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Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, May 18, 2006.

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  1. WA4GCH

    WA4GCH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yep ugly goes all the way to the BONES ......
  2. KY4XF

    KY4XF Ham Member QRZ Page

    I will just have to make certain that I do my research so that I can build a solid and stable unit. I hope that I can find some good CW on 6.
  3. WA4GCH

    WA4GCH Ham Member QRZ Page

    In the last year i MIGHT have heard ONE CW station lots of luck ......
  4. WA4DOU

    WA4DOU Ham Member QRZ Page

    And what is the significance of the fact that in the past year WA4GCH admits to only hearing 1 cw station on 6 meters? None, since the majority of stations on 6 meters wouldn't know a cw signal if it bit them on the rear end.

    I've only been on 6 meters, perhaps a total of a dozen hours in the past year, yet I've observed possibly as many as 20 cw signals in that time. There's a moral to this story. Can you figure it out?
  5. N2MMM

    N2MMM Ham Member QRZ Page

    If you hear a CW signal on 6 metersand have the ability to reply, do so. Furthermore, even if you don't hear anyone, CQ on 6 anyway and get the word out about what you are doing. chances are someone will eventually hear you and you can QSO.
  6. WA9SVD

    WA9SVD Ham Member QRZ Page

    And just WHO will be qualified to "grade" such a test?

    Remember, it's the VE's and VEC's who choose the answer pool, er, I mean question pool, already. So WHO will be qualified to grade an essay exam for Amateur licensure? (Without further degrading the whole system.)
  7. WA4GCH

    WA4GCH Ham Member QRZ Page

    "12 hours 20 stations"
    HOW MANY SSB STATIONS? I've sent out in the last year 400 cards and one on AM .... HERE BESIDE THE CW JAMMER  one station .... on 50.105 and a while back another on 50.070.even during contests it is not common to hear any CW on 6 ...

    My station is set up for AM/FM/CW as well as SSB and if i can't hear them not much chance anyone around here will either
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest


    Forget 6 meters. Go ahead and pass your code test so you can get on the low bands and play with the big boys.

    73 es GL, Mike
  9. WA4GCH

    WA4GCH Ham Member QRZ Page

  10. NL7W

    NL7W Ham Member QRZ Page

    Personally, I don't believe GCH's VFOs seldom visit spectrum below 50.100 MHz. It's highly unlikely he monitors or cares about the beacons or CW ops down the band. Actually, he has said so at one point in the recent past; he hates CW.

    BTW, wait for the new sunspot cycle to peak, you'll see six meters filled to the brim with CW ops -- myself included.

    It just happens to be a good majority of us are interested in F2 prop on the band, with an occasional smattering of auroral-E and meteor-scatter CW ops thrown in for good measure.

    When the 6M band comes alive again, you'll find the skilled ops will be back with a vengence. Meanwhile, I second the HF ops and code aspirations someone else mentioned.

    Good luck, Chris!

  11. WA4GCH

    WA4GCH Ham Member QRZ Page

    "Actually, he has said so at one point in the recent past; he hates CW"

    HATES CW ....? ....... sorry but I spent $300 on CW filters in the last 5 years ....... JUST IN CASE I SHOULD WANT TO USE CW .... as for below 50.100 I lissen down there when ever the band is open along with 50.400 for AM  WHICH I WILL USE.

    Next week is the VHF contest if 6 is open ill keep count if ANY cw stations are there

    BTW, wait for the new sunspot cycle to peak, you'll see six meters filled to the brim with CW ops -- myself included."
    You meen yourself only ......

    6 like any band A good operator dosn't need peak cycle band conditions .. and still works stations in bad ones.
  12. KY5U

    KY5U Ham Member QRZ Page

    ...along with the 300 bucks you spent on your Harvard class ring?

    I'll meet you on 6m tonight at 7pm for 15 minutes and I'll be there every day for a week. Now you give me $10 for every night you can't contact me. You don't need good band conditions, right?
  13. WA4GCH

    WA4GCH Ham Member QRZ Page

    "I'll meet you on 6m tonight at 7pm for 15 minutes and I'll be there every day for a week. Now you give me $10 for every night you can't contact me.  You don't need good band conditions, right? "

    Not what I said .....  you know damn well that the better stations are there good or bad and they will find stations to work. As for your comment 50.125 ill be on this weekend  ...the next door cordless phone or not .... just look inbetween all thoes CW stations ...... they will be all over the band .... And let me know how your DX-CC works on 6  ........

    YOU CAN LISSEN on 50.020 FM and IF you have a good vertical you can hear the SIXERS net we have checkins from all over when there is any kind of openings at all

    along with the 300 bucks you spent on your Harvard class ring?

    No Sorry but I went to a good school called HARD KNOCKS .... my ring came from a cracker jacks box and says buck rogers ...
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Apparently they don't teach spelling there!
  15. WA4GCH

    WA4GCH Ham Member QRZ Page

    while you were posting this i saw that and corrected it ....

    and no i don't get paided to spell only keep things working

    Are you going to be on 6 this weekend? you too can look for me under all the big guns ..... 50.125 USB .....
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