibrant one that's authorized for use (ALL "ARRL materials" in The Bark are used with permission). Dave W7UUU
Bonjour, Et encore une fois merci cher Monsieur pour cette excellente revue. Très interressant l'article sur les Phares* d'autant que sur la radio dans ma region je suis surnommé les Sémaphore* de Ballan-Miré et que mon logo APRS (JN07HI) est un phare * : Phare maritime / Sémaphore = LightHouse Meilleures amitiés Pascal F4LPH Sémaphore BMI (BMI = Ballan-MIré ma ville en abrégé) Google translate : Hello, And once again thank you dear Sir for this excellent review. Very interesting the article on the Lighthouses* especially since on the radio in my region I am nicknamed the Semaphore* of Ballan-Miré and that my APRS logo (JN07HI) is a lighthouse *: Maritime lighthouse / Semaphore = LightHouse Best regards Pascal F4LPH Semaphore BMI (BMI = Ballan - MI ré my city in short)
Just finished reading Lighthouses On The Air. Sanibel Island lighthouse is less than 90 mins from me! Very informative article. The Frugal Ham is my next read. Ronnie NZ4X
Loved the article on lighthouses. Our club, Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club, operates from the Fire Island Lighthouse yearly on ILLW International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend. It is one of our most popular events. It is also an Historical site, a pota site and I believe is a WWFF site as well. Again, great article. Steve
Nice issue, I especially liked the old photo of k7gpk on page 70 along with his pet parakeet on his shoulder.