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Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Oct 11, 2006.

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  1. AA7BQ

    AA7BQ QRZ Founder QRZ HQ Staff QRZ Page

    The FCC has this week issued a number of rule changes that affect the Amateur Radio Service.  A synopsis of these changes is included below, along with a link to the full text of the Report and Order.


    In this R&O, we amend the Part 97 Amateur Radio Service rules4 as follows:  
    [*]Revise the operating privileges5 of amateur radio operators to allow more spectrum in
    four currently-authorized amateur service HF bands to be used for voice
    [*]Permit auxiliary stations to transmit on additional amateur service bands;
    <LI>Permit amateur stations to transmit spread spectrum communications on the 1.25
    meter (m) band;
    <LI>Permit amateur stations to retransmit communications from the International Space
    <LI>Permit amateur service licensees to designate the amateur radio club to receive their
    call sign in memoriam;
    <LI>Prohibit an applicant from filing more than one application for a specific vanity call
    <LI>Pliminate certain restrictions on equipment manufacturers that are no longer
    <LI>Permit amateur radio stations operating in Alaska and surrounding waters more
    flexibility in providing emergency communications; and  
    <LI>Remove certain restrictions in the amateur service license examination system that are
    no longer necessary.
    For the full text of this report, please click on the link below:
  2. NN3W

    NN3W Ham Member QRZ Page

    As mentioned in the other thread, this is NOT effective yet, and won't be until 30 days after its published in the Federal Register.

    I'm guessing publication probably next Monday. So, November 15 may be the effective date.
  3. W6ECE

    W6ECE Ham Member QRZ Page

    I did not find where CW Testing was eliminated.
    It must be in there some where! [​IMG]
  4. NN3W

    NN3W Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thats part of a separate docket that has yet to be decided.
  5. W4KHR

    W4KHR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, they didn't eliminate the code requirement. I thought sure that would be in there. All in all I don't see any problems with it. Unless I'm overlooking something, which I'm sure one of you will bring to my attention. 73...KR
  6. AC3P

    AC3P Ham Member QRZ Page

    Seems to me if that if dropping the code was still in play it wouldn't make sense to.....

    Never mind. That's the government. [​IMG]
  7. N0IU

    N0IU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Wow, what a leap! How will increasing the phone privileges by just a few KHz increase anyone's communication or technical skills? If amateurs do not have adequate incentive to upgrade now, I can not see how these very small slices of phone privileges will make any difference.

    So we needed to give them greater incentive because... ?

    Scott NØIU
  8. KR1ST

    KR1ST Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    This may have some interesting consequences for for the Regulation by Bandwidth (RM-11306) and the Spread Spectrum Proposal (RM-11325). The latter is virtually wiped off the table it seems ('cept for the addition of the 220 MHz segment).

    The ARRL spin docters are prolly writing an article on how this is a great victory of the ARRL.

    --Alex KR1ST
  9. N2RJ

    N2RJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    So does this mean more tokyo supa hi powaaaa?
  10. W8VIJ

    W8VIJ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    If you would have gotten busy on the code two years ago you would be on HF now.  Keep waisting time and you will stay where you're at! Oh by the way, the solar cycle will be improving soon and you know what that means don't you? It means great HF contacts that you will miss because of the excuses you have made not to learn code! [​IMG]
  11. KE4PJW

    KE4PJW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Guess that happens when you run a websever called "BubbaSoft Server" on Slow-aris 8 [​IMG]
  12. KE4PJW

    KE4PJW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Uh, that's just stupid.
  13. N9VO

    N9VO XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    One thing of interest if I read it correctly. They are changing how credit is given for previous cw exams. Why would they even address this if they were going to do away with code anytime soon. If this is any indication, code is going to be around for a while, but it is the government!
  14. KB3LIX/SK2023

    KB3LIX/SK2023 Ham Member QRZ Page

    There must be a typo here, that's not the way I read the R & O.
    I didn't see anything about getting phone between 7.075 and 7.100.If it's there,


    Sans split !
  15. NN3W

    NN3W Ham Member QRZ Page

    ITU Region 1 and Region 3 only - its note 11 in the righthand column.
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