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FCC Report and Order Posted on New Rules

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Dec 19, 2006.

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  1. AA7BQ

    AA7BQ QRZ Founder QRZ HQ Staff QRZ Page

  2. K7FD

    K7FD Subscriber QRZ Page

    Don't forget abt straight key night!

    73 K7FD
  3. KC8ZGW

    KC8ZGW Ham Member QRZ Page

    When? I want to be a part!
  4. KE7JFA

    KE7JFA Guest


    I knew this whole code thing would make babies out of all the old farts.
  5. N7YA

    N7YA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I knew Fred couldnt resist posting another code guy.

    I wonder how many posts this one will get up to...600? 700? who knows. I need a forum based website, i wonder what kind of numbers it generates with adclicks.
  6. K6BTM

    K6BTM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just like little children crying at the checkout stand for candy. Mommy (FCC) caves in and a lesson is learned. [​IMG]
    Next time cry that the multiple guess test is tooooo hard and just hand out the candy (Amateur radio licenses). [​IMG]
  7. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thirty days from three weeks from now. Probably about Valentines day.
  8. N6KZB

    N6KZB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Oh boy a third forum thread about the same subject, how wonderful. Does QRZ get paid for keyboard  clicks, hi.

    Ok, now to ensure many more QRZ forum pages are created............

    "No Special Advantage to Retaining the Morse Requirement

    In today's R&O, the FCC cast aside arguments that Morse ability is advantageous in emergency communication situations. "The Commission previously addressed the essence of this argument and concluded that most emergency communication today is performed using voice, data, or video techniques," the FCC said. The Commission also turned away assertions that retaining a Morse code requirement would help in keeping out the bad apples.

    "The record is devoid of a demonstrated nexus between Morse code proficiency and on-the-air conduct," the FCC observed. "As a result, we concur with the observation that 'maintaining the code requirement does not purge Amateur Radio of bad operators. Education and self-policing does.'"

    The Commission further reiterated its belief that the ability to demonstrate increased Morse code proficiency doesn't necessarily indicate an applicant's ability to contribute to the advancement of the radio art. "A number of commenters agree that the Morse code requirement 'keeps individuals that would enhance the hobby from getting a license,' and that there is 'no relationship between an individual's knowledge of Morse code and that individual's knowledge of radio regulations and practices and skills necessary to operate an amateur station.'"

    So well put !! Another myth put to bed !! [​IMG]
  9. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Troll-on, buddy.  El zapato es su nombre.

    It helps Fred's 'hit count' that he uses to justify what he charges for ad space.

    At least with eHam, you don't have to put up with obnoxious Avitars.....
  10. W4CBJ

    W4CBJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nice going guys. Keep the Morse code controversy alive and well. I understand there is a Morse code program for computers that you can send and receive. Tell Microsoft and others that we want a keyer module built into new computers to make up for our loss on the air. KEEP IT GOING !   73   Joe  W4CBJ
  11. N1ZW

    N1ZW Ham Member QRZ Page

    CW or no CW it doen not matter iether way. what does it matter if another ham uses it or not really? I myself like but, it does not mean i prefer it over another mode or that i am a ace at it because let me say I am far from being the ace I wish I was at CW. I know some folks that can sit all day and pund the keys or paddles all day and thru the night, and that is just super. It does not mean they are any better at doing other modes. Each of us has our own thing we like doing in this hobby. That's right hobby just like flying model airplanes and or flying kites. Building kits , and building antennas , even radios for some of those hams that understand things better or are more educated in areas of electronics. It is one thing to say we need to CW when even most the worlds militarys have not used it in years.

    For those of us that like doing the CW then we can keep on doing it, Know said we can do it. Since the FCC has decided to go along with the rest of the world, that now makes them the enemy? I would think not. I see many new hams getting more interested in the more updated versions of commnications. Most the digital modes are great modes and lot's of fun too. We need the hobby to continue to grow and that means we need new blood and younger brains more open to new ideas. With things like the internet and cell phones and sats all over the earths orbit why is it such a big debate all the time.

    Just do what you like doing and let the new hams do the same. it all falls sown to one thnig in the end and that is doing what it takes to keep this hobby interesting enough to get younger people into and off the streets, out of gangs, and back into schools. Keeping our kids educated and intrested in something is hard enough with discouraging them about a mode very few want to use. Just my own thoughts....:blues:
  12. KB5DRJ

    KB5DRJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Here we go again! [​IMG] [​IMG]
  13. K8MHZ

    K8MHZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, here are the results of the dropping of the test so how news travels.

    I am aware of 8 people that are now interested in getting their ham licenses and only so because of the dropping of the code impediment.  7 broadcast engineers (one a chief engineer for a network station) and an engineering professor at the University of California, Irvine.

    So far I know of NO CB'ers that suddenly want to be hams.

    It appears to me that the FCC did the right thing.
  14. K8MHZ

    K8MHZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    No, just obnoxious posters and a lack of moderation.

    QRZ is far superior to eHam in many respects.
  15. W5TTP

    W5TTP Ham Member QRZ Page

    I was down under on the old 27 megaband and there is a lot of talk about gittin the ticket to expand up from 27 megapops. The boyz are thrilled at the prospect of gittin in da 20 megapop pileups.
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